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Posted: 21 May 2008, 10:15
by shiv
rustypup wrote:
shiv wrote:it sometimes tells me to log off
correct... but the important thing is you're not rebooting the machine, you're effectively just restarting gnome/kde
true true.
but i have to close all programs that i'm running!!
is there a way around this?
there has to be, since only gnome/kde has changed.
i don't know, kill some process and restart it??

Posted: 21 May 2008, 10:19
by Frozenfireside
in theory you could kill Gnome or KDE, install the updates and then start KDE/Gnome again and it should be 100s.

Posted: 21 May 2008, 10:42
by rustypup
Frozenfireside wrote:in theory you could kill Gnome or KDE, install the updates and then start KDE/Gnome again and it should be 100s.
no time saving to be had in either appraoch..

the issue is, when running, the desktop will be using certain source files - ie, they will be locked.... whether you log out or stop/restart the desktop the effect is the same. any apps currently running using the updated components will need to be closed in order to effect the changes. once the desktop restarts, the cached updates will be installed and away you go again.

there is no practical way around this...

Posted: 21 May 2008, 10:55
by shiv
rustypup wrote:
Frozenfireside wrote:in theory you could kill Gnome or KDE, install the updates and then start KDE/Gnome again and it should be 100s.
no time saving to be had in either appraoch..

the issue is, when running, the desktop will be using certain source files - ie, they will be locked.... whether you log out or stop/restart the desktop the effect is the same. any apps currently running using the updated components will need to be closed in order to effect the changes. once the desktop restarts, the cached updates will be installed and away you go again.

there is no practical way around this...
Ok I see, thanks guys!!

Posted: 21 May 2008, 11:02
by Vampyre_2099
In gnome theres an option to save and reload the last session after logging out. Which in theory should allow you to restart gnome without having to lose any running apps (they get saved as they last were).

Setting is under

Menu > System > Preferences > Sessions > Session Options > Automatically remember running applications when logging out.

Posted: 21 May 2008, 11:07
by Frozenfireside
Oh nice. There you are. +1 for Linux.

Posted: 21 May 2008, 11:09
by shiv
Vampyre_2099 wrote:In gnome theres an option to save and reload the last session after logging out. Which in theory should allow you to restart gnome without having to lose any running apps (they get saved as they last were).

Setting is under

Menu > System > Preferences > Sessions > Session Options > Automatically remember running applications when logging out.
Thanks a mil.
Gonna try it out and see....

Posted: 21 May 2008, 11:20
by rustypup
shiv wrote:Gonna try it out and see....

thanks muchly Vampyre_2099!

how stable is it?

Posted: 21 May 2008, 11:30
by Vampyre_2099
I'm not sure as I don't log out. I have it checked but I usually only shut down and hibernate. When I need to leave my pc I end up locking to screen not logging out. The feature has been there since 7.04 or earlier, so I'm guessing its fairly stable

Posted: 21 May 2008, 12:56
by shiv
Vampyre_2099 wrote:I'm not sure as I don't log out. I have it checked but I usually only shut down and hibernate. When I need to leave my pc I end up locking to screen not logging out. The feature has been there since 7.04 or earlier, so I'm guessing its fairly stable
Hey Vampyre_2099,
Looking at your specs, I was just wondering, what do you use the graphics cards for, apart from 3D effects like Compiz?
Do you play games, if so, what do you play?

I'm just asking, cos you are using Ubuntu, not Windows.
I don't know what could push those cards.

Posted: 21 May 2008, 21:40
by Vampyre_2099
shiv wrote:Hey Vampyre_2099,
Looking at your specs, I was just wondering, what do you use the graphics cards for, apart from 3D effects like Compiz?
Do you play games, if so, what do you play?

I'm just asking, cos you are using Ubuntu, not Windows.
I don't know what could push those cards.
I play Enemy territory, nexuiz, open arena, urban terror, warcraft III, diablo II, nothing that really pushes the cards but hey, I don't use linux for gaming, I use it for comfort. I can play the games I want very comfortably and it means theres no reason to upgrade anytime soon... or not until Crysis works in wine, but I think by the time that happens you'll need to upgrade your pc anyway

Posted: 30 May 2008, 01:00
by Zana
Hmm my opinion to this,
Well first of all, I dont care what Ubuntu was built on and systems it used for its foundation, as long its an OS and it works... But i do feel that Red hat and Novell should get some credit for there part in the role for laying the foundation for the walls of Ubuntu to be built on, and it is getting better as time goes on.. compare the latest version to the first, dont say there isnt any improvement. there is...
I feel that codecs need to work on , i agree with you... i got anoyed when i wanted to play videos/DVD, and had no internet connection at the time to download codecs....

About Shuttleworth, his name says it, so what if is a space tourist and found the America Space shuttle wasnt worth it '=) I wish i went to space just to see the stars and stuff the way they should look like... actualy dreamed last night i was exploring a Yellow Giant planet larger than jupiter orbiting Virgo7, which was as close as Mercury is to Sol.

lol, he is just a bloke who added code and well one Ubuntu thing going and caused evelution from the foundation which it was built from. I am mad about him and Ubuntu is calling the OS Ubuntu (as it rhymes with putu) and the default colours of it... and of caurse... MOST OF ALL, he says it is for humanity... what about those who are not quite human...or what if an ET wants to be part of the Ubuntu scene..?
