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Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 19:53
by wizardofid
THE_STIG wrote:Good answers Wiz :lol:
Vector1 wrote:Here is my solution.

3: Ask them for a copy of a Winxp SP3 jobbieeeez with all that amazing add-ons and extra drivers. (Love to know how they manage to do that?)

7: Take it to one of those fundeeeeez who opperate from home and ask them to sort it out. (Make sure to pick one with either a very thick pair of glasses, if no glasses then be sure and pick one who has VERY long hair. OH and they must carry a funny smell on them, some might wear a black t-shirt with a faded logo of some heavy metal band)
There is a program called Nlite, heard of it :?

And I am that sort......just minus the long hair and glasses
Actually I found it a little irksome...questioning some one's intellect, then fail, by being an intellectual cripple.....sigh...perhaps, some times I am too harsh, with the noobs... :D :P
But I guess it is a good thing, he won't try it again....

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 21:43
:lol: I do have a relative amount of patience with noobs, but when they continuously make the same mistake or think they know better then I go mad.

I don't think he will do that again :lol:

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 10:42
by Vector1
WHOOOO! U guys take life far to serious. Jeepers - Seems as though some people just don't have a sense of humour. Sorry for trying to put a smile on your miserable faces.
Just the "NOOB" way of things I suppose. Always trying to see the funny side in life, try to enlighten your day, but you abviously did not get that part. I'll have a drink on you. Now carry on and keep insulting people - That's the way to do it. Good luck buddy.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 10:57
by wizardofid
Vector1 wrote:WHOOOO! U guys take life far to serious. Jeepers - Seems as though some people just don't have a sense of humour. Sorry for trying to put a smile on your miserable faces.
Just the "NOOB" way of things I suppose. Always trying to see the funny side in life, try to enlighten your day, but you abviously did not get that part. I'll have a drink on you. Now carry on and keep insulting people - That's the way to do it. Good luck buddy.
Funny ?, perhaps just maybe, will be a "proper" humor education, if that doesn't help a crash course in IRC , 4chan ect should help.... :wink:

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 13:02
by Vector1
Religion ends and philosophy begins, just as alchemy ends and chemistry begins, and astrology ends and astronomy begins, then jokes aside and insults prevail.
Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis, you bore me. You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same. You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty.
A word to the wise is not necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice, to conclude, It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.
You remind me of a saying I read made by Al Capone during his trial: “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone”
When a man is wrapped up in himself, just like you, he makes a pretty small package.
Good luck in life my friend.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 13:41
by wizardofid
...and how does that make you feel....
"Well doctor, I think I need a reality check and more Prozac and some Viagra, to have at least one up in life"

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 13:45
by RuadRauFlessa
OK enough spam here. Discuss the destruction of some equipment or leave the thread alone. Your choice.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:04
by Sojourn
Wiz & Stig, the poor oke tried to be funny, yea it was a fail, but jeesh, cut him some slack for effort.
Dissecting his reply line by line is, well... childish and oh, wait. You are that way.
Your prozak / viagra reply is just as lame... and masking the font color makes it even more so.

Jeesh. Tough crowd here on new visitors.
Sorry RRF, had to get that off my chest.

/on topic
Please post pics of destruction of hardware for our enjoyment.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:19
by RuadRauFlessa
Ooh yeah... you can't start this without posting before and after pics :D

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:23
by wizardofid
RuadRauFlessa wrote:Ooh yeah... you can't start this without posting before and after pics :D
Oh yeah that reminds me, I did take some pics..... :oops: :oops:
Your are a evil genius :wink:

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:37
by Vector1
wizardofid wrote:...and how does that make you feel....
"Well doctor, I think I need a reality check and more Prozac and some Viagra, to have at least one up in life"
How does it make me feel?

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injection?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
If electricity comes from electrons does it mean morality comes from morons?

My advise to you:
Never take a person's dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you. Respect yourself if you would have others respect you, remember that A hug is like a boomerang, you get it back right away. It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
So please my friend. I simply made a joke. Take it for what it was, laugh, don’t take life so serious, and don't insult people.
THAT is how I feel.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 04:26
by wizardofid
For the sake of saying I didn't even try....

I have downloaded every possible driver...
Catalyst 9.8 driver (Windows XP 32/64bit) for HD4650 AGP only for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 9.9 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards and XP 32-bit for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 9.10 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards and XP 32-bit for Windows XP 32-bit Edition for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 9.11 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards and XP 32-bit for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 9.12 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards and Windows XP (32-bit) for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.1 AGP HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k series for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.2 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.3 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.4 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.5 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.6 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.7 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.8 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.9 HOTFIX for HD2k/HD3k/HD4k AGP cards for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.10 Hotfix AGP driver XP X86 for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.11 Hotfix AGP driver XP X86 for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

Catalyst 10.12 Hotfix AGP driver XP X86 for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

AMD Catalyst 11.1 Hotfix for Windows XP Professional and Home Edition for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

AMD Catalyst 11.2 AGP Hotfix for Windows XP Professional and Home Edition for Windows XP 32-bit Edition

AMD Catalyst 11.3 Hotfix for Windows XP Professional and Home

Catalyst Hotfix AGP driver V11.5 for Windows XP 32-bit Edition
Not a single driver works, not even a single, "bah, I was only kidding, here is a working opengl driver"

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 05:19
by Anakha56
So Wiz this thread is not for fixing your problems but more for destroying the hardware? Off to the Ward this thread goes...

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 07:40
by wizardofid
Anakha56 wrote:So Wiz this thread is not for fixing your problems but more for destroying the hardware? Off to the Ward this thread goes...
But but why, eh? :)

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 07:54
by Anakha56
Due to the insanity of blowing up ones hardware thats why ;). Clearly you are a tad mental :P.

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 08:33
by wizardofid
Anakha56 wrote:Due to the insanity of blowing up ones hardware thats why ;). Clearly you are a tad mental :P.
Well blowing up is a relative term, and requires explosives, rapidly expanding dry ice in a sealed container is hardly blowing up.... :P

As for the hardware it served it's purpose, I have tried selling it before, no one wanted it, and I ain't giving it away free, so instead of just putting it in storage or throwing it away.Constructive demolition is a viable option, nothing mental, just fed up...more than you can possibly imagine....


Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 16:15
by wizardofid

The irony when planning on destroying some thing, and it goes and does it all by it self.

YEP !, the motherboard kindly decided about 15 mins ago just as I received my HDD and ram for the new system to pack up, simply switched off, at first, I suspected the PSU, but after testing it works fine.

Sigh, all the more reason to make freaking sure it's dead now...because the PSU, Ram, GPU, CPU are still in working far as I can tell...

The really sad thing I have no graphics yet for the new system, and really cash strapped which could be 3 months or more before getting new graphics....

So I am stuck with onboard graphics...unless I go and steal back the 6800XT I just donated to my mothers PC... :D

Re: I think a baseball bat would help

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 20:50
Shame. A Somalian would gladly take your pc without complaint. He wouldn't know what to do with it, bust just the same.