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Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 16:33
It's not a fantastic site, but still very annoying. They must have targeted US servers randomly. I am a victim of Islamic fundamentalism!

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 16:41
by ADT
KALSTER wrote:It's not a fantastic site, but still very annoying. They must have targeted US servers randomly. I am a victim of Islamic fundamentalism!
care, jihad be crazy :lol:

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 16:52
Read This

Republican Congressman Paul Broun said; "All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. And it's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior."

This guy is a high ranking member of House Science Committee.

Here is a claim by a fellow Republican of his relating to abortion after pregnancy due to rape, also a member of the House Science Committee, Todd Akin:

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare," said Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."


Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 18:35
by hamin_aus
u mad cause they stylin on u?

Politicians are ignorant of anything that doesn't involve keeping them in office. How did you not already know this?
Here's a secret - most of the right-wing 'religious' politicians are just pandering to their bigoted and intolerant constituency.
Telling them what they want to hear to stay in office. If the majority of voters were atheist these hypocrites would be pushing equally hard the other way.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 19:19
I already hate politics and politicians for those reasons.

It is just the sheer stupidity and arrogance that get's me every time. We get desensitised to violence and horror in movies. I wish I could be desensitised to something like this. Just the idea of that guy, with his suit, his assumed responsibility and the idea that people like that should represent me and fill a leadership position that sickens me. And that people vote for them gets me too.

I am ranting.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 20:56
by Tribble
No Jamin - they actually believe the rot they spew.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 05:47
by hamin_aus
KALSTER wrote: Just the idea of that guy, with his suit, his assumed responsibility and the idea that people like that should represent me and fill a leadership position that sickens me. And that people vote for them gets me too..
What drugs are you on?

Ranting about a United States politicians stupid beliefs.
What possible reason do you have to get upset about the political shenanigans of a country half a world away that has less and less global significance as the years go by.

You own SA politicians are by far more ignorant, arrogant, self-entitled and downright stupid than even the most right-wing American. Be mad that a former SA president refused to acknowledge AIDS was an epidemic in this country.
Be mad that a former minister of health made a list of African vegetables that she purported could cure AIDS.
Be mad that "tradtional" healers are given as much authority as actual medical doctors.

I could go on, but really, your continued focus on stupid Americans is perplexing when you have a plethora of infinity more stupid people representing you in an official capacity and deciding your taxes, laws etc.

Are you in denial?

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 09:49
:lol: You think I am not pissed off at SA politicians? I am absolutely mortified by them. The Americans are just more in the news when it comes to things like this than anyone else.

I just get unhappy with any displays of confident ignorance, wherever that might be. I did say "the idea that people like that", implying I get unhappy with this kind of thing from people in leadership positions in general.

And the US has a large impact here culturally and even politically. My uncle is a missionary in Swaziland (yes, really!), who is backed by US churches. I heard him recount the absolute nonsense that people like Kent Hovind has been spewing to his family (ice canopy "theory", etc). So now we have US religious fundamentalists directly having a hand in shaping the minds of impressionable people halfway around the world. Am I allowed to be pissed off about that?

Like I said, I wish I could be more complacent about these things. I don't enjoy being constantly deflated by the depressing average level of ignorance displayed by humanity. However, I have to believe that however small it might be, that I can have a positive impact by highlighting such displays of ignorance wherever I see them.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 11:19
by hamin_aus
KALSTER wrote:So now we have US religious fundamentalists directly having a hand in shaping the minds of impressionable people halfway around the world. Am I allowed to be pissed off about that?
If I was the boss of what you were allowed to be pissed off at you would not care what that idiot Hovind tries to convince rural Swazi's of.

Your uncle, the missionary - is he the kind who is just there to help, no strings attached... or does his help come at the price of sitting thru a sales-pitch for <INSERT RELIGION HERE>.
If he is the former - good on him!
If he is the latter - it's pretty hypocritical of him to denigrate Kent Hovind for doing exactly what he is doing...

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 12:22
He is there with his wife, who is a Pastor. I think I was being ambiguous; he actually believes the fundamentalist nonsense.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 20:12
by Anakha56
Found a article for Kalster. Was thinking of putting it in the Banana Republic thread but thats more about SA than USA so it comes here... ... t-science/
Editorial: Meet a science committee that doesn't get science
Congress member on the committee calls science "lies straight from the pit of Hell."

by John Timmer - Oct 15 2012, 3:30pm SAST

In general, we only become aware of a politician's position on scientific issues during the campaign season. And, with a few exceptions like energy and climate policy, they rarely become campaign issues for anyone other than presidential candidates. So for the most part, it's rare to have a good picture of what our elected representatives think about science and technology.

If only that were true this year.

Missouri's Todd Akin, a Representative running for Senator, made headlines through his bizarre misunderstanding of biology, specifically that of the female reproductive system. Overcome by his desire to believe that pregnancy (and thus abortion) shouldn't be an issue for rape victims, he infamously claimed that the female body could somehow block pregnancy in the case of "legitimate rape."

But Akin's (very public) misunderstanding of science pales in comparison to that of Georgia Representative Paul Broun. He's an MD who is apparently convinced most of modern science is a plot, fostered by none other than Satan. "All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory," Broun declared, "all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell."


Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 05:04
by hamin_aus
Anakha56 wrote:Found a article for Kalster.
Oh boy!
You reposted the same article Kalster posted a week ago (a few posts above yours)... well done!

Reading the last few posts of a thread to make sure you know what's going on must be too much effort for you.

Enjoy being a functional retard :P

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 08:23
by Tribble
I actually watched that on MSNBC - what idiots those guys are. One believes that science is just lies the devil tells us and another thinks that if a woman is raped her body can switch off and not conceive. *Sigh* No wonder so many women are raped. It is a sure way for a guy not to become a father. No condoms needed. Bet the rapists body is able to fight off diseases during the rape act. Oh yes - and the woman's body boosts the immune system and kills all germs and diseases too :P

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 08:39
by hamin_aus
That sounds about right Tribble - you are very knowledgeable in the ways of right-wing science... for a woman.

This simply will not do. We will have to have a chat with your husband about all this time you are spending outside of the kitchen....

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 08:45
by Tribble
Believe me Jammy = you do not want me in the kitchen :twisted: That is where the knives are kept

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 09:01
Indeed Tribbstophanes. :x

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 09:17
by Tribble

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 14:32
by Anakha56
DOH! Yeah sorry my bad. Night shift & strike are not fun... :/

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 15:35
It's maddening enough to post twice. ;)

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 16:19
by GreyWolf
In keeping with the whole "my politician is better than your politician" argument, here is an interesting article from Cracked.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 16:54
Pro-Assad page claims Syria and Iran engineered Hurricane Sandy
Washington Post wrote:Among the many global reactions to Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the U.S. East Coast, this one might be the most amusing. Syrian Army News, a pro-regime Facebook page, announced that anti-Western “resistance” forces working under President Bashar al-Assad and under the Iranian government secretly engineered the natural disaster using “highly advanced technology.” It describes the hurricane as a punishment for threatening Assad’s Syria.


Is it bad to call these morons, morons? Incredible.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 17:28
by hamin_aus
KALSTER wrote:a pro-regime Facebook page
100% legit.

Death to the American satan!!!!!

The infidels must die!!!!

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 09:45
by rustypup
Irish Times wrote:Two investigations are under way into the death of a woman who was 17 weeks pregnant, at University Hospital Galway last month.
Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar (34), an engineer at Boston Scientific in Galway, says she asked several times over a three-day period that the pregnancy be terminated. He says that, having been told she was miscarrying, and after one day in severe pain, Ms Halappanavar asked for a medical termination.

This was refused, he says, because the foetal heartbeat was still present and they were told, “this is a Catholic country”.

She spent a further 2½ days “in agony” until the foetal heartbeat stopped.
somedays i would happily invite all these superstitious theist prats to kindly DIAF and somedays i'd happily assist them...

still not clear whether this was legally defensible, but there is every indication that this is common practice in good old erin... :evil:
Dr Jen Gunter wrote:Since posting this piece I learned that Ms. Halappanavar’s widower reported that she was leaking amniotic fluid and was fully dilated when first evaluated. There is no medically defensible position for doing anything other than optimal pain control and hastening delivery by the safest means possible.

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 09:51
by hamin_aus
Mr and Mrs Halappanavar are obviously dirty Protestants

Re: A thread not for the easily offended

Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 13:19
by GreyWolf
hamin_aus wrote:Mr and Mrs Halappanavar are obviously dirty Protestants
This is the funniest thing you have a said in a while...