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Posted: 28 May 2007, 21:18
by Skidd
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:Listen Skidd (what's your name, by the way?) let me teach you something.

I can see that you're willing to take these chances, which is what every modder should be able to do. Before you even buy a product, you should know that you WILL void it's warranty, and possibly ruin it completely. If you can accept that and take that chance, you will have a WONDERFUL time modding. When i started modding i got myself into that mindset and have had a great time modding since. Dont get me wrong, i have had a hard time sometimes, killing stuff and so on, but that's juts something you have to get over.

I'm amped for this one dude. I really am :D
You talking to a person who took a 1600 corsa, turbo'ed it (vioding its warrenty) spending close to 50k, blowing the motor a couple of times due to too much boost and then eventually totaly destroying the motor by sending a piston and its rod through the engine block :-)

and all this when I was young and stupid. Now Im a little bit more grown up, I have choosen a hobby that I think will satisfy me and I dont really have a priblem with cutting up a case :-)

PS: The name is Sean by the by ;-)

Posted: 28 May 2007, 22:53
Lol okay cool Sean. Well in that case, good luck dude. I'll be watching this mod closely :D

Posted: 29 May 2007, 14:29
by Skidd
Ok guys, Im open to suggestions, need a name for this mod...

Posted: 29 May 2007, 14:31
by I34z1k
"Skidd's mod". Get further on and get something that suits it instead ;)

Posted: 29 May 2007, 16:45
by Pollynator
  1. Cool Steel 830
  2. ArcticSteel

NotRiveted2g4 Coolernaster 830 :D

Posted: 29 May 2007, 18:46
by DarkRanger
Sean... you pronounce it Shaun or Seen??

BTW: I don't want to see you unpacking stuff, I WANT TO SEE YOU VOIDING THE WARRANTY!!! :lol:

Posted: 29 May 2007, 19:00
by Skidd
its pronounced Shaun

and you guys shall soon see me vioding some warrenty

PS: why on gods green earth is there a warrenty on a case that has no PSU?

Posted: 29 May 2007, 20:10
by Skidd
Ok well I got to stripping the case tonight and checking the rad placement

Here is where I want it to be, keep in mind im going to cut that whole on top bigger to mount the rad:

From the top

From the back underneath

From the front underneath

Now here are those pesky rivets I was talking about

Thats it for tonight, this weekend I will have to see if I can get my hands on these rivets or think of another way to put the case back together.

Posted: 29 May 2007, 20:15
by Samaya
Why don't you drill those rivets out and replace them with countersink screws? If you tap each hole you won't even need nuts in the back (If the metal is thick enough to tap ofcourse) Get yourself some black screws, it will create a nice contrast to the shiny metal

Posted: 29 May 2007, 20:22
by Skidd
Thanks Samaya

I was thinking about that as well and I shall go on a hint for some screws that might fit the bill ;-)

Posted: 29 May 2007, 21:11
by DarkRanger
The hardware in your sig, that going into this modded PC? Or are you going to buy new hardware as well?

EDIT: NVM, I've misread your sig, thought it was an OOOLLLDD pc... but it's quite new. Eish...

Posted: 30 May 2007, 15:16
by Samaya
If you are close to Randburg, there is a shop that specialize in Nuts and bolts I think it was called J&K Nut and Bolt. I buy my stuff from there. Try getting alancap m3 x 8 or 6mm screws. In fact if I were you I wouldn't get anything else because those screws would look very similar to your rivets if you don't look too closely.

Posted: 30 May 2007, 15:21
by Skidd
cool are they counter sunk?

Posted: 30 May 2007, 20:29
by Samaya
Yes it is

Posted: 30 May 2007, 22:24
by Skidd
Cool Ill look into that

I also found a place thats just up the road from me

They also specialize in this things.

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 08:31
by Samaya
Nice find there. I'll update my supplier list.

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 16:15
by Skidd

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 16:20
by Skidd

Ok so I took the case all apart ready to drill those rivets out and would you believe, the top is the only part that does not unclip/unscrew in anyway. Just my luck LOL!

anyways here are some pics of the case all in bits.


Got to do something about these nice but plain looking side covers.

And this needs some modding attention too.

Some of the other bits set asside.

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 00:47
by Skidd
Here I got it on its side and tapped up ready to drill those rivets out.

And Finally the top off!

I think I did a pretty good job with the holes, there nice and clean and I didnt scratch the case either.

This is where abouts the rad is going to be.


Dont worry too much about how close it gets to that front piece, the rad is going to end up just below it and there is plenty space behind the rad for the powersupply as well. So thats it for tonight, Im going to be making the cut on top of the case tomorrow and making some brackets to mount the rad.

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:00
Looking good dude. Aah man i'd love to mod one of those :D

My next case, after genocide and Epiphany is gonna be a really high end case like this one... i think i'll be working on something like a Lian Li :D

Looking forward to see what you're gonna do here Sean :)

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:04
by psYChowIt
sooooo excited!!!

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:18
by Skidd
Thanks guys, Im kinda getting into this cas mod thing too, I have no idea how long Im going to take but I can tell you this, with the amount of things running through my mind its going to take a while ;-)

O DJV I kinda need some input on how to go about changing the standard tubing from 3/8" to 1/2", I want new bards, chrom if possible and also where I can get them. Thanks in advance.

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:21
Skidd wrote:O DJV I kinda need some input on how to go about changing the standard tubing from 3/8" to 1/2", I want new bards, chrom if possible and also where I can get them. Thanks in advance.
BarBs ;)

Yeah that's a piece of cake. Oder yourself some quality DangerDen Barbs from Performance-Pcs. I think they go for about $5.

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:36
by Skidd
Yeah remember it has to go into my Apogee GT waterblock and the res which I havnt decided on yet LOL, I dont know if the threads on the back of the BarB will screw in. Thats the part I was worried about, I dont know if they have standerdised that yet LOL!

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 01:46
Well the Dangerden Barbs will DEFINITELY fit in your Apogee. They fit in my Swiftech Storm G4, so they'll fit in your Apogee ;)