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Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 18:16
by Soap
erm, I think i broke my hour glass soem time ago :D

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 09:13
by TheWall
True...But i think i speak for most of the people who dont have the latest card (Myself Geforce4 MX440) who are dreaming to be able to afford the latest grafix card every 4 months!

whos better?

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 09:33
by ShPLaT
If there is any doubt about which manufacturer has the better card see this link...

I don't think we can make wild statements like the one is better then the other... :oops:

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 09:47
by Fishzn
What is wrong with fanboi's, why do they continue to perpuate these battles, do you not realise that ATI still have to play there hand? We know that the 6800 Ultra is a preformance monster but really we can not judge any card manufacturer, rather judge on merit alone! No need for the " MY CARD OWNZZZZZZ's UR CARD" comments. That is BS as far as i am concerned, rather spend all that time trying to understand why the card works like it does, so you don't come crying to forums at the first signs of a blank screen!!!

Get a clue ppl, learn your own hardware before fighting for it, as i can safely say that 80% of fanboys don't know why the F*** they are even defending the hardware of their choice!


Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 10:03
by Synkronos
I really think we should just ban all ATi/NVidia and Intel/AMD discussions. They never accomplish anything, and just start flamewars :evil: Makes me upset.


Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 10:04
by ShPLaT
hhmmmm ... insightful ... NOT!
Take a pill oh righteous one. My point is that one manufacturer is not better than the other. Furthermore, the "perpetuation of these battles" is what makes the industry what it is...


Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 10:16
by Fishzn
"The perpetuation..... "Not when guys don't know wtf they are talking about! If you are clued up and provide actual facts as to why a certain card is better than the other then i will accept such a thread as a valid one but if its just wild claims, then pls don't waste our time! Not that i'm saying that you don't know what you're talking about Sphlat, just guys who make these wild accusations!

Just my simple logic, thats how i look at it, if you don't tough!

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 11:41
by TheWall
Dont get so serios!!! Im sure nobody is going to cut their wrists after they red this... its some harmless fun

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 20:53
by MrBean
TheWall wrote:Dont get so serios!!! Im sure nobody is going to cut their wrists after they red this... its some harmless fun some guys this is a serious thread......definately not harmless fun.....

Point is, you get guys who sit behind their keyboards and read all the ***** they see, then at some point, start to believe this, then, try to enforce their sometime scewed opinion on guys that knows what really is going on out there......

Then these guys (behind their keyboards) get upset because they been proven wrong, then they get ugly...and that is where the ***** hits the fan. Because some of us actually make the effort to test our own hardware, unbiased, to see which is best "For our purpose" that way you can form your own opinion, and not be a lazy bum and just sit and read, and then talk ****.....and believe yourself while doing it....

I always say that positive critisism is very good, just deliver it with the correct attitude.....these type of discussions can be very intelligent, and we all can learn a lot from it, if conducted in a mature way...but, if you are proven wrong, don't get upset...accept it, learn from it, and move on....

The way it should be, but's not...what a pity.

edit:This is not to fight, guys, just my views on things, and I hope it will be accepted as such....I always believe a story to have 3 sides.....your side, the other person's side, and the


Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 21:52
by CALE24
Viva XGI! Or not? Ok...
People learn new things from varying sources, not least graphics card comparitive reviews. It's all more fun than anything else, sticking up for your chosen brand. Everyone likes to think they're deadly serious but reality is otherwise. Starting an AMD/Intel or Nvidea/Ati argument in an area with alcohol on sale would, theoretically, be infinite in its duration.
Also, I read one thing one month and another the next. For example, I remeber PCF proclaiming Pentiums to be the best gaming chips, end of story. 3 Months later, I read in PCF 'you need an athlon xp/64 to be on top of your gaming hardware needs'. This only amplifies the feud on threads like this. Tom is Bob. Bob is our uncle. Direct disagreements there whenever things get 'out of hand'. Lol. :o

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 08:16
by halo
hi all, here is some news on the latest out of ATI: The way it meant to be play :twisted:
As nVidia has announced its new range of cards, based on the NV40 core, ATI is beginning to leak some information about plans for its new R420 core.

According to the latest information the X800 and its relatives will be launched on May 5th during the System Builder Summit. The same information suggests that although ATI has given itself a maximum of a month from announcement to shipment, this time the company might be able to ship a lot faster.

Details of the specifications of the new boards have also begun to surface. Radeon X800 PRO will be clocked at 475 MHz with the memory clocking-in at 900MHz.

The X800 PRO will feature 180 million transistors and the card will have 12 pipelines as expected. The Radeon X800 XT will, obviously, clock higher but the real surprise is that it will feature 16 pipelines.

The X800 PRO should be available in early May while the Radeon X800 XT should appear right after E3 or around mid-to-late May.

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 16:32
by OnlyOneKenobi
comparison chart of all cards currently on the market apart from the 6800 or X800. While it's only a call of Duty chart, it should provide some basis for comparison in other games \ apps as well.


Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:17
by SuperQuaise
nVidia's mainstream cards (GeForce FX5700) runs faster than the ATi offerings so if this is the market you're looking at nVidia kicks bottom :P

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:24
by OnlyOneKenobi
Unless you happen to use AA or AF, in which case the mainstream Radeons are better.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:34
by amdretard
There is very little difference it wont be noticable even when they reach the end of their lifespan

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 19:41
by Soap
And there's no reason wasting your money except you won Lotto (you still have to mortage your house :lol: ) or related to Bill Gates (then you could maybe buy it)

:lol: :P

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 19:50
by HarryPutter
I see my Gforce 4 Ti 4600 is still no slouch bearing in mind that it is the champ of of the not so distant past ...............