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Posted: 10 May 2006, 00:52
by hamin_aus
Firstly, looks have nothing to do with this.
Your Apache will look like a smoldering heap when the KA-50 is done.

Also the Tiger is a copter that tries to be a jack of all trades, but is a master of none.

It is not as big as an Apache and cant carry as many weapons.
It is not as stealthy as the Comanche and cant get behind enemy lines undetected as easily.

Posted: 10 May 2006, 00:53
by J2theT
Ive seen apaches fly over me in The Netherlands when they fly around with some hueys (spelling)

just perfect...

Ok... and by commenche you mean that heap of thingama-jig on top of the page?

Posted: 10 May 2006, 01:01
by hamin_aus
This is the Comanche - get the spelling right :P


You may remember these as the attack helicopters from the Incredible Hulk movie.
They are probably the stealthiest copters in the world right now. They dont pack as much punch as any of the other copters mentioned so far, but who needs to, when you are almost invisible to rader and can fly with very low noise and heat emissions....

Posted: 10 May 2006, 01:03
by J2theT
Comanche = Thing-a-ma-jig :D

Posted: 10 May 2006, 01:07
by hamin_aus
Well, I must say you are doing an excellent job of defending that ghey-azz Tiger copter by calling the Comanche a "thing-a-ma-jig", JT.

It looks like the only possible thing a Comanche pilot could do to defend himself from an attack of that caliber would be to fly up behind a Tiger and put a few hunderd 15mm shell in it...


Posted: 10 May 2006, 01:15
by hamin_aus
Thrall wrote:Apache at Taji, Iraq:

Thrall, it looks like that Apache pic was taken just after take-off.
Was it taken by you?

Posted: 10 May 2006, 09:51
by capanno
The rooivalk will pawn an apache with his eyes closed.

Posted: 10 May 2006, 10:06
by Anthropoid21
capanno wrote:The rooivalk will pawn an apache with his eyes closed.
Most of the Commanche's tech is coming from the Rooivalk... and also the guidance system.. invented in SA

Posted: 10 May 2006, 10:19
by capanno
And the rooivalk is still using 30+ year old puma engines.

One of my friend's dad is an engineer and he worked on the rooivalk, and he told me of this cocky apache pilot at a dubai airshow. He bragged about the apache blah blah blah and how it could fly for 30 seconds upside down. OOOOh. The rooivalk pilot, when he got his turn, flew out and came straight at the runway. He then flipped the rooivalk upside-down and slowly flew the entire lenght of the runway.

Posted: 10 May 2006, 23:35
by hamin_aus
The thing you have to remember is that the Rooivalk, and even the Comanche and Black Shark are all relatively untested helicopters.
While the Apache and it's pilots have seen quite a bit of combat since the 80's.
IIRC there are less than 30 Rooivalks in active service at the moment, and even less Black Sharks and Comanches.

Even though the Rooivalk is better on paper than an Apache, I would put money on the Apache winning in a fight.
Quite honestly, it's battle hardened pilots give it an edge over all the technologically advanced planes around today.

Although, I'm sorry JT, the Dutch have never used the thing in battle, so a Dutch-flown Apache versus a Rooivalk will probably not do the Apache justice.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 09:13
by Anakha56
jamin just curious but how about we change the title to suit any military aircraft? that way we can discuss many a different plane with out going OT...

What do you think of this?

not high in punch but unmanned is unmanned...

Posted: 16 May 2006, 09:16
by Evade
this plane has been in design 4 eva now, there r flight sims featuring it like 4yrs ago.....
guess they finally got it da production phase

:edit: word change

Posted: 16 May 2006, 09:46
by hamin_aus
Anakha56 wrote:jamin just curious but how about we change the title to suit any military aircraft? that way we can discuss many a different plane with out going OT...

What do you think of this?

not high in punch but unmanned is unmanned...
Title changed :D
I agree with Evades sentiments.
While unmanned craft will be excellent at reconissance, AI systems are still many years away from being battle-calpable.
This plane can fly in and bomb staic targets, but you send up a manned plane and it will toast this thing.

Other interesting planes are the B2 Bomber or 'Flying wing" :arrow:
And the mach6+ Aurora :arrow:
The US military still deny the existance of this craft, but then they denied the existance of the SR71 Blkackbird for ages as well...

Posted: 16 May 2006, 12:57
by Evade
yeah, those americans always denieing things, then a couple yrs l8r its "hey look, we lied"

Posted: 16 May 2006, 13:15
by hamin_aus
Here is the Russians answer to the F-22and B2 :arrow:

In an ironic twist Russia has sunk millions into researching these planes and now cannot afford to actually but them.

Posted: 27 May 2006, 04:27
by hamin_aus
Here is a clip of a guy that keeps passing out while doing high-G turns in an F-18

Posted: 27 May 2006, 10:06
by Sickwacky
The most kick$ss aircraft?

Well, I think its the North American X-15 :roll:
During the X-15 program, 13 flights met the US criterion for a spaceflight by passing an altitude of 50 miles (80 km) and the pilots were accordingly awarded astronaut status by the USAF. Out of these, 2 also qualified for the international FAI definition of a spaceflight by passing the 62.1 mile (100 km) mark
Maximum speed: 4,520 mph (7,274 km/h) Mach 6.72
I think its the fastest manned aircraft :wink:

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:12
by synthetix_
muffinman wrote:The ultimate heli!!


No, I reckon that the roooifalk is beter and much more advanced. :idea:

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:22
by synthetix_
A pic of the rooivalk.

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:28
by synthetix_
The title says "The world most kick *** aircraft."
Is its the fastest yet most almost non- manueverable aircraft in existence.
Its goal, to go where no one has gone before.

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:31
by Sickwacky

The apache Longbow AH-64 is the ultimate hilcopter in the world... ... he_005.jpg

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:34
by synthetix_
As per the most advanced weaponing system is on the Rooivalk, Ill take my chances in that.

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:39
by Sickwacky
The South African designed and manufactured Rooivalk attack helicopter comes equiped with to air to air missiles, anti-tank missiles and a rapid fire automatic 20mm cannon. It carries a crew of two. The first CSH-2 for the South African Air Force was delivered at the end of 1998, with manufacture planned at four per year until 2001. In a police support role it could be used for inntelligence gathering, surveliance, electronic soundwave jamming an as a airborne crane. The survivability of the Rooivalk is enhnaced by design characteristics that include low detection signatures, high agility, damage tolerance, dual redundant systems and airframe crashworthiness. The helicopter is able to operate in the nape of the earth environment and can operate in night and adverser wealther conditions from long standoff ranges. The helmet, HUD and nose mounted day/night stabilized sighting systems provide for fast, hightly accurate designation and delivery of anti-tank missiles, air-to ground rockets, cannon fire, and the ability to carry air to air missiles for self defence.
specs of orgin South Africa
2. builder denel aviation/ atlas aircraft co
3. role attack helicopter
4. rotor diameter 15.22M
5. length 18.65M
6.height 5.15M
7. weight 13,035 LBs, maximum takeoff weight 19,290 LBs
8. engine 2 makila 1K2 turboshaft
9. maximum speed 309 KM/H, cruising speed 278 KM/H
10. surface ceiling 20,000 FT
11. armament 20MM cannon ( with 700 rounds) 8 or 16 anti-tank missiles, 4 matra BAE, Dynamics, mistral air to air missiles, 2 denel V3P air to air missiles, 38 or 76 unguided rockets
The thing sucks man!

Posted: 27 May 2006, 13:46
by hamin_aus
The problem with the Rooivalk is that it has never been tested in battle.
Non of it's pilots have flown comabt missions in it, while the Apache pilots have countless combat missions.
To date the Rooivalk has not been a big seller in the global market, I think there are less than 30 in active military service in the world today.

The Apache may not be the best helicopter in the world, but it is the favourite.

For my money, the Russian-made KA-50 Black Shark is the king. Take a look at my previous posts about it to see why. The sad thing is that like all modern Russian war machines - there is simply no money left to further develop this beast. There were only about 15 made, and none of them have ever flown in comabt.

Still, if this helicopter ever saw a battlefield, it would be bad news for the Apache, Rooivalk, Eurocopter, Airwolf and anyhting else that crossed it's path :D

Posted: 27 May 2006, 14:09
by Hman
The F-16 C. In C trim it can take off then pull up 90 degrees and still accelerate ( not fully loaded of course ). The airframe is stressed to handle 11G's but is limited to 9G's because humans can only handle that for a few seconds. Though the ultimate must be the AFTI/F-16 as tested by NASA.
Once saw this thing on TV. It can climb or dive without changing pitch. Also so it rotating horizontally in flight a complete 360 degrees.

Another cool plane is the MIG 29.