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Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 16:12
by PsyCLown
M1K3 wrote:
PsyCLown wrote:
M1K3 wrote:
PsyCLown wrote:Cool, ill try the Linux on the PCF DVD quickly. If that works then ill redownload Ubuntu from one of thoes local places (ill prolly go for the 64bit) then ill try it again and hopefully it will work! :D
Try avoid 64bit edition, most end users won't see the difference in the apps they use anyway and Ubuntu will d/l 32bit libraries for your apps which will end up bloating your system.
But then 1GB of RAM will be wasted in Linux :(
Ill try it anyways. Then ill try 32bit. :D
or maybe ill start off with 32bit :P Then check out 64bit l83r! :D
Eh? 1GB wasted? I don't follow... If anything, I found Linux handles small amounts of RAM better than Windows and on my work PC (which is 512mb) I seldom ever exceed 300mb pagefile, this with a proxy, xp pro virtual machine and a domain controller running on the same system. I've since installed a new PC (well, scrap put together anyway) cause the little 1.5 VIA processor is starting to struggle.

I have a server (glorified desktop PC) running several services; backup, domain controller, proxy, firewall, mail server, at a fairly large corporate company with 2gigs of RAM and a C2D processor and that PC seldom ever breaks into a sweat.

Well Itried the 64bit while I was still in Durban, and honestly, I haven't noticed a difference between the two, much like MS Windows XP, although I stand to be corrected on whether XP 64bit is worth it.

edit. Try 32bit first, when your familiar with the environment then go onto 64bit... :wink:
Im running 4GB RAM and with a 32bit OS only 3Gb would be noticable? Well 3.25...or is that only with windows :? o.0

Im in Linux now, booted off the CD and when I tried installing it said my CD had a read error.... So need to reburn 32bit to a CD :cry:

Ill give 64bit a try like you said, later on once im use to Linux... :D

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 16:17
by M1K3
Here's a good read: with regards 32bit vs 64bit RAM issues.

From what I gather, it won't be much of a loss.

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 17:54
by PsyCLown
Hmm, ok. Seems like ill stick to 32bit then.
Will just get rid of my swap file for Linux.

I now have to REDOWNLOAD Ubuntu as the version I got seems to be corrupt as it says its cant read of the CD when I get to 51%
I reburnt the CD twice so its definatly the ISO. I verified and it verified 100% :?

So far I havent been lucky at all with Linux :cry: :cry: Maybe its a sign. Also the fonts look all weird...

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 11:18
by StarPhoenix
Useful if you don't have an internet connection at home:

Read mvdw's post near the bottom of the page.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 11:32
by Synthesis
I ordered the CD's yesterday so I'll have to wait 6 - 8 weeks. :cry:
Becuase if I download on my connection it will surely just be corrupt again.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 12:11
by WAJeff
If you guys want Im more than willing to ship Ubuntu CD's out to you guys. Go look at the Distro Sharing Thread to see what distros I have

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 12:14
by Synthesis
Thanks gb but someone posted they received a CD after 11 days so no prob.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 12:25
by WAJeff
OK cool Synth. I think if I had to send it it would probably take a couple days after EFT

Offers still on for anyone else thats interested :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 12:30
by M1K3
I've had my install running for a few weeks on my second PC and everything is great, but, I am running on a Geforce 2 MX 400 VGA card and have been unable to get visual effects working well. I have tried d/l the legacy drivers through synaptic, unfortunately I cannot get it sorted out. Does anyone have any ideas or am I really just wasting time?

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 16:22
by Liet_Kynes
UsMarshal wrote:I ordered ubuntu discs 11 days ago, they arrived today! :D
I think we ordered on the same day :) Mine arrived yesterday I just picked them up :) Busy installing on my desktop as we speak.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 16:45
by PsyCLown
Ok, well I finally downloaded aversion of Ubuntu 7.10 which isnt corrupt (got it from the local FTP).
Iv got a slight problem though.
I wanted to run a Vista/Linux dual boot and I first installed Vista then today I installed Linux and it installed 100% then it asked if I wanted to stay in the live CD boot or restart and I decided to stay in the live CD boot as I was browsing some site and then after that I went to the power button and clicked on restart then I noticed my PC booted back into Vista, so I restarted again and it seems like no dual boot menu was created.

So how I have a problem. I have Vista installed and I have installed Linux. But there is no boot menu. I also didnt bother creating a swap file partition for Linux as I have 4GB and dont need since im going to be running 32bit.

So is there anyway I can maybe get a dual boot menu so I can get into Linux?
I dont mind reinstalling Linux, I jsut dont want to reinstall Vista :?

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 17:22
Hmmm... that's odd.

I actually have no idea how to install Grub (the boot loader) as i've never needed to. So in this case, i can only ADVISE, not TEACH :(

Here's what i would do:

1) Visit the Ubuntu forum ( AFAIK) and ask there. You'll definitely find an answer there
2) Simply reinstall Ubuntu. This won't touch your Vista, and it might fix your Ubuntu ;)

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 17:39
by PsyCLown
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:Hmmm... that's odd.

I actually have no idea how to install Grub (the boot loader) as i've never needed to. So in this case, i can only ADVISE, not TEACH :(

Here's what i would do:

1) Visit the Ubuntu forum ( AFAIK) and ask there. You'll definitely find an answer there
2) Simply reinstall Ubuntu. This won't touch your Vista, and it might fix your Ubuntu ;)
Ok, cool. Thanks :P
Well iv posted it on that Ubuntu forum and then later on if I dont get any reply and after my homework.etc ill try reinstalling Linux and hope it works.

Also is there anyway in which I can browse my Linux partitions in Vista?
Some application or add on or something like that which I can install/use in Vista? :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 17:54
There must be something that can do that. I haven't done that EITHER, so i can't help you there, unfortunately.

See, i don't store anything on any linux partitions. All my data is on other HDDs, which are formatted with an NTFS filing system, so windows reads them by default.

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 18:02
by PsyCLown
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:There must be something that can do that. I haven't done that EITHER, so i can't help you there, unfortunately.

See, i don't store anything on any linux partitions. All my data is on other HDDs, which are formatted with an NTFS filing system, so windows reads them by default.
Same here, but I know that somewhere down the line I will need something like that.
Rather get it now for when that time comes. :P

Posted: 19 Feb 2008, 19:12
by Liet_Kynes
There's a program for windows called fsdriver

I haven't used it but it allows you to read ext2fs in windows. Not sure about vista.