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Posted: 03 May 2006, 21:02
by OnlyOneKenobi
schase wrote:
OnlyOneKenobi wrote:Well, most internet users these days are people who are only now learning to use PC's and technology - those of us who've been around for a while know not to trust everything and everyone you encounter on the Net.
But does someone have to be an advanced PC user to use common sense? Even when I was a complete PC novice I realised when something was a scam. Yes, the longer you use computers the easier it is to spot scams, but some things are just no brainers.
The problem is, a complete n00b doesn't necessarily have common sense when it comes to PC matters. Say for example an 80 yr old tannie from Putsonderwater decides to buy a PC. She finds out about internet banking. She registers with superbank and uses it for a while. Then one day she gets a mail from superbank or whatever, asking for her ID number, PIN number, whatever. She doesn't realise that the mail she got doesn't really come from superbank, but from some scammer and she complies with the mail's request and sends the details, not knowing any better. Voila - she suddenly is cleaned out and wonders how on earth that happened.

It is a reality

Posted: 03 May 2006, 21:10
by Anthropoid21
OnlyOneKenobi wrote: Say for example an 80 yr old tannie
OnlyOneKenobi - Protector of all that is frail and gentle
All hail All hail.
On a serious note this DOES happen, why do you think IE7 has built in Phishing protection ? It has become a reality - luckily it is not like America where your social security number if life, and yeah I did watch that movie. It's not that far from reality actually :

The jury is still out. However, a recent Gartner survey of 5,000 online buyers found that more than 1 million consumers were scammed out of $925 million in 2004 because of phishing attacks. Think that makes consumers aware of the brands their emails come from? Of course it does.
source: ... index.html

Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 09:19
by rats
Has any one had any issues reading the 'double sided' DVD of the latest issue?

I popped mine in last night with great anticipation of checking out some demos but had endless problems reading side 1. Even the menu had trouble running!. I inspected it, but it was as clean as can be with no visual problems. I even try to manually copy one of the demos install files from it with KillCopy, which seemed to work, but I came close to tossing it out of the window after only 8% of the file was copied after more than an hour, with a very annoying “retry” popup moaning from time to time! :evil:

Is it just my bad luck, or is this a common problem? :cry:

Re: Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:14
by simmy
rats wrote:Has any one had any issues reading the 'double sided' DVD of the latest issue?


Is it just my bad luck, or is this a common problem? :cry:
no issues or common, but your reader is it 'fit'?

I had a mukked up disc last year, emailed Cameron and he send a new one that worked :D

Re: Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:15
by riaandp
rats wrote:Has any one had any issues reading the 'double sided' DVD of the latest issue?

I popped mine in last night with great anticipation of checking out some demos but had endless problems reading side 1. Even the menu had trouble running!. I inspected it, but it was as clean as can be with no visual problems. I even try to manually copy one of the demos install files from it with KillCopy, which seemed to work, but I came close to tossing it out of the window after only 8% of the file was copied after more than an hour, with a very annoying “retry” popup moaning from time to time! :evil:

Is it just my bad luck, or is this a common problem? :cry:
Nope, mine works fine!

Re: Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:16
by OnlyOneKenobi
rats wrote:Has any one had any issues reading the 'double sided' DVD of the latest issue?

I popped mine in last night with great anticipation of checking out some demos but had endless problems reading side 1. Even the menu had trouble running!. I inspected it, but it was as clean as can be with no visual problems. I even try to manually copy one of the demos install files from it with KillCopy, which seemed to work, but I came close to tossing it out of the window after only 8% of the file was copied after more than an hour, with a very annoying “retry” popup moaning from time to time! :evil:

Is it just my bad luck, or is this a common problem? :cry:
I think it's a PEBKAC problem


Re: Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:20
by simmy
OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
I think it's a PEBKAC problem

hehehehe :tellme:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:24
by rats
simmy wrote:no issues or common, but your reader is it 'fit'?
Reader is in perfect condition, used it for other stuff earlier as well as after. So it appears to be just my bad luck after all... :(

And no onlyone, the problem is not originated from the chair.

Re: Cover DVD

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:36
by Oj
OnlyOneKenobi wrote:I think it's a PEBKAC problem

PEBKAC? Problem ???? Between Keyboard And Chair? What's the E?

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:41
by maxxis

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:47
by OnlyOneKenobi
PEBKAC = problem exists between keyboard and chair.

Rats, you must have gotten a faulty disc - I'm sure you can even swap it at the store where you bought it, as long as you still have the slip. That's what I do when I get a coverdisc that doesn't work - then there's no need to wait for snail mail DVD replacment.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:52
by maxxis
Ok. I know it as problem encountered between keyboard and chair.

Could also be the dreaded ID(ten)T error

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:53
ctrl-alt-del wrote:Ok. I know it as problem encountered between keyboard and chair.

Could also be the dreaded ID(ten)T error
HAHAHA!!! I only heard the ID(ten)T one this year when i started MCSE. lol, that's a good one dude.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:55
by Mori
Wot about EEOC error ???

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:57
by rats
I'll give that a try onlyone. A good time as ever to find out exactly how friendly the people at that friendly growser actually are. Now to remember what I did with that slip... :?

And yes, I know that growser is spelled incorrectly. :roll:

Posted: 27 May 2006, 23:47
Um, What's Patchs?!


Come on guys, Little mistakes like this really aren't acceptable...

Posted: 27 May 2006, 23:57
by Hellfury
LOL!, sadly the amount of errors is becoming a joke

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:03
by cYcLIc
Is the dvd still dual layer?

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:03
by WiK1d
Dual Sided...yes

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:06
Hellfury wrote:LOL!, sadly the amount of errors is becoming a joke
It's unbelievable. Last issue was DROWNING in errors.
cYcLIc wrote:Is the dvd still dual layer?
Double sided.

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:09
by Hellfury
It never used to be this bad, WHAT happened. Are Intellegence Publishing under hectik stress or something?

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:10
Hellfury wrote:It never used to be this bad, WHAT happened. Are Intellegence Publishing under hectik stress or something?
Man, i dunno, but the standard of the mag is going to hell.

Come on PCF, pull up your socks.

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:12
by WiK1d
And I thought you were playing Source...

I think PCF are getting lazy

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:13
by Hellfury
If it continues like this I might have to cancel... my subsription :cry: These careless errors need to stop NOW

Posted: 28 May 2006, 00:19
-=WiK1d=- wrote:And I thought you were playing Source...
I was...
-=WiK1d=- wrote:I think PCF are getting lazy
Me too...

Hellfury wrote:If it continues like this I might have to cancel... my subsription :cry: These careless errors need to stop NOW
Subscription?! I wouldn't take out a subsription to PCF. No offence PCF, you're a good mag, but not good enough (for my liking). I'm more focused on hardware and overclocking, so a mag like CustomPC fits my needs VERY well. PCF is focused on a more BROAD spectrum.