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The I Hate Anime Thread

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:35
by Leigh
<inserts tongue squarely into cheek and dons troublemaker hat>

Seriously, what's up with all the anime fanaticism these days?

When I was a kid, anime and manga comics were the passtimes of goths and comic book nerds, yet these days it's everywhere.

Personally I think anime is a total load of absolute bollocks. The animation is usually pretty crap, the stories are often non-sensical, the jokes are rubbish, the characters annoying... I could go on and on.



I am not trying to start a flamewar here, so you can leave your "LOLZ!!11 But anime R teh coolz0rz, n00b LOLZZZ!!!111" comments elsewhere. This isn't a thread for you to rant at me about how anime is cool - I genuinely want to know if there are other people here who think anime is crap.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:36
by Y0da
*Slowly raises hand*

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:45
by GreyWolf
well leigh, if you check out the anime pic hread you will realize why anime is popular among the male gender. ;)

However I think you are being a bit harsh. If you watch the good anime movies (Ghost in the shell / Akira / Ninja scroll) you will find that the art and animation is quite good actually. I know the stories might seem nonsensical, but thats because of the english translation. try look past that, get into a japanese frame of mind if you will. you might start to like it.

I do hate some manga. namely those crap TV shows called Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:47
by Leigh
GreyWolf wrote:(Ghost in the shell / Akira / Ninja scroll)
Seen all three and hated all three. I really disagree about the animation being good - the movement is jerky and more often than not they're just long series of static poses on moving backgrounds.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:48
by Y0da
Anime is for stupid people. :twisted: *Me ducks*

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 10:58
by GreyWolf
Leigh wrote:
GreyWolf wrote:(Ghost in the shell / Akira / Ninja scroll)
Seen all three and hated all three. I really disagree about the animation being good - the movement is jerky and more often than not they're just long series of static poses on moving backgrounds.
really? you didn't like those? thats a first I must say. you didn't even like the action sequences from ghost in the shell? come on you must admit those were good.

I know what youy mean about the static shots with moving backgrounds but thats the style, you know suspence...

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:00
by Basipooh
*raises hand* :twisted:

anime is overated and overused.
CGI and clay'mation rulez

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:05
by Y0da
I suppose we can discuss all things non anime animated here? Anyone ever seen 'King of the hill'? That was such a funny cartoon.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:11
by Ark
I hate all anime and manga, except for Dragonball Z. That is an exception. :)

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:13
by Kronos
Thank the Invisible Pink Unicorn (bless her holy hooves)!!!

I thought I was the only one who hates Animé!!!

It's the worst thing since women who don't shave their ... uhm... back on topic....

@Wolf, If I want to see great action sequences, I watch the matrix.
And if I want to see skimpy clad girls (REAL GIRLS), then... Well, that's another story. But the point is, Animé is (or should be) for Japanese kids. I don't want to get in a japanese frame of mind. My South African Frame of mind serves me well.

@Y0da, don't be afraid. I'll be on guard.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:27
by GreyWolf
Kronos, well said, but the matrix is nothing but a live action manga. I have no doubt in my mind that its where the inspiration came from. In fact Matrix is exact copy of ghost in the shell.

Now I'm not sayin you should like it, but you have to respect it.

On the topic of the scantly clad girls I agree with you to a certain extent. Howver animated females have one big advantage. they do not have biology or gravity or physics or any other science hindering their shape. In other words they are drawn to represent the ultimate woman according to the twisted mind of the viewer.

Anyway... I suppose this is one of thos pointless arguments about taste. So I will now quit justifying/explaining, and you may hate on if you so wish...


Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:35
by capanno
I hate anime aswell. Maybe we should start an 'anime haters club' or something. ;)

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:40
by Rikkelz
I must ask to join this hateing anime group. They are cartoons and I really think that the story lines are terrible... (At the risk of generalising a bit, they are) Mostly its just cliche hero/save me/i'm bigger than you storys - that really really doesn't appeal to me. I find it hard to believe the number of adults that are fans of this type of story!

But I suppose each to his own... And by the way I much prefer looking at real women rather than a drawing... How do you find a cartoon attractive?

Glad you brought up the topic Leigh...

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:43
by Y0da
GreyWolf wrote:Now I'm not sayin you should like it, but you have to respect it.
It's hard to do the one without the other. I for one will never like it because I don't get it. No really, I don't. It's not funny, entertaining or well drawn. Yes i know it conforms to a certain style and that's quite all right. Everyone has different ideas of style.

To give you an example. Every now and again my little nephew will insist that I watch Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z or whatever the flavour of the month is and I do so to please him. But I hate every minute of it. I'm always wishing I was somewhere else doing something else. I even downloaded some episodes of other anime series to see if I may be missing something. Nothing. It does nothing for me.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:45
by StarPhoenix
<erm> I'm stuck on the fence.......I enjoyed watching Robotech Series on television purely for the hi-tech mecha.....the "human aspect" didn't appeal to me.

I have not watched any anime or manga since then,
so cannot comment on contemporary material.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:46
by Sojourn
*raises hand*

I dont "hate" anime per se, as it's easily avoidable. What grinds me up is that some 15y old kiddie is killing bandwidth that could have been used better.


Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:47
by Y0da
And we all know how you love anime trading at lans, ay Sojourn? :lol:

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:50
by Anakha56
:lol: i was wondering how long this would take to come up...

time to give my 2c...

i mildy like the action packed anime but i would definitly be drawn to it alot more if the animation was better. you can definitly get better animation watching cartoon network :roll: the action scenes are good granted. another flaw is i want to watch the cartoon not read subtitles, i find i miss half of the scene and words...

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:56
by Y0da
Cartoon Network! :inlove:

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 11:58
by Kronos
Sojourn wrote:*raises hand*

I dont "hate" anime per se, as it's easily avoidable. What grinds me up is that some 15y old kiddie is killing bandwidth that could have been used better.

Exactlly. We could be downloading p_orn with that bandwidth... :lol:

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 12:00
by Y0da
Keep talking, it's getting interesting...;)

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 12:25
by daBoss
OMG :o
Yoda u funny!
erm i dunno what to say!

Speaking in General
if u didnt watch Anime as a Kid,
Then u were born a Grownup!
today i still wish i could watch Robotech on TV etc.etc.

also everything has to be drawn before it takes shape,
or at least i think so!
Gaming starts with drawings & ideas!
and then everything takes shape
i dunno anymore!
I just Love It & im a Die Hard Fanatic!

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 12:29
by Nuke
Just have to say something here :wink: If people hate anime I dont care, its not like it make a diffrence to me.
For those that say the graphics are bad, have you seen Advent Children? The animation is just as good en imo even better than movies like Shrek, Iceage etc(No Im not saying I hate Shrek and Iceage, both are extremely good) :wink:

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 12:32
by Sojourn
Y0da wrote:Cartoon Network! :inlove:
Rather tie me to the couch and make watch Fasion TV. :P


Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 12:34
by DEeRaY
Kronos wrote:
Sojourn wrote:*raises hand*

I dont "hate" anime per se, as it's easily avoidable. What grinds me up is that some 15y old kiddie is killing bandwidth that could have been used better.

Exactlly. We could be downloading p_orn with that bandwidth... :lol:
Yeah! lol... Ive tried to watch it, but its really not so cool.... What was it ah.. Ghost in the Shell, Fell alsleep on three differnt occations... It just bored me to sleep

I betcha i wont fall asleep with 2 nedkid ladies on my TV
Sojourn wrote:
Y0da wrote:Cartoon Network! :inlove:
Rather tie me to the couch and make watch Fasion TV. :P

FTV kicks bottom.... I stick that on everynight before i goto bed and listen to sweet chill music and see some lovelies