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Confederations Cup 2005

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 14:17
by brabham
Anyone been watching the confedrations cup? How about Mexico beating the mighty Brazil last night?! Oh My Word! I love Brazillian football, but damn those hombre's can play too.

I've been impressed with Robinho so far in teh two games that I watched of Brazil. He looks to be the new Ronaldinho. Flip what am I saying. Ronaldinho is still the new Ronaldinho. Anyways he looks good.

Japan have played well too. Not much individual skill but as a team they seem to gel very well and have had chances to do good things. They haven't always taken their chances tho.

Mexico look good as well. Again not a team packed with talent but they play to their strengths.

The Greeks are finally showing the frailty in their tactics. It worked once. Ok it worked more than once but other teams have figured them out and now they seem to be an embarrasment to the European nations as they cant seem to string two passes together and yet they are representing Europe as champions of the continent.

I haven't seen Germany(the hosts) play yet as I've been otherwise occupied during their games, but it seems they're doing ok as well.

Also haven't seen Tunisia play as African Champions or Australia as Oceania champions, but I'm sure the last of the groups games I should be able to watch.

Its just great having footy on the box again. Especially getting to watch Brazil play.