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Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 10:55
by daBoss
there is a patch out,
i dunno if its any good,
will see tonight.

Posted: 07 Dec 2007, 11:55
by Maverickus
hey guys, anyone in CT got this? I'd like to see it before I buy it, if possible

EDIT: I can't seem to find a demo anywhere...

Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 22:43
by bhangie
After i installed the game i started it but it crashed after about 40sec but then i found vista users have to run it as admin. That sorted i connected to it found an update a agreed to the aupdate being installed and since than live wont connect, anyone had this problem?

Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 23:23
by Kennyisalive
This is a awsome game I got it this morning and couldn't stop playing till after 5 a clock when I neede to go. I'm not much of a 3rd person game guy but this is just a great game.

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 08:18
by Obituary
I loved it on XBOX 360... Bought it for pc for the extra chapters, but no body told me I would have to play it all again to play em :?

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 12:21
by Maplassie_GTR
I bought my copy yesterday as the retailer did not have UT3.

Not playing it till Thursday as My new G25 is keeping me busy with Rfactor and Pro Street.

Thursday is my first day off so I can sit and enjoy it.

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 12:26
by Molean
Been playing it a the whole game: Hide behind wall and kill monsters, Hide behind this wall and kill these monsters, hide behind that wall and kill those monsters? :? I am seeing a trend. Does the game change at all later on?

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 12:42
by Rayne
~~ wrong thread...

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 13:01
by Maplassie_GTR
Not really. I finished this approximatly 5-7 times on xbox, I still can't get enough of it!

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 13:44
by Kennyisalive
I just finished the game in co-op and it was great. Hope they will bring out a second one.

*browsing net for Gears of was2*