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Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 14:08
by GreyWolf
I hereby pronounce JZ the king of Random!
WTF is up with you man? everything has to do with people's genitalia!:D

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 14:15
by hamin_aus
GreyWolf wrote:everything has to do with people's genitalia!:D
I know. I dont know whats up with me recently.

I have genital OCD. Is there a support group I can join?

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 14:27
by GreyWolf
Nympho's Anonymous?

Cure by overdose is what you need I think.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 14:59
by jee
GreyWolf wrote:Nympho's Anonymous?

Cure by overdose is what you need I think.
would that remedy be scientific, or part of science fiction? :o

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 15:21
by GreyWolf
it would be wishful thinking mostly. :D

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 19:16
by jee
Guys.. did you see what ONE of those railgun missles cost - and what a Tomahawk missile cost!


Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 22:16
by jee
Teens who smoke pot but not cigarettes appear to be more likely to get good grades, play sports and live with both parents than those who also use tobacco, finds a surprising new study from Switzerland.

What's more, the study found that teens who smoke pot were more likely to have a good relationship with their friends than teens who smoked neither tobacco nor pot, found the study published in the November issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
rest is a must read

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 07:31
by hamin_aus

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 08:07
by Samaya
ET phone home...

Now how do we get there in time for breakfast?

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 08:52
by hamin_aus
Samaya wrote:Now how do we get there in time for breakfast?
41 light years is about 387.86 trillion kilometers.

Thats a long way to travel to find nobody home!

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 09:27
by Samaya
Ek sal padkos maar pak lol :wink:

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 09:58
by Squirly
jamin_za wrote:
I'm so far ahead of science it's not even funny anymore.

Oh wait, yes it is! :D

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:12
by jee
A series of monumental volcanic eruptions in India may have killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, not a meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico. The eruptions, which created the gigantic Deccan Traps lava beds of India, are now the prime suspect in the most famous and persistent paleontological murder mystery, say scientists who have conducted a slew of new investigations honing down eruption timing.

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:51
by viceroy
jee wrote:
A series of monumental volcanic eruptions in India may have killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, not a meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico. The eruptions, which created the gigantic Deccan Traps lava beds of India, are now the prime suspect in the most famous and persistent paleontological murder mystery, say scientists who have conducted a slew of new investigations honing down eruption timing.
Not exactly new.

A theory gaining popularity is that the KT extinction is the shockwaves caused by the Chicxulub Impact (which was incidentally is on the opposite side of the planet at the time) are what caused the Deccan Traps to literally let go.

Interestingly enough a previous mass extinction (At the PT boundry) coincides with the Siberian Traps and a similarly large impact which also occurred on the opposite side of the planet. I'm not sure of the exact details but will try find them tonight

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 10:34
by rustypup
@jee: i've been reading bits and pieces about this for a while now... the debate is becoming almost fun to follow... while she has some valid points, she's ignoring a large portion of the impact evidence, (the trace elements in the KT boundary)...

for all those into absurd math:
The New Unifying Theory of Everything - If You Accept a Whole Bunch of Other Imagined Things Which Have Yet to be Verified

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 10:51
by SilverBack
I had a thought last night (might be dumb...but had to post it incase someone knows the answer :P ) Science / Science fiction:

The moon landing back in the day. I for one, dont believe it really happened. If it did...why have we not been has improved in leaps an theoretically, it should be easier to go back. So ja...anyways I digress...back to my thought.

Say the moon landing did happen, USA planted a flag on the moon right? Im sure it would not be too hard to get its location points etc. So if you had a real good telescope...would you not be able to see the flag on the moon, if you knew the exact location of it? Could this not prove / disprove the moon landing... :lol:

Like I say...might be a dumb bumm question...but was just thinking about it... :wink:

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:05
by Judas
SilverBack wrote:I had a thought last night (might be dumb...but had to post it incase someone knows the answer :P ) Science / Science fiction:

The moon landing back in the day. I for one, dont believe it really happened. If it did...why have we not been has improved in leaps an theoretically, it should be easier to go back.
Sure, it would be easier in this day and age, but there's simply no justifiable reason to go back. The moon is hardly an exciting place... It's little more than a floating rock.

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:15
by Sojourn
omfg... if this thread devolve into 1970's conspiracy theories it's time to move on.


Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:28
by SilverBack
LOL :lol: No...thats why I said I digress from the point I was trying to make! Surely if you had a decent telescope, you could see the flag? Just a matter of science...getting the correct co-ords, waiting for the right night to view it etc is it more science fiction?

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:33
by hamin_aus
SilverBack wrote:I had a thought last night
Oh noes, this cant be good... :P
SilverBack wrote:The moon landing back in the day. I for one, don't believe it really happened.
You know, it amazes me that in the 21st century, people will dispute the moon landings despite all the empirical evidence supporting it.

I saw Buz Aldrin's face when a tinfoil hat wearing turdburglar asked him about the authenticity of the moon landings in a televised interview.
Bru, if looks could kill...

Let me ask you: Is Bigfoot alive? How about Elvis, is he really dead? What about Tupac and Biggie? Nessie?
What other crackpot theories do you waste your superfluous neural activity on?

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:51
by jee
SilverBack wrote:Surely if you had a decent telescope, you could see the flag? J
it was stolen .... *g*

Mr Traveller - why don't you, for once, add something of value instead of complaining? 8O :roll:

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 11:57
by hamin_aus
jee wrote:
SilverBack wrote:Surely if you had a decent telescope, you could see the flag? J
it was stolen .... *g*

Not even the Hubble telescope could see the flag!
The Moon is almost 400 000km away. The smallest things Hubble can clearly distinguish at this distance are about 60 meters wide. The biggest piece of left-behind Apollo equipment would be about a single pixel wide in a Hubble image.

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 12:07
by Sojourn
jee wrote:
SilverBack wrote:Surely if you had a decent telescope, you could see the flag? J
Mr Traveller - why don't you, for once, add something of value instead of complaining?
and i love you to mrs g :)

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 12:19
by jee
Sojourn wrote: and i love you to mrs g :)
nonono! you don't :( and its Ms

Don't they have moon buggies like they have on Mars?

(see who has been watching endless History channel... )

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 12:42
by SilverBack
Didnt know that about Hubble...ok, so that answers my question.

Big foot, Nessie???....dont get me started!! :lol: