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Elfen Lied

Posted: 28 Oct 2005, 22:02
by Nuke
Elfen Lied just need its own topic. Both Rayne and I are big fans of the series. Who else watched it? What did you think(except that it was desturbing)? And very importent, what did you think the ending mean?(plz tell people before posting spoilers)

The diclonius, otherwise known as a two-horned human, are mutants of the human species, may well be the next step in human evolution. The diclonius have horns and strong telekinetic powers represented by "arms". However with this great power, they can easily destroy the human race. Fearful of their power, humans quarantined the diclonius into secret research facilities to study. However, in a freak accident, a enraged female diclonius escaped, killing many guards in the process. Interesting enough, the female escapee appears to have suffered amnesia after her escape and floated to Yuigahama of Kamakura city. There, she meets two people named Kouta and Yuka, who name the female diclonius "Nyuu", and decide that they all should live together.

Posted: 28 Oct 2005, 22:47
by Off-The-Chart
Nuke, have you finished it yet? I just finished Tenjou and that was a bit disappointing for me... If it doesn't end like Tenjou's then I'll give it a go and then I can post my views here...

Posted: 28 Oct 2005, 22:57
by Nuke
Yup finnish its quite a while ago. No doesnt end like tenjho. Tenjou still needs an end. But give it a go, I dont think you'll be disepointed.

Posted: 28 Oct 2005, 23:23
by amock
i remember someone saying in the general anime thread that the violence is justified by the dark story tone. looking at the anime again i think this is true. even though it does display some of the most brutal violence i've seen in an anime, my compasion remains intact for the creatures partisipating in these acts (can't remember the main bad/good split personality chicks names) .

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:17
by Rayne
Yeah that was me.

Definately worth a watch if your a non-sensitive viewer - grusome gore and full-on nudity aplenty in this anime.

The story is more sad than it is brutal. Episode 5 has a quite disturbing child-molestation scene, with little Maya down on all fours. Though it's not explicit it is disturbing.

I would have loved for the DVD to have a extra insert explaining more detail, like Chrono Crusade, where they explain the timepiece, characters profiles, weapons, etc on every volume.

All it has is the clean original opening and ending and character galleries, well at least there's a few sketches of Lucy in the nude wearing that helmet...

It's a real pity the manga aint available in English.

In the manga Lucy dies

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:22
by Rayne
Oh ja I forgot...

Can someone please tell me what's with the title, Elfen Lied?

Elfen Leet / Elve Song

Because they aint Elve's.

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:34
by jee
The title probably comes from the German song Elfenlied ("Elf Song") by Eduard Mörike. Eduard Mörike Ludwigsburg, September 8, 1804 – June 4, 1875 in Stuttgartwas a German (A soulful or amorous idealist) romantic (A writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)) poet.

English translation :

At night in the village the watchman cried "Eleven!"
A very small elf was asleep in the wood -
just at eleven! -
And he thinks that the nightingale
must have called him by name from the valley,
or Silpelit might have sent for him.

So the elf rubs his eyes,
comes out of his snail-shell house,
and is like a drunken man,
his nap was not finished;
and he hobbles down, tip tap,
through the hazel wood into the valley,
slips right up to the wall;
there sits the glow-worm, light on light.

"What are those bright windows?
There must be a wedding inside;
the little people are sitting at the feast,
and dancing about in the ballroom.
So I'll just take a peep in!"

Shame! he hits his head on hard stone!
Well, elf, had enough, have you?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!


Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:40
by Rayne
Yip saw that.

But still doesn't fit the plot.

Except for the fact that it's wise to steer clear of Nyu when she bumped her head, but that's about it.

EDIT : @ jee - you watched it yet?

What do you think?

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:47
by jee
I'm busy watching.. it has a certain charm... but then, one of the reasons that i truely like anime is that there are so many underlying storylines... I will give my honest opnion when i'm finished with the series.

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 09:50
by Rayne

Posted: 29 Oct 2005, 20:29
by Nuke
Neither that intro song or the name really have anything to do with the story. Yes the intro song is very good but the words dont really fit the series.

Ps in looking forward to jee's views, maybe she sees something us men missed.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 08:05
by Kher-za
i got the sense that Lucy/Nyuu was being portraid as an elf during the opening sequence of the program.

Perhaps the writer just liked the name 'Elfenlied' :wink:

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 14:08
by Nuke
I got myself the first Vector of elfen lied and box from Animedirect, seeing it will still be quite a while before the total boxset is out. The box costed me ' 'n kleinhuisie vol geld' but Im happy with it. So I started watching it again from the begining.
The english vioces suck, cant believe they did it to the series.

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 16:56
by Rayne
Yeah I told you.

Seriously out of place, emotionless (Kurama) voice-over dub they gave Elfen.

Better watching it in Japanese, since we already know the story.

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:03
by Nuke
I only listened about 2 minutes of the first ep in english. Yuka's voice gave me such a pain I decided to leave it right there. And as you said somewhere, they left out some of the speech.(where she said 'lair') I wonder if they thought it would give to much of the story away.

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:18
by Riukzeklein
What is you people on about???????

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:21
by Nuke
read my first post and the wiki

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:25
by Rayne
Nuke wrote:I only listened about 2 minutes of the first ep in english. Yuka's voice gave me such a pain I decided to leave it right there. And as you said somewhere, they left out some of the speech.(where she said 'lair') I wonder if they thought it would give to much of the story away.
Maybe, though still they should not have done it, as near the end pieces of the puzzle started making sense, without it now there aint no more puzzle...

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:52
by Nuke
Ja that what I like about most good anime series, they give you hints through the series and in the end they put it into perspective and you see the complete picture. And like usual the western directors cant see it :roll:

Btw the wiki has a few interesting ideas.

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:54
by Rayne
Checking now, though I don't think Elfen requires that much thought.

The End Of Evangelion on the other hand, now that movie had me reading whatever I could find.

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 17:57
by Nuke
I also had to read up on it and still dont fully understand it.
Shall I start and Evangelion thread?

Posted: 05 Nov 2005, 18:01
by Rayne
By all means.

PS : Finished reading your link, agree with it.

Posted: 11 Nov 2005, 20:55
by Nuke
Been watching parts again in english. Something else I noticed is in english Lucy said to Nana "I never killed anyone of our species" In japanese she say "I never killed anyone" That in my eyes make one hell of a diffrence. You get the idea from the english that she doesnt considder herself human. From the japanese you get that idea she considder ONLY diclonus human.

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 15:29
by Rayne
Yeah exactly - that is bullshyte man. Those English dubbers were morons.

Seriously people, listen, don't watch this series in English!

IMO she does considder herself human, that is why she hate's humanity so, because they rejected her, time after time again. From her childhood, which she did not understand, through her teens straight to her young adult life, she has been hurt, betrayed, used, and abused.

She was made the killer, Lucy, she had become.

She lost her innocense at the bazaar where she slaughtered all those people as a little girl, before she killed Kanae and Kouta's father. There she closed her mind, there Lucy was born, there her Nyu personality were layd oppressed, to later again awake after that shot to the head.

She doesn't considder only Diclonius human. That's why Nyu does not have Vectors. Lucy has them, and makes very good use of them, because she believes she has too, kill or be killed.

Think back to that scene where she was young in that orphanage, to that night she first developped her vectors, with the room flooded with handprints the following morning, listen to what she says there... Also think of the scene where those boys killed her puppy, where she said "When your miserable, you need someone even more misresable than you". Before she killed all those kids she shouted and said "You are the only one's inhuman here". And most importantly, think of that scene in the DVD extra special where she revealed herself to her runaway friend.

All she ever wanted, was to be accepted, as a human, by humans.

That's why Kouta meant so much to her, for he did

PS : Damn Nuke that was my next avatar man! Lekka! :lol:

Posted: 12 Nov 2005, 15:45
by Nuke
That one reason why I try to learn japanese, so I can order the japanese only dvds from japan, I will be much cheaper, the english suck in anyway.

Good explaination, didnt think of it in that way.

Ps - It seems that its only the 2 of us that is obsessed with elfen lied, but I guess not everyone like something this shocking.

PPs - lol. for some reason I like that eye.