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Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 19 May 2010, 20:30
audiobooks set to a beat
I will use this.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:17
by IcePick88
Hellfury wrote:Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

What I once perceived as “awesome” and “powerful” I now see too many an error in. As an individual who was once a vehement defender of this closed-off sect of society, I do believe that I can now stand against it.

Black Metal, “The Devil’s Music” is a journey. It consumes you; it brings out all your rage, anger, and hatred. It changes your outlook on life, to something where optimism, the very thing that spurs the progression of society, is crushed. It, simply put, can alter the course of your life. I’m at a stage now where I can’t function, because of so much pent up rage, due to constant reinforcement of pessimism. I lived, breathed, and spoke black metal. I had subliminal music playing 24/7. I was obsessed...Spellbound so to speak. The more hateful the better. I fed on it. I couldn’t listen to anything else. Feel good music made me sick. I would sit on my bed and listen to the same song play 14 times. My iTunes “Most played list” is testimony to this fact. At the top Of the List is Dimmu Borgir’s “Satan My Master” with a play count of 1376…It got so bad that I would lock myself in my room with cigarettes and coffee and listen to that song over and over until I fell asleep.

It’s affected my relationships with people too. Ironically, I can’t take people being hostile to me. I mistake assertiveness for aggression. My relationship with my mother is close to dead. I can’t even bring myself to say hello to her. I can’t/couldn’t talk to anyone who does/didn’t have the same pessimistic outlook on life. I took it too far…it consumed me…and I don’t know who I am anymore…

Some of you will dismiss this as juvenile and pathetic, and will tell me “I told you so.” However, this is just me coming to terms with it

Regards, Justin
Let me gooi my 2c here.

I won't go into the whole psychology of how music affects humans purely because I'm not psychologist.
Like the saying: "You are what you eat" its the same with music but little different. "You become what you listen to".

I don't like to be associated with people listening to this crap. Purely because I am a Christian. Words/lyrics/music of this nature has no space in my life. Why would you listen to it to start off with? What positive change does these lyrics and songs bring to your life? If you say it enriches your life, to what extent and what direction?

This type of music is a poison. It poisons the listener to such an extent that they (Like hellfury said) withdraw themselves from people and seek comfort with others who listens to the same crap. Guess what, normally it's the wrong crowd that's involved with unsavory stuff. Drugs, alcohol and satanism ect ect.

I listened to the one song from "Die Antwoord" called Doosdronk.
Here is a extract of one part of the lyrics:

"Doodsdronk, god waar is my hond." Afte hearing this I killed the song and deleted it from my pc.
Days after that while riding to work I suddenly started singing only that part of the song!

It has buried itself in my subconscious and the devil wants me to use the Lords name in vein. I immediately found another song to sing.

So, the aged old saying: What would Jesus do? Would he sing these lyrics? Would he be associated with this? NEVER!

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:29
by rustypup
IcePick88 wrote:Purely because I am a Christian.
i never made it past this statement...

not because anything further wouldn't be relevant, but because it was going to be tainted with unhelpful bias...

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:32
by GreyWolf
IcePick88 wrote:It has buried itself in my subconscious and the devil wants me to use the Lords name in vein. I immediately found another song to sing.

I have a strong feeling that the other song was not "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, or "Sad but True" by Metallica...

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:41
by Prime
IcePick88 wrote:
Let me gooi my 2c here.
Your 2 cents clearly is not worth very much considering your pretty much ignored half the comments in this thread. There are plenty of us here and quite a few of us know each other outside the forum, and not one single of of us who listens to this sort of music is a satanist or a devil worshiper or a drug user.
This type of music is a poison. It poisons the listener to such an extent that they (Like hellfury said) withdraw themselves from people and seek comfort with others who listens to the same crap. Guess what, normally it's the wrong crowd that's involved with unsavory stuff. Drugs, alcohol and satanism ect ect.
Wow, that makes a tonne of sense. So either you are saying people who listen to this aren't human or you are contradicting yourself?
So, the aged old saying: What would Jesus do? Would he sing these lyrics? Would he be associated with this? NEVER!
WWJD? Maybe not judge people and make sweeping statements as you are doing (Assuming he were real)
It has buried itself in my subconscious and the devil wants me to use the Lords name in vein. I immediately found another song to sing.
I think thats the voice of reason. You should listen to it more often.
I don't like to be associated with people listening to this crap. Purely because I am a Christian. Words/lyrics/music of this nature has no space in my life. Why would you listen to it to start off with? What positive change does these lyrics and songs bring to your life? If you say it enriches your life, to what extent and what direction?
As has been stated numerous times, many of us actually find music like this calms us down or helps us focus. It doesn't turn us into ninja sword killers or make us want to throw ourselves off bridges. And I'm not sure I'd want to be associated with you either.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:43
by hamin_aus
IcePick88 wrote:It has buried itself in my subconscious and the devil wants me to use the Lords name in vein.
If there even is such a thing as "the devil", I'm sure he has bigger things to spend his time on.
Making some random guy inadvertently blaspheme is not going to advance his ultimate goal by much, I don't think...

Also, Die Antwoord is not Black Metal... and I quite enjoy their lyrics.
Often I'll be driving along in my car singing "jou ma se **** in a fish paste jar" and loving it!

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 11:46
"Doodsdronk, god waar is my hond." Afte hearing this I killed the song and deleted it from my pc.
Days after that while riding to work I suddenly started singing only that part of the song!
It was NOT the devil. The line struck a chord with you, albeit a bad one, but of course it will stick with you for a while. Why blame the devil for everything?
What would Jesus do?
Not a bad philosophy.

Look, I believe the world would be a MUCH better place if we stopped blaming a fictional bad guy for everything wrong in it. Humans will be humans, but a concerted effort to be good people is the best we can do. Stop blaming the devil for everything and own up to your own shortcomings as an imperfect being. We ALL have bad aspects to our personalities, but you can not really avoid it as best you can if you don't realize this. Understanding and empathy are the best tools to a productive life that adds positively to humanity's consciousness.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 12:47
by IcePick88
Nice reaction I got here. Everyone, enjoy your weekends. It's time to have some off time. :)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 13:18
Damn! The high road got me again! Aaaaargggghhhh.....

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 18:53
by Tribble
It is awful when you try and pick a fight - and your victim walks unscathed :lol:

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 19:56
by wizardofid
Like the saying: "You are what you eat" its the same with music but little different. "You become what you listen to".
So if I eat horse shyte....what will happen?Becoming horse shyte is not on the agenda just yet, well only if Jessica Biel comes around to my place for a romantic dinner and candle light music.....Well first I will crap my pants and then pee on her chair so she is off limits to every one else....

Point is your made up saying is just that a figment of your imaginary friends metaphysical the unlikely event that I become like Steve Hofmeyer keep clear of Sammy Marks square a middle aged Afrikaans streaker will likely assist in the regurgitation of yesterdays 2 days old Pie city pie.
I listened to the one song from "Die Antwoord" called Doosdronk.
Here is a extract of one part of the lyrics:

"Doodsdronk, god waar is my hond." Afte hearing this I killed the song and deleted it from my pc.
Days after that while riding to work I suddenly started singing only that part of the song!
Guess what I am listening to their internet album right now.Guess what I am still me....will listen to it on my ipod or at low volume, why? because they swear and shyte, no I do it out of respect for others....

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 21 May 2010, 23:43
by hamin_aus
wizardofid wrote:if Jessica Biel comes around to my place for a romantic dinner and candle light music.....Well first I will crap my pants and then pee on her chair

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 22 May 2010, 05:59
by wizardofid

Since you have gone and perverted a perfectly well planned evening.....I would have to find some one else...and then remove your your image linking rights........ :cry: :cry:

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 22 May 2010, 09:53
by Tribble
[OT] Awesome avvie Wiz [/OT]

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 22 May 2010, 13:15
by jee

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 22 May 2010, 13:30
by wizardofid
Tribble wrote:[OT] Awesome avvie Wiz [/OT]
Why thank you miss pudy cat...It really displays my emo goth music, self mutilation personality.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 22 May 2010, 15:55
by Tribble
I must admit - I was a Christian too once. I also believed Metal to be Satanic. Church told us so - I accepted it without question.

Granted, I don't listen to all metal as some is just sick. But there is a whole lot of it that is just fantastic! It really does help me focus - especially when I have code to write (as you know that is not one of my natural talents). Mind you - it also works keep me calm in bad traffic and after a busy morning with the kids.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 12:15
by Frozenfireside
Tribble wrote:I must admit - I was a Christian too once. I also believed Metal to be Satanic. Church told us so - I accepted it without question.
I think people fear and denounce that which they do not understand. It´s a pity religion and people put a label on music because, like we have said, not all music is bad.

I know of a band called Les Metalis. A Christian metal band who do a great version of motopsycho. I have no problem listening to them but my religious friends will gladly tear up my Iron Maiden albums.

I just think people need to understand music better. People fear what they do not understand and music can be interpreted so many ways so it´s hard to convince people that what they understand or hear in music is what is meant.

Anyway I know people are more open to different music now than they were a few years ago.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 12:45
by capanno
Tribble wrote: I also believed Metal to be Satanic. Church told us so - I accepted it without question.
Now there's your problem.

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 12:52
by Tribble
capanno wrote:
Tribble wrote: I also believed Metal to be Satanic. Church told us so - I accepted it without question.
Now there's your problem.
There was much that I accepted without question. Life was simpler then. It is when I started thinking - that things became complicated. I can see the allure of believing without question. Of absolute faith.

But back on topic. A very entertaining read
I am sure that brewnog must be our very own Puppy

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 23:09
by Hellfury
Heads up to everyone who replied. much appreciated

Didn't realise it would spark so much debate...

I have since purged my entire collection of satanic music (before you ask, all legally aquired), +- 12gb

To those who argue that music doesn't affect you, I say an unstable person is easily corrupted. Nor do I blame my problems on it. I am by no mean using music as a scapegoat

I'm now trying to build up the courage to go to church...I admit I'm apprehensive, but I think I'll give it a try :)

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 23:40
by Frozenfireside
Have you considered Buddhism?

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 23 May 2010, 23:49
by Hellfury
I have, but don't exactly know how to go about it:/

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 24 May 2010, 00:31
by Prime
Hellfury wrote:I have, but don't exactly know how to go about it:/
Which city are you in?

Find a Buddhist temple or centre on Google?

Re: Satanic (Black) Metal – The Dangers Thereof

Posted: 24 May 2010, 05:13
by Tribble
Glad to see you are coming right :D