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Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 13:50
by ADT
ADT wrote:But i won't even trip, i also expected more from the 5 :x

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 5 will only have dual core processor? :shock:
But none the less, I'll still be getting a iPhone for myself, either the 4S or 5 , depending when the 5 arrives here, it has been 3 generations later :shock: , so a upgrade is in order

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 13:54
by ADT
Stuart wrote:I lolled hard!


saw this one earlier, memes about the 5 are popping up like crazy on teh interwebz :lol:

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 13:55
by ADT
ryanrich wrote:Funny how the Android fanbois and anti-Apple peeps are always in here arguing how much better their phones are. You don't see any non Android users doing the same, because quite frankly, we couldn't care about an inferior platform... :0

oooooooh :P

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:14
by ryanrich
lol that pic is epic... :lol:

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:20
by GreyWolf
ryanrich wrote:Funny how the Android fanbois and anti-Apple peeps are always in here arguing how much better their phones are. You don't see any non Android users doing the same, because quite frankly, we couldn't care about an inferior platform... :0
To be fair, I never said anything about Android in my original posts. I was laying down criticisms of a "new" product.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:25
by ryanrich
You guys were talking about swiping and widgets and such things... :lol:

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:27
by Stuart
ryanrich wrote:You guys were talking about swiping and widgets and such things... :lol:
I think you missed the part where they mentioned that they had changed the subject to using Wordpress on touch screen devices.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:31
by Hman
Wait a minute!

Q. Who brought Android into the discussion in the first place?

A. Ryan

ryanrich wrote:
Hman wrote:My precious Sony has those
It also runs Android, unlucky. :o

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:34
by GreyWolf
Hman wrote:Wait a minute!

Q. Who brought Android into the discussion in the first place?

A. Ryan

ryanrich wrote:
Hman wrote:My precious Sony has those
It also runs Android, unlucky. :o

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:42
Hman wrote:
Older apps will still work too, though they'll be displayed in a letterbox format until an update is issued.
I'm pretty sure that applies to only one dimension of the display, it was mentioned in the keynote last night. It's not enough to upset app compatibility.

Anyway, I'm not really fussed about who prefers what, I'm just happy that there's some discussion on PCF again. Never owned an Apple device myself, iPhone 5 will be my first. :troll:

And it was ADT who wanted to install Crysis on his 'droid!

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 15:10
by ADT
D3PART3D wrote:
And it was ADT who wanted to install Crysis on his 'droid!

dafU__Q :shock:

Die you must :twisted:

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 16:16
by Monty

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 16:23

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 16:24
by Stuart
GreyWolf wrote:In 2 sentences here you said absolutely nothing relative to my criticism of a non-standard connector. You can't tell me Lightning takes up less space than the mini USB used by everyone else.
engadget wrote:We do love products that only exist to circumvent the finer points of legislation (hello there, Aston Martin Cygnet), but even better are the ones that actually serve a purpose. To comply with the European Commission's insistence that all smartphones must have a microUSB connector, Apple is putting out a Euro-specific adapter for its new Lightning standard. It's turned up in the UK and French stores so far, setting you back £15 / €19 ($25) -- and we imagine it won't be long before some entrepreneurial soul starts buying them in bulk to sell to microUSB users Stateside.
And then I missed this part somewhere . . .
engadget wrote:While Apple was busy announcing the iPhone 5, it left out mention of whether the device would use the recently approved (and Apple-designed) nano-SIM standard. Sure enough, the leaks were right once more -- Apple is relying on that even tinier subscriber module for GSM, HSPA and LTE networks. The company also makes clear that there's no going back, so you'll have to chuck your earlier micro-SIM card if you've got one. Such is the price of progress.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 22:18
by GreyWolf
lemme just leave this here as a closing argument for the kind of people that by i-products... I shall say no more...

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 22:19
by ADT
GreyWolf wrote:I shall say no more...

I hope so :P

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 07:43
by Anakha56
My take on it...

Its a decent upgrade. I, like the majority, did expect more from Apple but they probably researched the US population to death and found that people just wanted a longer screen, thinner profile and a few software increases. They have delivered a solid phone, not a ground breaking one just a solid one. Now if the Android makers (besides HTC) could just get around to making sexy shells for their phones...

Despite what I said in the Samsung vs Apple thread I am seriously considering getting a iPad. The Android variants just dont stack up in terms of hardware and software.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 09:16
by ryanrich
Found this quite comical. At least us Apple users can also laugh at how people perceive us... ;)

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 06:23
by Stuart

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 11:53
Americans are stupid. Who knew.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 07:07
by ryanrich
KALSTER wrote:Americans are stupid. Who knew.

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 08:17
by Monty
In a country where 55% of the population is overweight? Yeah, Americans definitely are not fat.

Olympians are not a good reflection of the average population.

You could say the SA government was brilliant and not corrupt by cherry picking and then only focussing on the 10 officials who are not corrupt....

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 09:01
by ryanrich
Monty wrote:In a country where 55% of the population is overweight? Yeah, Americans definitely are not fat.

Olympians are not a good reflection of the average population.

You could say the SA government was brilliant and not corrupt by cherry picking and then only focussing on the 10 officials who are not corrupt....
Something like 61% or more of SA is categorised as obese so we're in no position to point fingers.

Anyway, back on topic. Performance looks great.

The iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 Geekbench

Purported iPhone 5 benchmark score doubles fastest iDevices, outperforms Android's best

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 10:10
by StarBound
I got something in my i...

Re: iPhone 5 officially announced

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 10:26
by GreyWolf
I lied, I'm back.

Of the iPhone users here, how many are thinking of getting the new iPhone in the next month?