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Career In Graphic Design

Posted: 24 Oct 2005, 23:18
Hey guys I have some question for those expert designers

1)Are there alot of opportunities for 3D designers?
2)I've chosen to work on Maya 7.0, is it a good choice to begin with?
3)How does a good qualified designer's salary compare with those of a doctor
4)If I want to go forward with designing, where is the best places to master it. university's?
5)What is the qualifications for such courses?

sorry if this has been asked before...flame me if so ;)



Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 08:26
by Y0da
1)Are there alot of opportunities for 3D designers?

Depends on who you know. Get involved in the community. Visit for news, meetings and even some job offerings.

2)I've chosen to work on Maya 7.0, is it a good choice to begin with?

Do you feel comfortable using it? If you do then it's a good choice. Maya is used by some studios but you should at least look at some other programs like 3DS Max and Houdini.

3)How does a good qualified designer's salary compare with those of a doctor

A doctor will get rich a lot sooner.

4)If I want to go forward with designing, where is the best places to master it. university's?

Get a degree in fine art or something that takes you back to the basics. In your spare time lear the program of our choice. In the end it's not the qualification that matters but how good your demo reel is.

5)What is the qualifications for such courses?

Same as any other degree plus some talent.

Re: Career In Graphic Design

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 08:43
by Leigh
Firstly, graphic design is something a bit different to what you're asking about. Graphic design is traditionally the craft of designing logos, IDs, etc for corporate advertising, etc. 3D is usually involved in industries like film, game, tv, industrial design, architectural previsualisation, etc.c
SLiPKNoT wrote:1)Are there alot of opportunities for 3D designers?
I'll be honest and say that yes, while there are a fair amount of job opportunities, you have to be really good to get a job these days.
2)I've chosen to work on Maya 7.0, is it a good choice to begin with?
That depends on which field you want to go into. Maya is very dominant in the film industry, and is slowly becoming dominant in games. Max is also very popular in games (as well as architectural previz). Softimage|XSI is popular in both game and film. Other packages tend to be used in industrial/engineering design.

I don't know why Y0da recommended Houdini because it's mostly only used in the high end film industry for particles, liquids and other FX.
3)How does a good qualified designer's salary compare with those of a doctor
I have no idea what doctors make. But my first job in a VFX studio paid me only R3200 a month (this was in 2001), while I was earning approximately R35,000-R40,000 per month just before I left South Africa. I won't say how much I earn now..
4)If I want to go forward with designing, where is the best places to master it. university's?
Most 3D courses offered internationally do not prepare students for the workplace, so I would recommend doing traditional arts and learning the software in your own time, or on a part time course. However, formal qualifications are not considered essential for the vast majority of positions in the various 3D industries, as your portfolio is your most important asset.

However, it is worth noting that having a formal qualification in something related to the arts can be important if you want to obtain a work visa for a foreign country, because let's face it, the 3D industry in SA sucks.
5)What is the qualifications for such courses?
You should have some kind of artistic skill.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 08:53
by Y0da
Leigh wrote:I don't know why Y0da recommended Houdini because it's mostly only used in the high end film industry for particles, liquids and other FX.
Welcome back Leigh. I wasn't recommending any particular program as such but trying to say that it doesn't hurt to at least be aware of other 3d packages and what they are used for in case a studio uses these programs. But hey, you're the expert so I'll just keep quiet now. ;)

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:17
by Archangel
Hi Leigh, do you mind me asking what work you are doing or for what or maybe even where you work? How's California?

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:20
by Leigh
Y0da wrote: Welcome back Leigh. I wasn't recommending any particular program as such but trying to say that it doesn't hurt to at least be aware of other 3d packages and what they are used for in case a studio uses these programs.
Yeah I do agree it's important to know a couple of programs, but when you're just starting out, it's better to focus on just one, or else you're just making things harder on yourself.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:22
by Leigh
Archangel wrote:Hi Leigh, do you mind me asking what work you are doing or for what or maybe even where you work? How's California?
California is great, thanks! Going into winter now, wooohoooo! Only two months until I can go skiing :D

For the past year and a bit I have been working on films (I started freelancing for the company I work for now from home in South Africa, until I eventually just moved here), mostly as a texturing artist. I sometimes also model though, and I've been getting into lighting. I currently work for a studio called CafeFX, which is basically a studio that does visual effects for feature films :)

Best job in the world.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:25
by Leigh
Oh, and SLiPKNoT, I have an article on my site that you might find useful: - the So You Want to be a 3D Artist? one, I wrote just for folks like you.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:34
by Archangel
Wow, sounds pretty interesting. I'm also looking to go into that type of industry but for games, and I am not going to do 3D graphics, though, but rather game design and programming. I used to do some 3D modelling in 3D Max. Are you working on any known movies, or are you not really alloud to say?

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:39
by Y0da
@Leigh - I listened to that interview you did on skype a while back and you sound as gorgious as you look. ;) Maybe you can post a link to it, I'm too lazy to go hunting for it now. :)

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:48
by Leigh
Archangel wrote:Wow, sounds pretty interesting. I'm also looking to go into that type of industry but for games, and I am not going to do 3D graphics, though, but rather game design and programming. I used to do some 3D modelling in 3D Max. Are you working on any known movies, or are you not really alloud to say?
Oh cool, yeah the games industry is a little different to the film one, but I have many friends working in it and they seem to enjoy it :) Even the tech positions (like designer, programmer, etc) seem to be fun, so I bet you'll enjoy that.

As for what I am working on at the moment... can't really comment too much on that ;)

Y0da - the site you're looking for is I think.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 09:55
by Kher-za
I'm so jealous you can almost see my red aura.

Perhaps one day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 10:30
by Archangel
Leigh wrote:Even the tech positions (like designer, programmer, etc) seem to be fun, so I bet you'll enjoy that.
Believe me I'm enjoying it allready. I checked your website. I see you worked on the Fantastic Four movie. Thats something nice to have on your CV.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 10:59
by Stevo
Leigh wrote:
Archangel wrote:Hi Leigh, do you mind me asking what work you are doing or for what or maybe even where you work? How's California?
California is great, thanks! Going into winter now, wooohoooo! Only two months until I can go skiing :D

For the past year and a bit I have been working on films (I started freelancing for the company I work for now from home in South Africa, until I eventually just moved here), mostly as a texturing artist. I sometimes also model though, and I've been getting into lighting. I currently work for a studio called CafeFX, which is basically a studio that does visual effects for feature films :)

Best job in the world.
They say the day you find a job you love you actually stop working cos if you love what you do then its not work to you its fun.

I'm sure even the best job in the world has its days though ......


Posted: 25 Oct 2005, 15:34
by StarPhoenix
<Irrelevant post removed by me>