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Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 18:08
by doo_much
Ladies first :D

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 18:08
by Monty
granted - but the fbi freeze your accounts

I wish courting girls was simple

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 18:16
by Tribble
Granted - but they flock around you like flies and you seriously wish you were single again

I wish I didn't have to be rude and leave

/OT - friend has arrived. Gotta go.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 18:46
by Stuart
Granted, but now you have to be rude about everything else. (Is that much of a change?)

I wish weeks were shorter and weekends longer, but that there was still sufficient time during the week to get all work done that needed to be done.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 19:38
by Anakha56
Granted but then you end with 5 more kids making the weeks longer :P

I wish that males were not so friggin insecure, that way I could talk to any woman with no worries about the b/f coming looking for a fight because I am stealing his "girl" from him...

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 21:07
by Stuart
Granted, but now all women everywhere come chasing you down because their guys "don't care about them anymore."

I wish I could take two weeks off work and someone else would do my work for me so that when I get back I don't have two week's worth of backlog to catch up.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 09:42
by Tribble
Granted - Tribble is employed to do you work while you are gone. Well I am sure you can guess what happens :twisted: So that when you come back - you have the whole year's work to redo :lol:

I wish I was interesting.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 13:13
by Stuart
Granted, but ... :sleepy2:

I wish my computer automatically performed upgrades to itself every time major new technology was released, and that I never had to reformat in the process.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 13:48
by douglash
Stuart wrote:I wish my computer automatically performed upgrades to itself every time major new technology was released, and that I never had to reformat in the process.
Granted - but your credit card would be billed with each upgrade...

I wish God was in my life more and more each day... :D

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 13:51
by Stuart
Granted, but now you feel the weight of sin more and more each day.

I wish I had a photographic memory.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 14:03
by douglash
Stuart wrote:Granted, but now you feel the weight of sin more and more each day.
actually, the other way round... being closer to God will allow me to realise more how much He has forgiven us...
Stuart wrote:I wish I had a photographic memory.
Granted - but then you would remember scenes that you wouldn't want to remember e.g. your gf in bed with your best mate/a horrific accident involving your family, etc. - the list goes on... eish!

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:28
by Tribble
Where is your wish?

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:36
by douglash
oh yes... oops...

i wish for a happy family life with my wife and son and for it never to end... :D

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:41
by Tribble
How in the world do you expect me to destroy that wish and not be evil? :shock:

Make another wish or I will be forced to say - Granted. You are all bitten by Vampires and can now live happily forever :lol:

I wish for real vanilla ice cream :twisted:

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:49
by douglash
Granted - but it's fake vanilla and tastes synthetic...

I wish for my son to grow up and be uber-successful, yet stay humble... :D

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:51
by Tribble
Granted - but he is so humble that his fame does not last long - he is a one hit wonder.

I wish for a sports car

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 17:54
by douglash
Granted - but then you crash it or it gets stolen or the insurance is too much to pay on a monthly basis....

I wish this game would carry on until the end of 2008...

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 18:02
by Tribble
Granted - a bot comes online and you are compelled to post to everyone of its posts. And on the 31st Dec 2008 - the bot's programming expires.

I wish that we could have world peace.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 21:47
by Koko_Lion
Granted - We discover aliens and make enemy's with them instead

I wish "Father of the Pride" comes out with more seasons

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 23:01
by Anakha56
Granted - However you are the father of your own pride :P

I wish for everything and nothing...

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 23:06
by Stuart
Granted ... everything ventured, nothing gained.

I wish that cats and mice could live in perfect harmony for all eternity.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 23:11
by Anakha56
Granted - However the cats missing their favourite squishy food made a time machine went back in time and had you for dinner before the wish was even thought :twisted:

I wish for loud noise!

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 00:27
by Stuart

I wish for silence so that I can sleep peacefully for the rest of the night.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 06:27
by Tribble
Granted. You sleep for far too long and miss your anniversary completely.

I wish my meetings go well this morning.

Re: Spoil a wish game

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 07:07
by Firestrm_ZA
Granted, but they are all held in the bottom of a well

I wish we could have the recently active topics in a sidebar again