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Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 12:24
by Tribble
Exactly - except for the emotional part at the end. Some of us don't. I have never been a cuddler after the fact.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 12:34
by KatrynKat
:shock: amazing and all true!!!

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 12:46
by Tribble
You know we need to change the title of this thread. Every time I look at it - I see men are not to swallow :lol:

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:03
by Sojourn
hahaha... I also saw something to that effect the 1st time I saw this thread...

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:05
by Tribble
Phew - so it is not just me then.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:16
by RuadRauFlessa
Hard to imagine that there are two people on the forum with disturbed minds.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:20
by Tribble
Not disturbed. It is a sign of a lazy brain - it glances at the word and grabs one that is similar instead of reading what is there. It fills in the blanks so to speak :lol:

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:24
by RuadRauFlessa
Ye but fills in the blanks with what?

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:32
by Tribble
Still working that one out

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:33
by SykomantiS
In this case the answer is with: "men do not swallow"

:evil: Thank you, Tannie Trouble

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:35
by Tribble
Hee hee well do they?

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:35
by Sojourn
No, I saw it as "men don't swallow..."

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:39
by KatrynKat
clearly you all do not have logical brains, as i read everything as it is written!

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:40
by jee
Actually that opens a totally different can of sticky worms, if you will excuse the pun...

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:43
by KatrynKat
SykomantiS wrote:In this case the answer is with: "men do not swallow"

:evil: Thank you, Tannie Trouble
the question is... do they swallow???

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 13:54
by Kronos
Tribble wrote:Exactly - except for the emotional part at the end. Some of us don't. I have never been a cuddler after the fact.
I'm not talking about cuddling. More like one night stands. Most people can't do one night stands, because they feel an emotional connection to the person. This is also the reason why people seek the emotional connection with someone before having sex. Because of the endorphins they've expereinced during, making them feel emotionally good.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 14:08
by SykomantiS
KatrynKat wrote:
SykomantiS wrote:In this case the answer is with: "men do not swallow"

:evil: Thank you, Tannie Trouble
the question is... do they swallow???
Oh yes they do :twisted: I love swallowing beer :whistling:


Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 14:08
by Sojourn
Kronos wrote:
Tribble wrote:Exactly - except for the emotional part at the end. Some of us don't. I have never been a cuddler after the fact.
I'm not talking about cuddling. More like one night stands. Most people can't do one night stands, because they feel an emotional connection to the person. This is also the reason why people seek the emotional connection with someone before having sex. Because of the endorphins they've expereinced during, making them feel emotionally good.
In my single days I never had "true" one-night stands, more like "friends-with-benefits" for a week or five - then it fizzles out.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 14:38
*sigh* ignoring the direction this thread has taken.... :P

My skill at getting the girl is inversely proportionate to my attraction to her. Someone please explain how that works. Kthnx. :)

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 14:44
by SykomantiS
My buddy has a theory. The more obvious it is that you are interested in a girl, the less she is interested in you. Well, it's not his theory, but it's one he believes in.

It goes something along the lines of they want approval/attention which they aren't getting, if they do get it without effort, they don't want it. :roll:
(obviously it's a lot more complicated than that, but that's the quick and dirty of it)

Not saying I believe him, but let it be said that this has happened to me before, way too often :x

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 17:26
by Tribble
I think that sometimes the problem is that some guys are too obvious in their affectations and that unnerves the girl. With most females - subtlety is the key. Most of the time, gentle flirting will get you further than blatant flirting. You want to know why the ignoring works? It is not that girls are attracted to guys that ignore them - these guys get in under the radar. Girls feel more comfortable with them, will take contact play easier because they don't think there is anything behind it. If a guy that does not appear to have a crush on a girl, jokes around and grabs her, tickles her for instance - it is non threatening. She is more likely to play along. She lets her guard down and he gets physically close. Hormones then confuse the rest and she thinks she feels attraction to him. It is just response to stimulus. That is (in my opinion) how girls fall for the "bad boys". They get close, they use touch to get her "hot" and it works because he doesn't appear to be interested and so she is not on guard. Before you know it - she is light headed and giddy and he has her ........ well you know the rest.

These don't last because there really was nothing but physical interest from her side and he had no real feelings for her anyway. She soon gets tired to being played and will move on to a more sensitive, decent guy. And that is why you see gorgeous women with normal looking guys - because these other guys have taught them the value of personality and the qualities they lacked.

Some of those bad boys do get lucky however.

@Kronos - you could be right (I do not have experience to judge) but I really don't think a woman needs to be emotional towards a man to sleep with him. He just has to turn her on.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 18:38
by SykomantiS
Tribble, what you said was also among the further explanation of said theory, or, as he would put it, one of the tactics one can use. Personally I think all this psycho theory stuff is a bunch of bull. I don't to screw with someone's head to get them to like me. Which is mostly why I'm still single :evil:

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 18:52
by Tribble
Which is why you have to be patient and wait for the women you are interested in to wake up and realise what is being done to them. The moment women realise that they have been manipulated or played - they learn. Eventually they wake up. (No this did not happen to me - I am not typical. Besides - I found my mate very early in life so did not have to go through this.) Just be patient - or find a more mature woman.

Re: Men are not so shallow....

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 17:08
by jee
and geeks make good lovers...

You never have to fake a headache.

As you know, sometimes a key to being a great lover is to know when not to push for sex! If you’re tired of faking headaches to get out of it after a long day at work, a geeky guy is right up your alley. Not in the mood? That’s okay. Just plop his bottom down in front of the TV and treat him to an unexpected Star Trek or Dr. Who marathon. He’ll forget what he’s missing in no time. ... at-lovers/

Re: Men are not so shallow....and geeks make good lovers

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 17:12
by rustypup
that's.... sexist! :shock:

:lol: the comments are predictably inane...