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Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 17:10
by RuadRauFlessa
Sojourn wrote:Kronos... for the love of gawd stop making sense and just GTFO. :lol:
I am sticking to my guns.
The Chef always makes sense weather you want him to or not :wink:

Chef. You may :lol: all you want. I guarantee that I will provide you with more laughter at my n00bn355 on WoW for the foreseeable future.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 17:20
by Kher-za
I understand your view, Sojourn. I've played another MMORPG for over 2 years and I've gone through the same stuff, things we had to work hard for just fell away as soon as new stuff came out.

atm I'm just playing to get to lvl 80, its my own fault that i started playing so late because i can see on my own how much I've missed in the game already. as soon as new things are introduced the old becomes obsolete so right now I'm working to get past the fodder.

Judging from what it took to get my mount it must have been hell doing all those instances without lvl 80's for support. And one of they guys who ran me through OL was telling us how she use to wipe raid after raid, i wouldnt mind trying to take her on with a group of lvl 60's.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 17:42
by Sojourn
Kher-za, the point I guess, is just to have fun in the process, no matter what your aim, method or playstyle is.
If the slogg to get past the old content is a hinderance, it is defeating the point.

Just seems such a waste of content when new players fast-track. I am especially talking about long questlines with a good story attached to it. It is something you have to do when you are in the correct level bracket for the specific quest - no point coming back at 80 and one-shotting everything. The 5-mans and raids unfortunately you will have to do with a high level present, or be high level yourself.

My best and most fun-time instances was the lvl 60 5man instances. Those had no mercy on newbs or people not paying attention. Strat live and dead side and Scholo in particular. ahh, good old days.
Come to think about it... the new instances are not so bad either, but it's not the same... in some way. Cannot explain it. You had to be there.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 18:20
by RuadRauFlessa
I can see how strat would have been the awesomeness of self. that place is just like the coolest for any aliance peeps. I just wonder why ppl want to do Scarlet Monestary the whole time. I get like 10 requests every night to boost someone through SM. The place is a waste of time unless you want to loot some cloth.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 11:02
by Sojourn
RuadRauFlessa wrote:I can see how strat would have been the awesomeness of self. that place is just like the coolest for any aliance peeps. I just wonder why ppl want to do Scarlet Monestary the whole time. I get like 10 requests every night to boost someone through SM. The place is a waste of time unless you want to loot some cloth.
I you are in the 35-45 level bracket the best drops are found there.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 14:18
by StarBound
Depends. warriors and paladins get the best items from there but if you go plate soon after you hit 40 you see the difference in gear stats. SM is good for enhancement shammies though since the SM set has some decent stats for them.

Scholo and Strat 10mans were fun. But being able to do it 5man was or 4 man was awesomeness on its own. Back at lvl60 everyone could play wow and actually know what they did. I had very little bad groups. Everyone was million times friendlier and blizzards GMs would bring down wrath apon gold sellers faster than a swat team could take down a old lady running down the road. But we were only 4million players back then.

WoWs dynamics has changed alot and its changed for the better. Its just sad that the player base went from good too all round bad.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 15:14
by americantsm1
my warrior is running SM currently to get her the set ... it is very good!

My Druid is of course still 80 running heroics and things like that ... pugging dailies

my DK just hit 70 and my rogue is 60 lol still ...

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 16:14
by Sojourn
StarBound wrote:Depends.
Have to amend myself and add... only if you are the right class.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 04:39
by Kher-za
I'm making up for the loss of content by reading the Warcraft Archives lol, the books stick incredibly close to the game and they are actually quite good reads.

and blah, i really hate the elitist bastards who invite you to a party then tell you how much your spec sucks and how you are a ***** player and how stupid you are and how you give pugs a bad name. I'd normally just turn the cheek but they were saying the exact same things to my my gf who was the healer in the party because she drops the odd flash heal on me during combat when im life tapping to keep my mana up.

it would be a lot more fun without people who think everybody else should know everything from the start.

i was pushing out low dps because i recently respecced to demonology and wasn't sure how much aggro i would pull because I'd never done an instance with it, turns out i do 3 times more dps than the person below me when i went all out. At least the tank could handle the aggro but i was already pissed off by then for how they handled things.


I'm not posting this at 4am, the forum time is messed up...
for real though!

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 08:47
by RuadRauFlessa
LOL I solo'd some stupid lvl40 instance last night. I know the thing is waay below my lvl but I am farming for mats m'kay. So I was running through and I still had recount running when I got out I noticed I had like a 1300dps... :shock: I'm a tank for heaven's sake.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 09:54
by Sojourn
Yea Kher, you get donces like that. Sadly it will never go away.
Raud, solo'ing any lowbie instance = strawberries and cream fun.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 10:53
by americantsm1
not for a resto druid lol with epic gear! I will never forget BC was out ... I was 70 my gear was epic (PVP gear full set) ...

Ran a few low level instances for people in my guild ... repair bill was insane I was like ARG epic gear dang it!! I knew I should have kept that defias set!

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 11:24
by americantsm1
*sigh* is it just me or are there a lot of level 80s that feel like all they do is log on and try pug Heroics and those Daily dungeons because it seems no one in your guild is interested?

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 11:33
by Sojourn
americantsm1 wrote:*sigh* is it just me or are there a lot of level 80s that feel like all they do is log on and try pug Heroics and those Daily dungeons because it seems no one in your guild is interested?

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 11:36
by americantsm1
@ Sojourn, isn't it starting to grate you the wrong way? I was soo excited to hit 80 so I could start end-game playing already because that is what I loved about hitting 70 ... and no one seems interested ... then they think that they are ready to raid when they haven't even done the high level instances on Heroic yet.

So no one knows how to play as a team and no one has the appropriate gear?! I'm like wtF peeps?! Seriously? What do you expect ... do instances get gear and experiance and rep ... when you know them and you are ready do it on Heroic ... better gear work as a team.

THEN attempt to raid etc

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 16:47
by StarBound
You get 2 types of pugs.

One is the pug where you are fully geared and have nothing to gain from the dungeon and thats the only players they accept. Two would be that everyone in the party is running HC HoL but the gear is only ready for AN or DTK normal. We even had a lock in one VoA pug that was ready to dps with a staff that he got from burning crusade content... a GREEN staff, bracers that he got from the normal UK quest and a green chest. Only 1 epic he had was pvp shoulders. Thats the quality of players you have.

The game is super easy and some still manage to fail.

The best way it to get to know someone from lvl1-10 and then quest and level along with them. That would be why I loved WoW to start with. The new faces and unknown world, questing and beating monsters while finding ways to beat each challenge. These days guilds needs to go look at tankspot or mmo-champ or wowhead to get anywhere. The discovery part is long gone. The only thing left is to actually see who can copy the success fasters.

The first week of Ulduar was fun again but heavy on cost. We spent 1600g that weekend wiping on trash and going forward with no tactics to help us. Everything we did we learnt while we were there.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 17:13
by Sojourn

Anyone can beat any encounter from solo, 5man or raid by using google. Working the mill yourself is what makes it fun.
Unfortunately, alot of guilds miss the point totally - sadly alot of raiding these days are based on completed content - so some guilds expect you to understand the encounter and strat before even seeing it for the first time.

Own experience: I missed the first 2 months of TBC because I was offline over Jan and then went overseas for a month. Levelled up to 70 skipping most of the 5mans, then pugged a 5man, my very 1st instance as a lvl 70 - think it was Underbog on normal. I was tanking as a undead warrior. I told the guys I have never tanked the place, have no idea about the bosses or what to expect. Silence. I repeated the message after everyone zoned in. Silence. Next thing I am told, just pull. Wipefest on the 1st boss, wipefest at the 2nd boss, I get kicked. WTF did they not understand from... "never done this".

I then proceeded eventually tanking for my guild in Kara, Mag, Gruul and parts of SSC before swapping to shaman heals. Point is, if you do new content (even 5mans), do it with like-minded people that will understand. Yes I could have "studied" those encounters, but come on, really....

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Jul 2009, 18:02
by GreyWolf
yup yup yup.

That's why I like our guild. No freakin elitists to be seen. Everyone helps everyone else.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 08:46
by StarBound
Unfortunately I am somewhat of an elitist. But if your new to something speak up and a short strat will be given.

The one thing I cant stand is when some of our casual ranked players wants to step into our ulduar raids with no naxx25 or hc gear for that matter.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 13:48
by Ron2K
Kher-za wrote:and blah, i really hate the elitist bastards who invite you to a party then tell you how much your spec sucks and how you are a **** player and how stupid you are and how you give pugs a bad name. I'd normally just turn the cheek but they were saying the exact same things to my my gf who was the healer in the party because she drops the odd flash heal on me during combat when im life tapping to keep my mana up.

it would be a lot more fun without people who think everybody else should know everything from the start.
Spoiler: (show)

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 13:54
by Sojourn
Ron, pic not showing. :?:

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 13:56
by Ron2K
^^ Embedded YouTube vid, probably blocked at where you are.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 14:05
by DarkStar
I can bet quite a few people left the guild after that

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 14:08
by Sojourn
nvm got it.

Thats the Ony thingy... classic. But pointless to people who didnt do the raid at lvl 60 in a decent 40 man.
They cannot understand all of the humor there ... LOL.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2009, 14:09
by RuadRauFlessa
Wahahaha.... Ron talk about aggro. :lol: