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Posted: 11 May 2008, 20:11
by zerubabel
A friend showed me parts of Nabari no Ou episode 1, and I must say I was really put off... It was really really really ghey, with a gay man, and a gay school boy... Need I say more?

I don't have anything against gay characters in anime, as the gay characters in Nodame Cantabile, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are incredibly funny and fit in well.
In Nabari no Ou you're heading into gay man's fantasy world. Not something I'd propose a heterosexual male download.. ;)

Posted: 11 May 2008, 20:45
by I34z1k
:| Scary...

Posted: 23 May 2008, 11:46
by Rayne
Here's the first four chapters of what would be a seven part OVA series, Gekijouban Kara no Kyoukai.
Based on a novel by Nasu Kinoko, writer for TYPE-MOON. Kara no Kyoukai plays in a parallel universe to that of Tsukihime. Considered the precursor/inspiration for the story of Tsukihime.

From a long sleep, Ryougi Shiki awoke.
As an after effect, she gained the power to perceive the death of things.
A power to kill anything with just a knife lures Shiki into a dark world.
The murderer from two years ago.
Swarm of floating ghosts.
A girl who can bend things by just looking at them.
A spiral construction which collects people's death.
When numerous bizarre incidents collides with Shiki's Mystic Eyes...
...her lost memories reawakens...

The main character, Ryougi Shiki, was involved in a car accident and fell into a deep coma for two years. When she finally awoke from it, she had gained the “Eyes of Death Perception” ability but believed to have lost something instead.

The Ryougi family attempted to create human beings that exceeded normal humans, and to accomplish this, they trained their children in various martial arts and fencing, and also made them split their personalities. They believed that by using this method, one personality could be an expert in one subject while the other could be master other subjects. Shiki was no exception to this, and she had a masculine and feminine side that switched places with each other.

After having woken up from the accident, Shiki believed that her masculine personality side had died during the accident. Instead she tried to supplement the spiritually dead Shiki's personality by her masculine tone.

2007-12-01 - Chapter 1 : Dai Isshou - Fukan Fuukei (Overlooking View, The Garden of Sinners)


2007-12-29 - Chapter 2 : Dai ni Shou Satsujin Kousatsu (Murder Study [Part 1])


2008-02-09 - Chapter 3 : Dai san Shou Tsuukaku Zanryuu (Remaining Sense of Pain)


2008-05-24 - Chapter 4 : Dai Yon Shou - Garan no Dou


The ETA for chapters 5-7 not yet disclosed.

These are DVD releases, not HDTV broadcasts sadly but the animation is stunning and seeing Shiki leap from and fight on building's rooftops in the first chapter was really a joy.

Track this, it's a good show.

EDIT : Forgot the link - (trailer and previews there, just erm, click blindly, it's there somewhere...)

EDIT #2 : Japan's vidio players works only in Japan... - LQ trailer here -

EDIT #3 : ... ts-records

Posted: 23 May 2008, 21:35
by ZeroS
Very nice!

To those who are watching it, how does it compare to FSN and Tsukihime?

Posted: 24 May 2008, 09:09
by Rayne
Well, the first chapter was just under 51 minutes and there's six more to come so it's a bit early to compare it to completed series'. KnK comes before FSN and Tsukihime though, this is what led to them, the original work.

Whilst FSN and Tsukihime were made for TV KnK is made for cinema, it's of a much higher production quality. I loved the tone, the visuals, the voice acting, the soundtrack, the fluid movements and solid characters. This is clearly one of the better productions of late.

Like said I cannot comment on the whole as yet, I estimate it should clock in just under or just over 6 hours so there's still a long way to go and even longer a wait. Not so sure all seven chapters are scheduled for release this year, it was first announced back in 2006 and I waited for this since last year. What I read of it I already forgot. Infact if I did not check the new anime releases this week I would probably never even have remembered it and forgot all about it.

Seeing chapter one though I'm craving for more.

Posted: 24 May 2008, 11:20
by hamin_aus

Shingetsutan Tsukihime still rates as one of my all-time favs and Fate Stay Night also excellent.

I'll keep my eyes out for this one!

Posted: 24 May 2008, 12:24
by ZeroS
jamin_za wrote:Awesome.

Shingetsutan Tsukihime still rates as one of my all-time favs and Fate Stay Night also excellent.

I'll keep my eyes out for this one!
Same here. As always, thanks for info Rayne!

Posted: 30 May 2008, 09:31
by DwayneZ
zerubabel wrote:Watched quite alot of anime lately, and I must say the anime of 2007 for me is Nodame Cantabile... truly an AAAA anime.
I've wwtched it too. its great!

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 12:41
by RocketScientist
Afro samurai is something else, I would just like to watch the japanese version.

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 12:23
by Rayne
You know, I've seen this listed but browsed past it so many times because I assumed it would be a boring show. Chess. Most of you would probably disgard this off-hand as well right? Well, my early assumption of what I now think is most probably the most underrated show of 2007/2008, was wrong. I would never have imagined I'd enjoy watching people playing chess this much and thinking about it now, I don't recall ever actually seeing an anime themed so before. This was something completely new for me and it caught me by surprise -

Shion no Ou : The Flowers of Hard Blood ( AniDB )


Category : Seinen ( Wiki | ANN | Suspense thriller )
Runtime : 2007-10-14 - 2008-03-23

I will mention however, there was quite a bit of controversy surrounding this title. This was initially announced as a 12 episode series but was later expanded to 22. Not a bad thing per se, except for the fact that the initial budget was not expanded with. Late in production Studio DEEN pulled their animation crew from the Shion no Ou project to start work on a new title though, resulting in a noticeable decline in animation quality. But that aside, the most controvential and perhaps what sparked my interest in this show, the actual writer -


Hayashiba Naoko ( Wiki ) / DO NOT read the Shion no Ou Wiki entry!

She wrote Shion no Ou under alias, Katori Masaru, thus the only publication for which she did so. See, Shion no Ou shows us the world of professional shogi (Japanese form of chess), a world Naoko knows first-hand. She was considered a genius at the sport and seen as icon in the history of Japanese shogi whilst she held and defended the highest female master rank in the game. Now, in a strategic game in which the player able to most accurately predict his opponents next move would be victor, this is not something to be taken lightly, and definately not something most of us can do. Need I also mention shogi is a little bit more complicated than it's chess counterpart? Sadly though, Naoko's fame in the shogi world would not last forever and when she was pointed to as the center of a sexual scandal, her cookie started to crumble. She was forced to end her career and when things got completely out of hand, she actually left Japan (the Japanese society is not so forgiving as the one we know). She then took up writing novels and was later the mangaka for her first and thus only manga, Shion no Ou. For a short summary on the life of Hayashiba Naoko see the following -
• She was the overall winner of the amateur Meijinsen at the age of 11. At the same year, she was encouraged to become a member of the female league to widen her knowledge of the game.
• While attending elementary school, she became a live-in student of Yonenaga Kunio, Eisei Kisei.
• She became a pro shougi player at the age of 12.
• At 14 years old, she achieved the "Joryu Oshou(1)" and "Joryu Meijin(2)" ranks.
• She maintained her "Joryu Oshou" rank for 10 consecutive years.
• Eventually, she was given the rank "Queen Oshou(3)".
• On May 29, 1994, she left word to her master that she wanted to take a break from shougi and promptly took a leave.
• She discreetly came back to Japan on June 18 of the same year from United Kingdom. As punishment for leaving without permission, she was told to pay 1.5 million yen.
• In 1995, CONFESSIONS, a collection of her nude photos, was published.
• Aside from the scandal from the photobook, scandals about her illicit affairs with Nakahara Makoto Meijin also surfaced, forcing her to end her career in shougi.
• On August 1995, Hayashiba-sensei left the Japan Shougi Association(4).
• She began a new career of writing novels targeting the female teens and eventually moving on to writing novel series.
• Since then, she had been concentrating on writing novels
• It seems that her pseudonym, Masaru Katori, is just used when she wrote the storyline for the manga Shion no Ou

[1-2] Oshou (王将) and Meijin (名人) are two of the seven titles fought for in Japan Shougi Association. Almost similar to Go titles, the titles are: Oshou, Meijin, Kisei, Ouza, Oui, Ryuo and Kio. "Joryou" is a term added to the titles to emphasize that it's the title for the female kishi.
[3] Queen Oshou is rewarded to a player who held the Joryu Oshou title for 5 years in total regardless of consecutiveness.
[4] Hayashiba's name did not appear in the list of retired shougi players, making it more correct to say that she "left" the Association.
Yes, Shion no Ou is an animated adaptation of it's original manga and yes, every single aspect concerning shogi in this anime is technically correct and accurate. But, and that's a big but, do not make assumptions like I first did, yet. Shion no Ou, aka Shion's King, is not just a story about shogi. This is, at heart, a suspense thriller set against the professional shogi world. Even with all it's flaws and after it's production difficulties what keeps all the falling pieces from scatter is the rock-solid foundation carrying it from the ground up, the story. Just like her maker, our fictional main character, 12 year old Yasuoka Shion (voiced by the highly acclaimed Kawasumi Ayako) has a natural talent for the game. She's a master at the sport and we're immediately thrown right into the professional shogi world as she competes in a masters tournament. Shion however, carries the burden of a very dark past. At the age of 4, she bare witness to her mother and father's murder and, as a result of shock from the ordeal, she has not spoken a word since. On that tragic night the killer approached Shion but did not harm her, instead, he played a game of shogi with her before placing his "King" on her dead father's forehead as he left. Shion, at this time, was tightly clutching her's. 8 years later and now in the present day, the killer is still at large. Who is he? What reason could he possibly have had to do it? These questions are about to be answered as he once again resurfaces now that Shion's quickly becoming a media attraction and she herself starts to realise her nightmares was indeed a true harsh reality. Just like the game she mastered all the scattered pieces of her suppressed memories strategically starts falling into place. Shion's about to face her demons during the most crucial time of her professional shogi career and this little girl would have to muster up all the courage she has to see it through, both professionally and emotionally. And that is what won me over. As Shion does not speak she has to express her emotions. It's not just those expressions itself though, but the way it affected the characters around her, that really stood out.

I really enjoyed this show and after now having seen it it's hard to believe only a few people are talking about it. Note I linked the seinen genre intentionally because this is not for everyone, though I think a few guys here will enjoy this, if only a few.

Lastly I'll mention that a complete understanding of shogi is not required to watch this anime though you would do good to at least know the basics so please browse through the Wiki entry if you can. Luckily Live-eviL featured notes after each episode but still they came after you've already seen the actual gameplay, thus a little late. Live-eviL finished it, 720p Matroska, 5.06Gb.

Watch it, I personally think it's one of the best shows I've seen in months, thus underrated imho. And on such a note I'll end with some flamebait mentioning Code Geass R2 is the most overrated show this year. **** knows how it got it's rating because I sure don't. Well, more on that another time.

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 13:15
by Nuke
Will check out Shion no Ou. Looks like it will be good.

I'm first waiting for all of Kara no Kyoukai before I will watch it. I download it though as it comes out.

Posted: 19 Jul 2008, 21:51
by Nuke
Busy with Shion no Ou. Got interested in Shougi. Just lost my 2nd match againt the PC :lol: But I'm quickly getting the hang of it. The thing thats throwing me off most in all the Kanji. Im a way it makes the series more interesting too.

Posted: 19 Jul 2008, 22:19
by ZeroS
@Nuke - Have you seen that add on for firefox that jee posted somewhere here. It's called Kanjilish and is apparently very helpful for someone in the field of Kanji learning.

Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 09:38
by Rayne
Enjoy Shion no Ou. As for KnK, well, chapter 4 was screened May 24th and the DVD come out 6 months after cinema in Japan too so after next week's chapter 3 (**** yeah) we'll only be seeing more of KnK in November. And that means chapters 6 and 7 we'll only get to see early-mid 2009. :cry:

I'm watching it now and when it's done I'm gonna watch it again.

I rewatched Tsukihime also btw ZeroS, hard now to say it was good. After reading a few forums I see now why guys dislike it so. I was ignorant at the time though. KnK's not just better, it's probably 20 times better. Can't compare new stuff to old shows anymore. KnK's made to impress, made for Japanese cinema, a society who sees quality anime day in and day out, and impres it does. Chapter 3 should be out Wednesday night, really, really looking forward to it. It's said to be the best of what we've thus seen and as a bonus the late chapters are much longer than the first couple too.

Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 18:08
by Nuke
Tsukihime is good campared to alot of american crap. But after te game it seems a bit to the lower end of the scale.

Now if the can only make FSN movies covering Unlimmited Blade Works and Heavens Feel.

Btw I have the Kanji plugin on my firefox, but I use mostly opera.