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Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 21:08
by Savi
Well it seems to be confirmed, they are announcing D3 this weekend, found this on
Diablo 3 Announcement at WWI
25th Jun 2008 05:42 PM GMT by Leord 4 comments

Rushster sends word from our sister site that there is a definite word on the WWI Announcement:

With this week's speculation over the Blizzard teasers, more and more reports in the media, and numerous tips coming direct us at IncGamers from reliable inside industry sources in the past 24 hours, we now have confirmation from inside sources to say that Diablo 3 WILL be announced on Saturday at WWI Paris 2008.

With that in mind, we would like to invite readers to submit their questions for us to ask Blizzard.

This is extremely exciting for all of us here at For the past 10 years we have been supporting the Diablo community and to have something completely new to sink our teeth into is fantastic. We will be at the show on Saturday for the announcement and also the press conference which is directly after, so expect reports from the show floor live, interviews and much more.

With this in mind, we are still interested in what the purple walrus might look like o.O

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 21:57
by thrillseeker75
so does this mean that the game is gna be released on Saturday or are they gona start making it from Saturday?

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 22:30
by Anakha56
if this is the case then the game will be announced not released. Blizzard could have been working on it before SCII so it wont be that they are going to start making it on Saturday. It will just be a PR announcement to generate hype and money...

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 09:30
by endev8003
Just an update on developments.

The new splashscreen is available. I don't recognise the new rune. Looks similar to planets orbiting a star. It also looks like space or nightsky on the background behind the ice.

The new image filename is 16.jpg, which shows the tail of the purple monster. The 16th letter is P.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 09:34
by I34z1k
I can see punk'd forming :P

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 10:20
by StarBound
Everyone is expecting Diablo 3 to be announced on Saterday. But it would be nice if it is another game. The only other thing I can think of is a set release date on Wrath of the Lich King. But I am sure if they dont announce Diablo 3 alot of people will be like this:

*AA meeting*
Hi, I am StarBound, and I am a Diabloholic.


Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 13:08
by Jonboy
But like I posted elsewhere, a drastic overhaul is going to be necessary. I don't know if I'm the only one that thought this, but I enjoyed the hell out of Titan Quest, for like an hour, then I got bored out of my bracket. A few years back I imagined Diablo 3 would be something just like Titan Quest and with all the choice we've been spoiled with in terms of GTA, Oblivion, Mass Effect, etc etc I don't think there's a place in current market for a hack n slash. Even Hellgate London, which offered a twist on the hack n slash concept, got boring. I do think though that it will sell millions because of Blizzard's name. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of D2, but I'll reserve jusdgement for now. (and carry on with Mass Effect).

Oh, and can you just imagine with the way things are going, the DRM that will be applied by then? Like a blood and hair sample and birth certificate sent to the publishers for background analysis prior to purchase :lol:

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 13:15
by endev8003
AFAIK, Blizzard has never been into draconian DRM. Serial + disc in drive seems to be the norm for them. But then again, the last offline game was W3, and I think it was just before the whole DRM problems got started, so I might be wrong.

D2 and LOD just used serials and no copy-protection schemes (like SafeDisk or whatever was popular at the time).

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 13:37
by Vampyre_2099
I think when Diablo II came out there was no encryption. I want to believe that Diablo III is coming out, but then again I can't see Blizzard going back to carry on a franchise they started 15 years ago (not sure of exact age).

EDIT my bad, its 8 years old... feels longer

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 13:48
by Kronos
Vampyre_2099 wrote:...but then again I can't see Blizzard going back to carry on a franchise they started 15 years ago (not sure of exact age).

EDIT my bad, its 8 years old... feels longer
So, they should rather carry on a franchise they started 14 years ago?

Diablo 1 was released in 1997, Warcraft started in 1994, so it's older, and they're not giving that up, so why would they not carry on with Diablo as well?

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:01
by Hex_Rated
I reckon it's Diablo III. There's so much pressure on them to continue Diablo, almost every person on every forum is hoping that it will be a Diablo III announcement. If its just a WoW expansion date, it will be such an anticlimax.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:04
by endev8003
Hex_Rated wrote:I reckon it's Diablo III. There's so much pressure on them to continue Diablo, almost every person on every forum is hoping that it will be a Diablo III announcement. If its just a WoW expansion date, it will be such an anticlimax.
I don't see them going through so much trouble just to announce a release date. It might be Diablo 3, but it also might be an entirely new franchise.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:07
by Kronos
Hex_Rated wrote:I reckon it's Diablo III. There's so much pressure on them to continue Diablo, almost every person on every forum is hoping that it will be a Diablo III announcement. If its just a WoW expansion date, it will be such an anticlimax.
Or a Diablo MMO :D

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:07
by Vampyre_2099
Warcraft started earlier, but its been carried through. Diablo Died after D2 LOD

I'm hoping its a new franchise, knowing Blizzard, if it is a new franchise... it'll be AWESOME, maybe they'll announce Star Craft III

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:11
by Hex_Rated
They haven't released SC II yet, why would they announce SC III? They've already got 3 extremely successful franchises, I doubt they'll announce a new one.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:16
by Kronos
Vampyre_2099 wrote:Warcraft started earlier, but its been carried through. Diablo Died after D2 LOD

I'm hoping its a new franchise, knowing Blizzard, if it is a new franchise... it'll be AWESOME, maybe they'll announce Star Craft III
Starcraft was released in 1998, and they only developed SC II Recently. Which means it was left alone for almost 10 years, so you can't asume that they won't carry on with Diablo.
As for SC 3, I highly doubt that. SC 2 hasn't even been released yet.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:29
by Vampyre_2099
I just said that about SC3 to throw a spanner in the works.

I'm pretty much just going to sit back and watch what happens... gossip and speculation isn't my thing

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:49
by Mow
If any one of you say that they have dropped the diablo brand again. Im going to crack. Seriously guys, Some of us ( though most wont admit it) play other games just to pass the time till D3. I played nothing but diablo 2 for 7 Long years. Yea its sad , but diablo addiction is a reality.

Secondly , Please stop being entirely stupid. Saying that Blizzard would dump one of the most successful games ever created is just plain daft. No business throws away that kinda potential money.

Lastly , space between starcraft 1 and 2 is ten years. Diablo 2 was released in 2000 , so it would make sense to start working on D3 now as the release date would set it on the 10 year mark.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 15:22
by Samaya
I think its Starcraft 2 release date...

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 15:49
by muffinman
i agree with mow on this one. why would blizzard not create d3? they could take over the world.. :wink:

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 16:28
by Chermobil
Mow wrote:If any one of you say that they have dropped the diablo brand again. Im going to crack. Seriously guys, Some of us ( though most wont admit it) play other games just to pass the time till D3. I played nothing but diablo 2 for 7 Long years. Yea its sad , but diablo addiction is a reality.

Secondly , Please stop being entirely stupid. Saying that Blizzard would dump one of the most successful games ever created is just plain daft. No business throws away that kinda potential money.

Lastly , space between starcraft 1 and 2 is ten years. Diablo 2 was released in 2000 , so it would make sense to start working on D3 now as the release date would set it on the 10 year mark.
ok let me ask you something - Back then(10 years ago) which showcased over a dosen awesome 2d rpg games all using the same engine. How do you compare it with now? How is it a good time to start redevelopment?

None of our modern engines have been even remotely succesful. The only thing that made certain games enjoyable was the hype that came along with.

I hope blizzard has enough integrity to stop the fad of rehashing old games and start developing something unique for our times. Like they did back then.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 17:54
by Hex_Rated
I don't care about integrity, I want Diablo III or World of Diablo. You can blabber on about originality for the rest of your life for all I care, the world wants a Diablo sequel.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 18:17
by StarBound
Blizzard can drop StarCraft, Warcraft and Diablo all it needs is a solid no nonsence ending that allows players to say its over and done, let's move one. A fresh game with similar mechanics will be more than welcome I think but there will always be those that says "It plays like ..."

Either way 2 days away from announcing whatever it is they want to announce.

Keeping covert about games in developement allows then to be free of over hype. Diablo 2 has disappointing graphics but the game was immensly addictive.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 18:35
by rustypup
Hex_Rated wrote:the world wants a Diablo sequel.
the world is going to get... Diablo Sims! :P

cute, furry, demons/nesses which the player has to guide through their torture routines, agonising over whether or not their lair should be done up in taupe or something simple in hessian wall-weave...

imagine the possibilities, the depth of detail and the varied game elements which can be purchased using blizzards version of steam, (vent)..

hellish fun for the whole family!

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 20:42
by Hex_Rated
the world is going to get... Diablo Sims!
Cool, I'll fill my lair with Succubuses (Succubi?). And write a crack which allows you to remove the blur from when they are showering which will result in the game getting an Adults Only rating as well as the official Pedobear seal of approval.