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Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:42
by RuadRauFlessa
^^ that is funny... especially when it is Brewfest to boot.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 21:49
by Ron2K
KatrynKat wrote:nope but i have seen what the masters of a paladin and a mage look like while playing under the influence... :D
There's an unwritten commandment to tanking: thou shalt not tank without having consumed at least two beers. :P

(Preferably the real-life ones, but in emergencies, the in-game ones will do.)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 22:20
by StarBound
The one line I get the most when I get back is "hunter was auto-shooting the boss fight".

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 08:24
by GreyWolf
StarBound wrote:Have you seen guild chat while under the influince in and outside of the game at the same time? :roll:
Side track: don't play anymore without logging on to TS.

The other night my wireless headphone batteries failed, it felt very weird not talking to people while in a dungeon.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 18:16
by StarBound
Except that you start talking about everything other than WoW while in the dungeon. Last conversation I had over TS was something about Torchlight and BF3 while clearing Well of Eternity.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 10:09
by novio
Hey guys/girls...not sure if i should be posting here...but hopefully you WoW experts can help. I'm having no luck from blizz on this.

So here's whats been going on:

I was running Intel Core2 quad 9400
4gig ram
ATi x1950pro
460W PSU
Windows 32bit Service pack 3

Have been playing WoW on this machine for about 2 years without any issues. I even played during the 1st week of January this year and on average I was getting 60fps. Even in the LFR 25 man runs I would hardly ever dip below 25fps with settings on minimum.

Sometime in the last 2-3 weeks my fps went to the dogs. 25 man LFR runs are unplayable with fps dropping to 3-5. Standing just outside dwarven district auction house in Stormwind gets me a maximum of 10fps.

Since the graphics card is old, I thought perhaps its really just time to give it up and replace.
I have now upgraded to a 600W PSU and a nVidia GTX 560 1gig graphics card.
I get exactly the same fps as I did with the older ATi card. 10fps in SW. I cant get over 60fps anywhere when I know I should be getting over 100 in really low populated areas easily. This result is with settings kept on minimum. Clearly then, its not a hardware related issue.

Here's what I have already tried in resolving the issue:

1. Removing/deleting Cache, Interface and WTF folders
2. Restoring Windows to a date where I know it worked fine.
3. Removing reinstalling drivers for both the ATi and nVidia cards.
4. Removing/deleting all addons....which happens anyways when I delete the Interface folder.
5. Tested ram sticks individually.
6. Ran SCII at Ultra settings with the GTX560 with no issues.
7. Fiddled with multiple graphics settings within WoW.
8. Made sure no other applications are running in the background that would be affecting CPU/RAM performance.

I have got new hardware and it obviously is not the issue. I have ran SCII at Ultra so its obviously not a software issue related to my graphics drivers. No settings or hardware were messed with when this issue started. The only thing that may have had an effect in my mind would be perhaps a Windows update. But it blows my mind how one day it works, and the next day things change. My current machine should be getting 140fps on average with high settings.

Another thing I notice when logged into WoW is that my CPU usage alternates between 30% and 50%. Is this normal? When I log out, CPU usage goes down to 3% on average. All other application run perfectly.

Please, I am running out of options here.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 10:15
by RuadRauFlessa
Switch off the option named "Reduce Input Lag". This could have this effect in some rare cases. Also I can remotely remember something about a nVidia driver incompatibility which is why I don't ever run the latest drivers...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 10:22
by novio
I will try that....but doubtful its gonna work since I've had the same performance on both cards.....and didnt have this issue 2 weeks ago. Like I mentioned, no settings were changed, no hardware was changed. It was fine 1 week, and the next week things go wonky. 10fps in SW is seriously bad for the nVidia card....and its strange that both cards give me identical results. This tells me that it cant be a driver issue.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 10:37
by RuadRauFlessa
It could be if your wow client did an update while you weren't looking :P

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 10:50
by GreyWolf
Dude, if your SCII was running fine. Then I would say it is a corrupt WoW folder.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 11:02
by novio
Gonna replace wow folder tonight and see. if that doesnt gonna buy a sledge hammer.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 09:18
by novio
update: didnt work. upgrading xp to win7

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 09:58
by StarBound
tried defragging?

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 10:45
by novio
nah....but that woudlnt make sense to me. Its not like I'm constantly moving the wow folder all over the place. Even a fragmented hdd woudlnt cause such an extreme loss in performance when settings are on minimum.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 07:06
by Ron2K
Beware of Alt+F4 -- it wipes raids!
Spoiler: (show)
We were on Warlord Zon'ozz (the ping pong boss). It's a single tank fight, so I had switched from protection to retribution and our DK was doing the tanking. Anyway, he was on low health, so our paladin healer realises "oh crap, oh crap, he's about to die -- wait, casting Lay on Hands on him will fix it!". Problem was, said healer had Lay on Hands keybound to Alt+F3 (or some other similarly ridiculous rediculace key combo). So, guess what he hit instead...

It took at least 10 minutes for the laughter to subside to the point where we were actually able to attempt another go at him. And judging by the bad jokes that were made afterwards ("make sure you use the Heroic Will button for Hour of Twilight -- not Alt+F4!"), the poor guy isn't going to live it down in a hurry...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 07:18
by RuadRauFlessa
WonWon that is epic.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 08:25
by StarBound

Sounds like a case of "the door is closed" when we were heading for Artimedes when the raid leader didn't see we had to run around both sides of the wall. Things like that doesn't disappear.

On a side note Blizzard has released the 64-bit exe for WoW.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 08:40
by RuadRauFlessa
Is that what the whole 1.4GB patch is all about.... Pwn3d

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 14:00
by americantsm1

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 14:01
by americantsm1
*taps foot while waiting to play*


Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 06:44
by RuadRauFlessa
And that is why you play WoW... so that you can tap your foot while waiting for updates... :P

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 11:51
by americantsm1
@ Ru *sigh* yeah

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 12:09
by StarBound
What I loved about WoW:

I started off with the game and it was familiar. Loved playing in the world that I commanded armies in, explore places that I've seen.
I liked the company that I met on the way, the challenges that were faced with a group because my level was to low or the mobs where over powering or elite.
I liked traveling with a party from the city or town to the dungeon, where the fight for survival started the moment you set foot at the enterance and not just inside the instance.
I liked raiding Dead Mines, even boosted by the night elf warrior when we failed.
I saw the sights, felt dread and vengeful as I got ganked by a rogue in Lakeshire but fought back even though I was lvl20 and he was lvl60.
Running on foot was a chore but danger was around every corner and you took in the beauty of the world created by the designers.
My first pvp raid at Cross roads after being escorted thru the lush jungles of StrangleThornVale.
My first guild that help develope my warrior skills, tought me how to tank and what to do.
My intimidating shout in an instance where we were surrounded by 8 Scarlet Crusader soldiers where it ended up pulling 20 or more, I liked when all of them ran before the 4 limit was introduced.
My first mount at lvl40, even if it was 60%.
My first plate armour, gifted to me by the guild leader.
My first Mara run and getting the axe of the crock.
A guild raid on Sunken Temple and Black Rock Depth where we learned to look around before moving in a dungeon.
The sword that I got as a gift from one of our warriors, demon sheer I believe it was.
My first URBS raid at lvl58, standing proudly next to the other 2 warriors as we tanked the bosses and I got my Valor shoulders.
My journey completed to lvl60, the gang of players outside iron forge shooting fireworks and cheering me for getting to the level cap.
I got my chromatic carapace on my 2nd UBRS run, and my Draconian Deflector.
My full valor set.
My Swift Palamino.
Ranking 150 on Frostwolf server PVP rankings.
Solo tanking the first boss in MC on my first raid.
Getting my Qual Serrar.
Getting free attunement for Naxx. Killing mr biggelsworth. Finding out the only way to escape naxx was to hearth out.
Saying goodbye to 30 point talent trees and crossing over into Burning Crusade.

From then on the only real good memories were when I got my Violet Netherdrake, completed Ulduar HC and Killing Arthas. WoW was never the same again.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 11:42
by Sojourn
From Blizz forums.
The problem is when you "balance" and "homogenize" things you also make them boring and bland. There is no more flavor to this game. But people moan if their class isn't on top and Blizzard inevitably caves to keep the masses placated.

However, I'll take a controversial viewpoint, and argue that the people often times do not know what is in their best interest. They simple cry for "fairness" when what they're really asking for is to make their characters better so they don't have to work as hard. I gladly roll'd a warrior to level in Vanilla because it was hard! And it was fun for me. There is no hard class to level anymore and that sucks.

Let me contextualize quick. I did wow vanilla (got full vanilla tier gear on 3 characters) and then TBC. I then stopped playing some months before lich-king hit. I activated a brand new account 1 month ago to get back into things.... and what a shock for a returning player it was.

Not a good or a bad shock, just a shock...
Leveling up is a joke, I understand the reasoning to get a new player up to the level cap, but there is no more sense or feeling of accomplishment. (Personally speaking).
What happened to open world elite mob areas? BRING IT BACK!! /cry
The lowbie experience has died, it is impotent and lifeless.
Is the only care and focus on end-game now?

Questing is relegated to getting as fast as possible to level 15... from that point forward you stay in your most convenient capital city and /LFD your way into level 80.

Your awesome story-lines and quest areas between lvl20 and lvl80? Mostly deserted.
You will only find the odd raw mats farmer or player doing skill-ups.

If I could ask one thing and one thing only.... force the players back into the world. Place a cap on /LFD in some way. Make /LFD open up once you have done 20 world quests? Or cap /LFD to 5 times per level?, Or ....something.

But I digress... as for class specs, the best solution will be the solution that caters for the raider, for the solo guy, for the pvp junkie ..... and the lowbie that wants to reroll 10 classes on 5 servers because he wants to experience each class in a different questing area, in a different spec - and feel challenged doing so.

I have spoken to a few of my old-time raid mates.... I have a feeling SWTOR will become a swear word to be hashed out with special characters soon.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 08:30
by ADT
Nearly 6 Million Years of World of Warcraft Healthy for Players’ Brains