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Posted: 20 May 2007, 10:18
by Slasher
DarkRanger wrote:People, the hooter went, but nobody could hear it. If you check the replays and stuff, youll see that the Bulls got possesion in the 79th minute, and the ball never went dead from there.
Well, I beg to differ, seeing as there was a HUGE knock on from the Bulls after they got possession, but no-one saw the apparent knock... But yeah, will let it go... If the Sharks won I would have had more to say about the bad refereeing, but now people will just see it as bad-loser style... Enjoy the cup

Posted: 21 May 2007, 08:51
by rustypup
go bulls.... yaay..

i've got a confession to make. i find the fandom around sport .... juvenile. in some extreme cases retarded... it's a game... swearing at god, fellow spectators and players alike whenever something happens that 'disturbs' you, (i realise this may not be possible as anyone who is this invested in a game is already somewhat disturbed), is a good inidicator that you need to be medicated and, preferably, removed from society. for your own good...

on that topic, i actually saw some knuckle-dragging throwback with a blow-up dolphin tied to his hat.... a dolphin... 8O what does this say about the average IQ at a rugby match?.. i don't know which i find more insulting... the fact that he thought i wouldn't notice, or that if i accidently went 'Oh. Hang about. That's not a shark at all' he thought that i would play along and pretend it wasn't...

apparently sport isn't my thing...

Posted: 21 May 2007, 09:41
by Jonboy
You guys know what?There were SO many bad decisions from the ref that should have gone the bulls way but were over looked.Hell, even the Sharks try looked carried over in two movements. But then some decisions went the bulls way,so alls fair hey. And for the people moaning about the hooter, the ball never went out once the bulls had posession, so it doesn't matter that the hooter went. I do believe Percy can be blamed for a lot of the Sharks downfall, and I'm so glad he's the Boks fullback (when Hougaard was the second highest point scorer in the super 14.

In conclusion, all I'll say is this...

How do you make fishpaste???
Add 15 bulls and leave to cook for 80mins :lol:

Respect to the sharks, was such a close game, just shows how evenly matched the sides were. Both deserved to win, and in the end, I'm just glad my team came out trumps.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 10:13
by StarPhoenix
@Rustypup: *Ug-ug* :twisted:

I'd say a bit more than 80 minutes, Jonboy.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 10:16
by DarkRanger
rustypup wrote:apparently sport isn't my thing...
Apparently not... ;-)

Posted: 21 May 2007, 10:21
by lancelot
DarkRanger wrote:
rustypup wrote:apparently sport isn't my thing...
Apparently not... ;-)
Definitely not! :roll:

Posted: 21 May 2007, 10:27
by DarkRanger
lancelot wrote:
DarkRanger wrote:
rustypup wrote:apparently sport isn't my thing...
Apparently not... ;-)
Definitely not! :roll:
Whats your views on the game?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 11:32
by lancelot
I enjoyed the game very much, Bulls allowed themselves to be dominated in the first half, probably the fear of losing. However the captaincy of Victor cannot be underestimated, in my opinion one needs to look no further for the Bok captain, he plays with both head and heart.
I was most impressed by the Sharks scrum, excellent front row they have, they certainly stood up to the bulls, surprising. 'Liefling" played a mediocre game but his kicking ability won the game! Surely the Sharks had to realise that the bulls would go all out if they got the ball after taking Percy off and leaving a second rate kicker on, the first of Muir's mistakes, the second was taking Smit off, you cannot remove your captain in a final or test game, if he cannot last the pace, do not play him. This was a Super14 final, not some Currie Cup game.
Habanna, what can you say, just brilliant! Players that stood out for me were Butch, some of his tackles on Victor were quite something! Obviously Habanna, Albert vd Berg and Ruann Pienaar, I did not think that Du Preez had a good game, wonder if he is fully fit, you could see he was protecting his shoulder.
As to the winning team they deserved it, I feel for the Sharks though, jus too many subs at the wrong time!
The ref? I think he had a good game! AS in all phases of the game you have to play to the whistle, not the clock!

Posted: 21 May 2007, 11:46
by DarkRanger
Very well said Lance... Can't disagree anywhere.

Though, I have to say that Wynand Olivier and JP Pieterson had good games as well. Especially JP. If Jake is looking for two brilliant wings, this was the game he had to watch. Personally, I think JP and Habana is the 2 best wings we have in SA.

Anyone want to name their dream SA Squad?

mine would be:

2. J. Smit (c)
4. B. Botha
5. V. Matfield
6. S. Burger
7. W. van Heerden
8. P. Spies
9. F. du Preez
10. B. James
11. B. Habana
12. W. Olivier
13. J. Nel (or D. Barry)
14. J. Pieterson
15. F. Steyn

Position 1 & 3 is open for any suggestions.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 12:12
by lancelot
Put it into Boks 2007 thread, BTW De Wet Barry was not included!

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:00
by Ark
They invented a new bra. They call it the Shark bra. Plenty of support, but no cup.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:05
by rustypup
Anthropoid wrote:"Playtex just released their new series Sharks Bra, lots of support but no cup"
:P too late...

@lancelot: just because i'm right doesn't make my point any less valid. :wink: go to one of these games and watch the 'supporters'... it's concerning that adults can behave like this...

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:15
by lancelot
rustypup wrote:
Anthropoid wrote:"Playtex just released their new series Sharks Bra, lots of support but no cup"
:P too late...

@lancelot: just because i'm right doesn't make my point any less valid. :wink: go to one of these games and watch the 'supporters'... it's concerning that adults can behave like this...
Sure, but if you were an avid sports fan you would be less harsh in your criticism :!: It takes all kinds and I am just so unhappy that the ticket was wasted, there was me trying to get a ticket to the game where I could have done my 'moronic' thing :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:21
by WiK1d
The Sharks made their own movie, "Gone in 60 Seconds" :lol:

My bad if it was posted before

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:23
by thealluseless
@lancelot: just because i'm right doesn't make my point any less valid. go to one of these games and watch the 'supporters'... it's concerning that adults can behave like this...
i agree that some of the supporters are idiots....any i personally would not drag any kind of inflatable object around no matter how "authentic it felt ;) "
however, there is nothing wrong with ppl supporting their team....even to a point where they get nervous and excited and weep like girls when their team loses....however there is a difference between supporting...and smashing up other supporters just because ur guys lost.....

there is a definite line.......brandy and coke seems to make most ppl cross it.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 15:55
by rustypup
lancelot wrote:I am just so unhappy that the ticket was wasted
oddly, i agree... but when caught trying to pawn of said ticket, at no cost, to some other , (admitttedly shady-looking), fan, i was informed, in no uncertain terms, that violence may result...

and i forgot to bring a book.. 90 minutes of watching 30 sweaty men fondle each other... sounds like some other form of entertainment.. :lol:

i did, however, learn the following:

i) the things that women find appealing about rugby will keep me awake at night. for a while.

ii) there is NOTHING, not even regurgitated bat guano, that the average fan will not hand over money for at the stands... i saw people buying green biltong... and no, it wasn't food coloring.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:02
by lancelot
. i saw people buying green biltong... and no, it wasn't food coloring.
Made from aliens?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:18
by rustypup
lancelot wrote:Made from aliens?
lending a disturbing dimension to the term "meat trade"?...

unless these self same aliens were both squidgy and smelled slightly rancid.. doutbful. -> let's ask mulder...

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:21
by muffinman
it was a good game, try after try... i dont know if was the only one that noticed; there was a ruck before habana received the ball and i'm pretty sure that one of the bulls knocked the ball in that ruck. it happened on the right hand side of the field (facing the sharks try line), on the touch line.... anyone else notice?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:24
by lancelot
Even if they did knock on, it is all academic now! willy screwed up and that was that!

What bloody willy, it was Richard Muir! dammit

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:26
by muffinman
Isn't it willy Muir?

what? i cant say willy. willy willy willy ha ha

Posted: 21 May 2007, 16:39
by lancelot
Exactly, blocked word ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: