The threat that is Julius Malema

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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by J_Bay »

If he became president, and implemented all the daft and outrageous things he says, then civil war or genocide won't be what we have to worry about, but no food, a worthless currency, a defunct economy and a return to the stone age are! It's so easy for people to say things like "we don't need foreign investment" or "nationalization will work here", when in reality all they're doing is rehashing old sayings that have no meaning at all.

I hate to be the barer of bad news to these people, but with no foreign direct investment this country has no chance at all. And the idea that Nationalization can work here because our minerals are more valuable than say the Zambian copper is, has to be one of the stupidest most idiotic arguments that I have ever seen. Valuable or not if you don't run the mines properly they'll be worthless. It sounds so simple on paper, but just look at how the government runs it's state owned enterprises. And then they have the fool from the youth league on morning live saying that the state owned enterprises are doing great, SAA and Denel are in a good state of health...Good state of health surely can't mean that it's acceptable to take government bail outs with OUR tax money can it?? If the mines are run the way Transnet, SAA, Denel and ESKOM are run, then they might as well just collapse all the shafts now and save us all the trouble.

I also don't understand how having the mines owned by the government will create employment, because it's not like the mines will suddenly need more work. Unless of course they just want to employ random excess people and pay them, in which case they won't make any money anyway, so the entire exercise would be futile. Then they talk about expropriating land...clearly no lessons where learned from Zimbabwe, or no one has stopped to ask why 5 million of them are in South Africa! They're not here on holiday, they're here because the maniac in charge of that particular banana republic decided to expropriate land, and now most of the farms are in total disrepair! No successful commercial farms = no food = South Africa sits with far to many illegals. The days of subsistance farming are over, you can't feed 50 million people with small holdings.

And then of course, the banks. Juju wants the banks because they are a "strategic monopolistic industry". Well then that's the end of that. If the last investor doesn't leave when they take the mines and farms, she surely will when they take the banks, because for one thing, no one trusts a state owned bank, and another thing is no one will trust those Einsteins with their money, plain and simple.

And so to recap, following the road map laid out by Juju and his cohorts, we will successfully achieve the following:

1) Total collapse of our mining sector followed in short order by the collapse of our economy and Rand
2) Collapse of the banking system and return to the barter trade system. The Rand is now used for fire lighters.
3) Collapse of the farming industry, with no food here the illegal immigrants leave, sadly we have no where to go, being surrounded by ocean really sucks...

There is no future for the country if that man ever has any kind of real power, because unlike JZ he will not calm down, he's far to extreme for that. You can't even compare JZ to Malema, it's not possible on so many levels that it doesn't even bare describing. He's one of those people who's views are so extreme that they can't be reasoned with, and sadly he has a following...Ark hit the nail on the head, there really is nothing more dangerous than stupid people in large numbers...
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by THE_STIG »

IcePick88 wrote:@Kalster. I'm not going to quote your whole post. :)

Apartheid ended 17 years ago and most of the people that was oppressed still lives today. So they still bear that hatred towards caucasian people and will continue to teach their offspring that. But as time goes on, those people will die and that animosity will die with them.

The fact that the government is not delivering proper education to blacks (I think) is the biggest booboo. They are not EMPOWERING their people, but they are just keeping them borderline happy to keep their votes. I almost want to go far to say that the ANC is keeping education away from their people purely to keep them uneducated so that whatever they say, the followers will believe.......

Well not really, because you get taught about the "evils of apartheid" at school(not that I ever pay attention though). I personally think that they should stop teaching it as all it does is make white people look like the enemy and causes the target audience to use the "previously disadvantaged" card every time something goes wrong :x . I find it interesting that people who were born after the ANC took over use this excuse :shock: . And that second paragraph is not so true, education in general is rubbish. But you are correct in saying that they want to keep their followers uneducated because educated people dont vote ANC. Trust me, we had a whole conversation about this and not one person in that classroom said they would vote ANC :wink: .
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Tribble »

Read something interesting in email
Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says

'I love New York ‬™ in Arabic.

You gotta love Robin Williams........Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.

Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)

'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.'

1) 'The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good 'ole' boys', we will never 'interfere' again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East, and the Philippines . They don't want us there.. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave.. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are from. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a 'D' and it's back home baby.

6) The US, UK , CANADA and AUSTRALIA will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while..

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere.' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens..

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us 'Ugly Americans' any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE. Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by KALSTER »

Yeah, first let them pay their dept before they lock themselves away. They'll implode soon enough.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Sojourn »

....and causes the target audience to use the "previously disadvantaged" card every time something goes wrong. I find it interesting that people who were born after the ANC took over use this excuse.
Look, I am sure ultimately you and I have the same objectives for this motherland of ours, but lets not throw illusions around. It will take more than 17 odd years to get this place and their people in shape. You can argue as much as you like, the legacy is what it is. So think nothing of it when people use that excuse when they are young.

I would have liked to have seen the following right after 1994 as main drivers and objectives from the ANCYL:

1. Make university/school non-attendance a criminal offense for parents of school-age children.
2. Up teachers salaries to make it a sought after occupation.
3. Use all excess funding and budgets to up university / schooling facilities, equipment and access to schooling ie infrastructure.
4. Start a well governed fund for tertiary grants and bursaries.
5. No tenderpreneuring.

That would be fulfilling their mandate and focus them on what they are supposed to stand for.
Not this quasi-political entity, that is not even aligned with their own institution.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Tribble »

I agree with you Sojourn. They really should be preparing the youth for a successful future.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by CapNemo »

The future is to hard to think about for them they much rather live in the past and try to repeat others major mistakes like nationalisation for them selves :? Must be bad if you don't even think up your own mistakes :sad11:
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Ron2K »

Deleted the recent off-topic spam posts in this thread.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by StarBound »

I've heard on the radio someone speaking out against the "strikes" and that it is setting the wrong example for the youth of SA. Might bare some relevance but firstly a strike is a strike and it means you refuse to work. Secondly a riot is when when a group of people vandalize public or private property.

So the big issue is that there is a major confusion on what is actually happening. It is sad that even off our shores and onto that far off island the police is so restricted to shields and batons that they can't defend themselves or the citizans they swore to protect. And here I don't hear any different accept our cops actually carry guns but only use them when harassing people. Ok that is somewhat out of line but if there is a public disturbance then bring in the gas and rubber.

Other than that I haven't heard alot from JM. Just that the ANC is not leashing him.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Hman »

What I can't understand about the strikes, in Nelspruit the strikers from the municipality went and strew all the rubbish they could find in the streets and sidewalks. How do they feel does this help their cause, the people in charge of the municipality only cares about how much money they can take home, there's no need to make such a mess. When / if they do get a raise they are going to have to clean the mess up themselves.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by RuadRauFlessa »

Hman this is just like every other strike. They strike to the point where the amount they can possibly get in renumeration is nullified by the time they don't get paid for striking. They don't think. To strike is not a wise option. It is better to be without extra money altogether than it is to strike, fall behind on payments, get listed, struggle to get out, and never catch up or be allowed to get a loan. But then again these barbarians that are striking are in those low job positions because they can't think for themselves.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Tribble »

Hman wrote:What I can't understand about the strikes, in Nelspruit the strikers from the municipality went and strew all the rubbish they could find in the streets and sidewalks. How do they feel does this help their cause, the people in charge of the municipality only cares about how much money they can take home, there's no need to make such a mess. When / if they do get a raise they are going to have to clean the mess up themselves.
And to think that I was going to Nelspruit next week.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by StarPhoenix »

I see that Comrade Juju is up for another limp-wristed slap in front of the ANC Disciplinary Committee. I wonder whether he will be booked for a course of "Political Education" again and whether he got a G for it the first time around. :-P
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Tribble »

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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by StarPhoenix »

Tribble wrote::D
Don't get too excited. He has "friends" within the ANC and will most likely be given a sweetie and told "Naughty boy. Don't do that again. Now go and troll Afriforum."
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Tribble »

I know I know. I just do like it when they feign anger and the perception is that they have put him in an uncomfortable position. I enjoy the fantasy of it all.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Ark »

I have been paying attention to the ***** going down in JHB with the malema disciplinary hearing. It really scares me how much support he has. The ANCYL spent a rather large sum of money (R1.3m was it?) on getting thousands of supporters to jhb and actually planned a riot in an attempt to get the charges against malema dropped. The masses want malema in charge, full stop.

Think about this for a moment. Since the ANC got into power, what was the main agenda of the masses? What is the one thing the ANC has been promising the masses since they came into power? Revolution.

So the ANC brought in affirmative action, black economic empowerment and various racial quotas. They started changing street names and even destroyed something particularly important to afrikaner heritage (julle onthou toe hulle die groot trek gedenk steen vernietig het?). But the masses are still not happy. This is still not the kind of revolution they had in mind.

I remember when I was a kid, somewhere in 1993, I was sitting around in our back yard when I heard a commotion coming from the front and heard my dad swearing very aggressively. There was a rather large amount of blacks going around the neighborhood, picking out their houses for when the ANC would win the coming elections. I remember one of them saying to my dad how we must leave all our furniture and the car in the house when he comes to 'claim' his house, and if we were still there when I he and his family got there, he would shoot us all right there and then. Right after the ANC succeeded in the election and took power in 1994, my mom came home from work and told us about a rather obese black woman who came into their store, and picked herself out a new refrigerator and freezer. When it got to the point where she had to make payment, the woman said to my mom something along the lines of "black power this, white rule is over blah blah blah I don't have to pay for this fridge". This was in a nutshell the idea the masses had of revolution, and this is the revolution the ANC has denied them. If you still don't understand what I mean, think somewhere along the lines of 'uhuru'.

Now take a look at the garbage Malema is preaching. The masses still want revolution and Malema, is bent on giving it to them. We all saw him singing with his followers "shoot the boer". Oh, just a side note.. If your skin is white, you're seen as a boer. Anyway, President Zuma is clearly not keen on this idea. Perhaps he understands the consequences that this course of action would have, who knows. But anyway, to me, it looks like the ANC is getting tired of having to tell malema to stfu all the time. One could easily say "why not just remove him from is post as the president of the ANCYL?". The problem is, its not so easy. Malema has a huge amount of support. If a mere disciplinary hearing caused riots in JHB the other day, imagine the chaos it would cause if they decided to remove him. The vast amount of support he has makes it basically impossible to deal with him. The masses want malema in charge. Tuesday morning I read on various news sites about blacks torching Zuma shirt, chanting "burn zuma" and "malema for president". Given his current age, I can't see him remaining in the ANCYL for much longer, and when the time comes for malema to leave, guess where he's going. He'll be with the ANC itself. Given his current massive following, that will put him in line for presidential candidacy, and I guarantee you, he will give the masses the revolution they're waiting for.

To prevent malema from becoming the president of South Africa, the only option we really have is to get all the 'draad sitters' together and vote. If he becomes a presidential candidate, we MUST vote the ANC out of power... but.. and this is a HUGE but, if the ANC gets voted out and a party like the DA wins, the ***** will hit the fan again. Can any of you realistically see the ANC admitting defeat and peacefully stepping down? There will be call for endless recounts and ballet boxes will get torched (like it hasn't happened before). Not only that, the majority of the masses believe that if a white person comes into power, it will bring back apartheid. Tires will burns, there will be chaos. Mark my words.

So... we all know what's on malema's agenda. When the time comes and malema becomes a candidate for presidency, this is my recommendation. Leave the country. If you're in a position where you can't leave, fortify your house and get yourself some kind of weapon.
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by CapNemo »

Don't quite attribute to them the masses just yet since they are the only ones getting off there bottom and doing something for there believes even if it is only to plunder and in general being assholes who should be shot on sight
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Ark »

CapNemo wrote:Don't quite attribute to them the masses just yet since they are the only ones getting off there bottom and doing something for there believes even if it is only to plunder and in general being assholes who should be shot on sight
I think you're missing the point
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by GreyWolf »

Ark, not to make light of the situation.

But your essay seems very similar to the things people were saying before Zuma became president. tl;dr "He sings the machine gun song! We are all gonna die!"

What you seem to forget is that the international community has a vested interest in SA. I don't mean governments. NO, I am talking about something more powerful: industry.

An example: VW SA has just become the SOLE manufacturer of right hand drive VW Polo's IN THE WORLD! Do you honestly think that VW AG will not do everything in its power to make sure this country remains stable? And this is not even taking into account the gold and diamond industry!
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by THE_STIG »

^^ I doubt that, Zimbabwe also has gold and was an extremely fertile country. But did anybody try and stop Hitler...err I mean Mugabe for ruining the place - NO they just watched. Same will happen here. VW will simply move their factory somewhere else.

@Ark. Yea I remember something like that happening.......Thankfully we had Mandela and he calmed people and got things working, just a shame that we will never have somebody like that as president ever again :(
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by GreyWolf »

Name 1 major manufacturer that had a large operation in Zimbabwe? I am not talking about plants that manufacture for the local market. I am talking about sites that supply the world. Do you think Mercedes Benz would stand by idly while their C-class supply was interrupted? Do you think Toyota would just give up on the R2.4bn they spent on updating their factory in KZN?

Once again this is just car makers.

Lets turn to the mining industry, something not easy to move, as all of your product is kinda stuck in the ground. Do you see DeBeers or Anglo just walking away from one their biggest sources of income?
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by THE_STIG »

Sure they might say something but car companies alone cant stop the country from slipping into ruin. they will need the UN to help and knowing that bunch they will do nothing. They only do something if oil is involved. Besides I am sure zim probably has more gold than we do now.....

I just hope the ANC nail juju.....or else he will become president one day, and that will be the end of SA.

Oh and Zim used to export lots of fruit(remember their famous orange juice.....)to the international market and there was lots of gold as well......
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by Ark »

There is a very big difference between zuma and malema. While zuma was campaigning for presidency, he was preaching jobs, crime control, anti-corruption etc. He advertised himself as an honest politician. We all dismissed it as ****** and focused on that trial he was in with shaik about that arms deal that cause Mbeki to sack him, but yea, he surprised us and is actually making an effort. Now look at what malema is preaching. Land grabs and anti-white remarks, things that are very bad for this country. Huge difference.

There is nothing a business in the private sector can do (local or international) that would have an effect on a country's government. What is VW gonna do? Threaten not to make Polo's for the indians anymore? (Kidding)

Yes, they will be unhappy, and if malema comes into power and screws it all up, all they can do is count their losses. Current investors will lose assets, potential investors will lose interest. That's it.

Only foreign governments with actual power can do something via military intervention or the UN could step in. We have no oil, so chances of that is very unlikely
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Re: The threat that is Julius Malema

Post by THE_STIG »

Brilliantly said. Exactly the UN are only interested in oil........since we have non they will pretend that we dont exist. Just look at Zim, the UN say nothing about that but they will go and fight in the middle east :?
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