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Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 13:58
by Off-The-Chart
so nazmo, again what day did you say you will be doing a MSN/Skype live tutorial session on 3DSM's basics and making an easy model?

(hint hint)


Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 14:26
by I34z1k
Cough cough msn confrence :P

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 16:36
by Synthesis
See here for some mind-boggling 3D work. Some of it could be passed as photography. Amazing stuff.

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 16:40
by Off-The-Chart
damn, Synth, now that was a good find...

I visit CGWallpapers often and the stuff there I thought were mind boggling...

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 16:58
by Synthesis
Off-The-Chart wrote:damn, Synth, now that was a good find...

I visit CGWallpapers often and the stuff there I thought were mind boggling...
Yeah, thanks. Came across it by accident looking for Blender python scripts. And what's nice is it leads you to so much more through each persons profiles and links and so on....

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 18:20
by Off-The-Chart
another cool thing I like, and although it takes playing around with something, is the ways in which one can achieve something very similar... yes there is probably a standard way in doing specific things, but finding an alternate and then seeing which one gives you the most optimal result is always fun for me...

taking the cube naz made: (in my case, not knowing modeling that well and always just playing around)
from a first look I would have said he could have Boolean'd a few objects... then at a closer look I would have said maybe he just manipulated a plain Box object by adding/removing segments or modifying points...

in the end one would obviously go with the quicker way, but like in programming (which I hate btw) one can always do something one way, only to after examination, find that there is actually a better way...

that is what I like and although the ways I usually choose end up being the most difficult and time consuming, it is the way at which I start with...

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 18:45
by I34z1k
Anyone wanna do a little project for meh? :P

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 19:30
by DoOb
nazmo wrote:thanks guys :)

here's a little project i did for my portfolio. Designing a cardboard display to scale, and creating a 3d model from a 2d plan.


Dam man, you know I worked at a place that designed these stands but in photoshop. They are in Durban, if you looking for a job you should mail them.

PM me if you are ampt. Maybe they might hire you.

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 16:07
by Off-The-Chart
damn V-Ray lighting is amazing:


Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 17:01
by GreyWolf
do you rate v-ray over mental ray?

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 18:07
by Off-The-Chart
haven't done anything with mental ray yet... have been trying out tuts on V-Ray and just basic spline manipulation...

for that I merely used a "studio" and 3 V-Ray lights reflecting off of the studio...