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Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 21:41
by StarBound

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 01:03
by Tribble
I will venture into this Kingdom tomorrow

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 10:20
by StarBound
I've actually been watching lore vids for the past few days and I've come to the conclusion that WoW is indeed doing so many things wrong with the game. I look at GW2 and also think there is no easy way that they could use some of these mechanics with each other. It's a shame because if I could play the story of WoW I would certainly have kept on playing the game.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 09:01
by rustypup
trolling. trolling. trolling.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

wow-tards are almost worse than console-tards...

acti-blizz going great guns...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 09:21
by StarBound
Actually I don't have a problem with that. The leveling process is stretched out too far. Last time I played I barely entered an area and turned in a few quests then I was past the zone and I entered the next as almost being past it.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 09:23
by rustypup
so.. you pay full price for the game...

you pay a monthly stipend in order to play the game

you pay the same price for expansions to the game

and now you pay the same price in order to skip the levelling grind so that you can continue to pay the monthly stipend to play the game you've already paid for...

this is some kind of wonderful...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 10:39
by StarBound
To each his own. But I can sense a touch of Dungeon Keeper mobile in it. You can skip paying for 4 months and hit up $60 for a lvl90 character from the get go. There are ofcoarse other ways they could have implemented this.

I love taking GW2 as an example. Every year that passes you get a scroll that levels a character to lvl20 for every character that you have. The recent patch included a vendor that sells level up scrolls for in game currency and a perticular item that you get from an event. You get capped at lvl80 but you keep on leveling for skills.

I see no reason why WoW could not have made a soul shard that is account bound that keeps a level every time your max character levels up, up to the max capable level of that expansion (eg vanilla only gathers lvl60 level up shards, tbc lvl70 lvlup shards and mop lvl90 level up shards)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 13:15
by GreyWolf
rustypup wrote:so.. you pay full price for the game...

you pay a monthly stipend in order to play the game

you pay the same price for expansions to the game

and now you pay the same price in order to skip the levelling grind so that you can continue to pay the monthly stipend to play the game you've already paid for...

this is some kind of wonderful...

Yes (you think server maintenance is free?)

No (the expansions have been reduced in price, and besides, you think new content just pops into existence)

No, no one is forcing players to pay for the boost. It is a voluntary thing, and why not charge an amount to discourage everyone from just doing it.

Yes it is wonderful.