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Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 19:53
by Snowflke
Sez wazzzzzzzzup to Sickwacky....offers his some bacon

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:00
by Sickwacky
Snowflke wrote:Sez wazzzzzzzzup to Sickwacky....offers his some bacon
*says sorry for his "evilness" yesterday :twisted:

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:03
by simmy
*congrats Sicky for the TMN-SA standing, but luffs as Zell owned him...hehehe..captain my bottom :lol:

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:05
by Snowflke
Sez it all right as long as it doesnt happen again......takes the safety off!

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:07
by Sickwacky
simmy wrote:*congrats Sicky for the TMN-SA standing, but luffs as Zell owned him...hehehe..captain my bottom :lol:
*says he has'nt been playing for more than 3 weeks now...

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:11
by Snowflke
Sickwacky wrote:
simmy wrote:*congrats Sicky for the TMN-SA standing, but luffs as Zell owned him...hehehe..captain my bottom :lol:
*says he has'nt been playing for more than 3 weeks now...
*show off* :D

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:35
by Knightman
Says hi and plaks voor die tv...

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:36
by Punk_Chick
Walks in

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:03
by comanche
*Walks in too... looking to see who's all in. Greets all present

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:11
by Snowflke
Greets Punk_Chick wonders how everyones day has been?

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:15
by RadeonX64
*sits and collects his thoughts of his long hard day :roll:

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:42
by Snowflke
Wonders what RadeonX64 did to make his day long and hard?

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:45
by RadeonX64
Wonders if snowflke knows that Radeon still sits in his chair at work, longing to go home

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:52
by Snowflke
Sez he is sorry to hear that offers him some alcholic cheese to num the pain

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:54
by RadeonX64
Starts drooling on hs kybrd nd t tops wokring

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:57
by Snowflke
Wanders of to the sand castle and continues building his wall

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 21:59
by RadeonX64
Takes a teaspoon out of his pocket and asks snowflake if he can help him dig sand for his wall

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:02
by Snowflke
Sez sure takes RadeonX64 teaspoon and shows him the bulldozer in the corner

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:24
by RadeonX64
*Is excited he found a new toy, looks for somethong to knock down

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:24
by Sickwacky
*looks at the building site :D

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:28
by RadeonX64
*runs over sickwacky and crashes into wall, snowflake shouts at radeon, radeon picks up his teaspoon and goes to eat sand in the corner, disappointed in himself and wonders if he'll ever make friends :(

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:35
by Snowflke
Informs Sickwacky of the crane in the corner

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:35
by Sickwacky
iv okey. I vust vroven ve few vones! :(

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:38
by Sickwacky
*goevz and climv in vte zrane :twisted:

(my body is badly injured - can't speak right)

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 22:44
by comanche
*walks in once more... sees the crane start to move. Sidesteps Snowflke and goes and hides behind the couch