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Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 01:13
by ADT
man i need to get D3 :(

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 02:31
by Anakha56
Okay so I am getting confused about D3 and character building. :/ I noticed Blizzard has a character builder here:

So I started going through it when it hit me, whats the point? Unlike other games where you could select a skill and you were stuck with it D3 allows you to change it up as you please. So why bother even planning your character out when you can change the character based on your current quest and what your party needs. This has completely floored me because I am not used to this way of playing. Normally you would have to plan your build well in advance but this way of playing takes away the risk factor of character building and just makes it ... boring :(. Maybe I am missing something hence the reason for this post hopefully someone could shed some light on this for me...

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 07:24
by rustypup
Anakha56 wrote:Maybe I am missing something...
nope... it's character development lite... if you're hankering for something meatier, path of exile will fit the bill nicely :)

it's great to be playing the 'story' finally....

the balance is still all over the place... will go through periods where the mobs are as grass before your razor sharp scythe and others where it feels like you're swinging a whiffle bat...

going to switch to HC...

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 07:33
by hamin_aus
Got my copy today...

I wanna be the baddest Monk
Like no one ever was
To find demons is my quest
To kill them is my cause

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 07:46
by SykomantiS
:lol: Jamin Win!

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 07:56
by Jonboy
Got my CE yesterday, stared lovingly at it from 10am to 4pm, rushed home, began the install while helping the wife with dinner. Checked in just before dinner was ready 1 hour later, 40% ready. Ate, did the dishes, had a shower, another hour later, 76% ready. Watched an episode of Big Bang Theory, still 76% ready. Start scanning the forums, find a simple workaround, set IE LAN settings to "Don't auto-detect" (something easily missed because I use FF). Game finishes completing 2.5 hours later, woot. Time to play....

Not quite, login-servers hating life. Retry approx. 25 times, get in eventually, start playing.

Barbarian is fun! Having skipped the Beta, must say things are dumbed down somewhat since D2. Currently going down into bowels of the cathedral, on level 5 or so.

Wondering what the chances are Blizzard will patch the always-online requirement to allow people to play Single Player without all the server nonsense, hoping and praying!

Watched some of the making-of with breakfast this morning, think there's some epicness to come still!

Oh and apparently four guys in China completed the single player on Normal within 7 hours.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 08:20
by Tribble
Wow. Sounds fun and stressful.

I hear the extra codes only give the same access as the demo. Is that correct?

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 08:23
by Jonboy
Tribble wrote:Wow. Sounds fun and stressful.

I hear the extra codes only give the same access as the demo. Is that correct?
The free passes allow you to play the First Act up to the battle with the Skeleton King, so yes, much like the beta.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 08:49
by Molean
Played till 4am this morning and luffing it...

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 08:53
by GreyWolf
So I got home last night and this was waiting for me:


2 things:

1.I love my gf
2.I played untill 3 am

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 11:54
by PhR34KKK
GreyWolf wrote:So I got home last night and this was waiting for me:

2 things:

1.I love my gf
2.I played untill 3 am
You marry her.. you marry her RIGHT NOW .. Hope she also got a copy for herself. Or else she will not get to see you much.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 11:56
by PhR34KKK
Tip to anyone getting the game. Remember to change your default server to EU ..

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 12:41
PhR34KKK wrote:You marry her.. you marry her RIGHT NOW ..
...because she bought him a game?
PhR34KKK wrote:Tip to anyone getting the game. Remember to change your default server to EU ..
Mine was set to EU by default, are your region settings for your account correct?

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 13:29
by SykomantiS

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 13:34
by GreyWolf
D3PART3D wrote:...because she bought him a game?
She also baught me that cyborg RAT7 you see on the desk.
She also made an AWESOME dinner last night while I was installing the game.
After dinner she just let me be, didn't have to do dishes or anything.
It was NOT my birthday!

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 13:48
by rustypup
Anakha56 wrote:You died! :shock: Inferno is starting to scare me... :
not...actually.. more like committed suicide by leaping a yellow boss unburied on some stairs only to discover he's a teleporter... then his support team arrived and i was stuck with leap on cool-down :lol:
GreyWolf wrote:didn't have to do dishes or anything.It was NOT my birthday!
<bad news incomming alert!>
it's a setup.... she's pregnant :twisted: :lol:

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 13:53
by Tribble
Keep her - she is special

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 14:13
by MIA
SykomantiS wrote:Diablo III Review
Lol that is just awesome.
SykomantiS wrote:Diablo III Review
Understatement i'd say lol.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 14:40
GreyWolf wrote:She also baught me that cyborg RAT7 you see on the desk.
She also made an AWESOME dinner last night while I was installing the game.
After dinner she just let me be, didn't have to do dishes or anything.
It was NOT my birthday!
That is awesome. Lucky you! :D
rustypup wrote:<bad news incomming alert!>
it's a setup.... she's pregnant :twisted: :lol:

Anyone else finding the game a little too easy? :?

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:00
by MIA
D3PART3D wrote:Anyone else finding the game a little too easy? :?
I agree. Only real fight i had so far, was with the skeleton king and a little fight with the blue/yellow/champ mobs.
Rest of the mobs get 1-2 shotted by my wizard, think they need an HP boost lol.

The arcane power (aka mana) regenerates super fast as well, i kinda thought it was a bug in Beta. 10+ mana per sec regen is insane lol.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:05
by StarBound
I almost died 3 or 4 times. Luckly havent died yet but I wont say easy. You can easily get yourself into deep doodoo if you wanted to. Let's wait and see what happens when you get to nightmare, hell and inferno. I never had issues on Diablo 2 during normal, not even on the council but dammit those first mobs during nightmare mode on vanilla diablo 2 was a pain and even LOD hell was tough at times.

So they are buttering you up for a nice bend over session later the game :P

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:11
by rustypup
MP ramps up difficulty.

open your game to public and you'll soon be sweating...

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:47
by ryanrich


Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:49
by StarBound
Not that much. But we had a 48 and 51 kill streak respective last night. 2 players. Mob count doesn't increase but the mobs hp or dmg reductions goes a bit up.

Re: Diablo 3 Official!!!

Posted: 16 May 2012, 16:03
by rustypup
try it with 4 players...

and the one sod sits in town /afk collecting gold/levels...

really should permit kicking... :/