Hobbies and Relaxation?

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Post by Scarlet_Spider »

jee wrote:Reading off course are the most important part of my life, and although I read all sorts I prefer fantasy. I love music and play piano and guitar, and am a dancer. Attend every ballet that comes to Durbs. Use to do lots of Cabaret and amateur theatre, but lately, since I have started to study again, i don't have the time.

I'm very much into natural medicines and aromatherapy and am off course animal mad, and spend a lot of time on my computers.
hey Jee, my girlfriend is really into her ballet, thus, i too have been dragged off to every ballet production in durban (ever!) as well as all the other dance events, and to be honest, at first it was a drag (!) but now that i have learned about it, it is something i do enjoy watching...

who would have thought, a surfer with culture... :wink:
a nikonian from South Africa....
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Post by jee »

Spider, you will see how supple ballet makes you.. will be able to catch those waves far easier! In my younger days I dances a lot, my daughter does too, balet, modern and tap, and we enjoy not only the ballet but all forms of dancing.

Oh, and although I dont surf, I have arranged some surfing compos :)
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Narkath »

Hmmm. Ok, the following hobbies and interests are just that--hobbies and interests; I may not have skills in, or claim to be an expert in a certain subject. None the less, the following still gives me pleasure.

Debating about religion, space-time and quantum physics:
For me the three are linked in ways people just don't get. Sometimes I don't get it myself, but I still try and explain it.
I like the type of debate that just happens. Ask me about a certain topic and I will occasionally give you a good answer but I will most likely just freeze or put my foot in my mouth (known to happen). I used to post at a pagan message board called Embracing the Moon, but it was hell of a time consuming so, unfortunately, I had to cut that out.
What do I get from these debates? I find the mental stimulation a rush.

Music, Subculture, free thought:
-I am also fascinated with modern subcultures. Maybe because I didn't really fit in at school. You know that guy who sat at the back of the class in school and avoided eye-contact (but secretly had murderous intentions mwuhahaha!! lol)? That was me!
It's really interesting to see people of like mind clumping together, forming clicks (sometimes ironically sneering at the trendies when quite a few mindlessly follow their own subculture as well), in a world with no driving cause, unlike that of the 60's anti war hippy culture who were just as mokey-see-mokey-do. Skip the 80's anti-everything. blah blah more oversimplification and...
Behold the 90's, Gen X, subculture breeding and thriving ground.
-Music, if you know stuff, is a very big part of subculture, but enough of that...I like all sorts of genres, but not everything in each. Rock, Nu-Rock, Celtic Folk, Hip Hop, Jazz Vocals, 80's pop, 80's other stuff. I've also noticed that I hold no devotion to any band either; I will sometimes like all, sometimes a few, and sometimes just one track from an artist. My current "liking" list being:
A Perfect Circle.
Imogen Heap.
Frou Frou
Loreena McKennitt
The Smashing Pumpkins
Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead
Type O Negative - Black No.1
I also pay very close attention to soundtracks; it's where I get the best music from.

Reading: Unfortunately, I haven’t been reading a lot lately. I currently have “A crown of lights” by Phil Rickman and “Forty-Two Tales” by Edgar Allen Poe on my room’s speaker that I’ll probably never get to. Next to my bed is Kate West’s “The Real Witches’ Coven.” Non fiction likes:
Fiction: I’ve begun to grow bored of the tired old Sword and Sorcery rubbish. I seriously disliked the first Lord of the Rings book, believe it or not, so I didn’t bother reading the rest (didn’t like the movies, either). I like urban fantasy much more but there are a few “traditional” authors here and there that I hail as gods. List in no order:
Terry Goodkind
Terry Pratchett
Charles de Lint (my favorite Author)
Eric S Nylund
Neil Gaiman
David Gemmell
Orson Scott Card
And more recently Dean Koontz
I subscribe to one marvel comic and the moment, called Runaways.

Anime: I like anime but I don’t have the download capabilities required of a serious fan and I have even less cash for the licensed stuff. So there goes that idea.

Modding: More cash problems

Art: I used to do chalk pastel work but I just don’t seem to have the time.

It goes without saying that I am on my PC way to much and this is the cause of my not having enough time for reading and art.
I also muck around with web design and Photoshop quite a bit as well.

Other things I should mention but I think this is long enough.
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Post by jee »

Narkath, dont you find it just sooo frustrating sometimes when you are debating an interesting point, and people are all bringing in different viewpoints, and you have someone that takes it as a personal attack when you differ from him/her and fight instead of debating the different points?
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Leigh »

Religion is one thing that I stay faaaar away from, in terms of conversations and debates. I've seen quite a few on this very forum, and read them with interest, but refrained from actually posting in them.

I just find that peoples ideas are either too ingrained in them, or too antagonistic, and therefore debate is a bit pointless since this is one thing that people will never compromise on, and are generally not interested in hearing anything contrary to their own beliefs, as they see them as some sort of attack or nullification of them.

Narkath, I see that you listed Terry Pratchett as one of your favourite authors. Did you know that he is a practising pagan (not sure exactly what creed though) and runs a coven in England? I met him a few years ago :) Odd chap, but very cool. His books are great, especially since they are a great mixture of humour and fantasy.
Your reading subject matter is similar to a lot of books that I have on my own bookshelf. Have you ever read "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho? You might enjoy it :)
You'd probably also enjoy Umberto Eco - check out "The Name of the Rose" in particular, although all his books are truly excellent.
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Post by Law »

Scarlet_Spider wrote:
jee wrote:Reading off course are the most important part of my life, and although I read all sorts I prefer fantasy. I love music and play piano and guitar, and am a dancer. Attend every ballet that comes to Durbs. Use to do lots of Cabaret and amateur theatre, but lately, since I have started to study again, i don't have the time.

I'm very much into natural medicines and aromatherapy and am off course animal mad, and spend a lot of time on my computers.
hey Jee, my girlfriend is really into her ballet, thus, i too have been dragged off to every ballet production in durban (ever!) as well as all the other dance events, and to be honest, at first it was a drag (!) but now that i have learned about it, it is something i do enjoy watching...

who would have thought, a surfer with culture... :wink:
SS Tell her she must got see your favourite ballet production :twisted:

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Post by RuadRauFlessa »

Watch Ballet no thank you. I have been in too many of those to enjoy watching them. It is fun to be back stage though. (/me thinks of quick off stage dress changes :twisted: ) But all in all no cuz at a ballet or Opera show or something you can't really socialize. It is more of a sit still and shut up event than anything else and I want to walk around talking to ppl chatting to ppl havign a drink and you get the idea.....

Latin American and Ballroom competitions is king for that. You can walk around the whole time. You don't have to shut up. You can go in and out of the place as you wish (This is a bonus since I don't particularly like to be told what to do on such ocasions eespecially when I pay for it). Plus lots of dancing.

Anways Dancing (Latin & Ballroom), Chattin, Watchin a movie or three, playin' a game or two on my rig. And the most relaxing of all: Walking. I just find that it releases all that emense ammounts of stress that you pick up during working hours. And I don't mean running like certain ppl on this forum that also work with me. :lol: . No just plain and siply walking at a comfortable pace without straining yourself.
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Post by jee »

Law, is that the one with the dancers that are so poor that they cannot afford much to wear? :wink:
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Narkath »

jee wrote:Narkath, don’t you find it just sooo frustrating sometimes when you are debating an interesting point, and people are all bringing in different viewpoints, and you have someone that takes it as a personal attack when you differ from him/her and fight instead of debating the different points?
Sometimes, yes. Maybe when someone starts insulting me thinking that by humiliating me they win the argument. But most of the time, no. I feel quite superior when they start shouting and I remain calm; or when they repeat themselves over and over again and don't realize their own idiocy in doing so. You will also find that if you remain calm, there is a sort of imbalance between sides causing the other to stumble over his/her own words. Let them "dig their own grave" by allowing them to finish their rant. I sort of told a half truth in my last post. I like the mental stimulation, but I also enjoy the battle itself...and to win. I *like* seeing first expression of doubt under my relentless assault of undeniable, inescapable truth. Lol
Leigh wrote:Religion is one thing that I stay faaaar away from, in terms of conversations and debates. I've seen quite a few on this very forum, and read them with interest, but refrained from actually posting in them.
Religious debate only seems to get hairy when the other has no intention of having a challenger. What gets on my nerves is when someone (some times a board moderator) interprets intense debate as a flame war. I have had people politely accusing me (oh so knowingly) of forcing them to try and see my view as the right one when they are doing just that.
Leigh wrote:…and are generally not interested in hearing anything contrary to their own beliefs, as they see them as some sort of attack or nullification of them.
Nail on the head, right there. Lol Wow. May I quote you? “Nullification of them” something I think I’ll use in my own arguments.
Leigh wrote: Narkath, I see that you listed Terry Pratchett as one of your favourite authors. Did you know that he is a practising pagan (not sure exactly what creed though) and runs a coven in England?
It doesn’t surprise me, in fact, I suspected as much, as he seems very knowledgeable of Wicca and Witchcraft in the Witches Trilogy.
Can’t say I have ever read those books. I have added them to my “to read” list. Thanks for that.
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Post by jee »

Narkath wrote: I sort of told a half truth in my last post. I like the mental stimulation, but I also enjoy the battle itself...and to win. I *like* seeing first expression of doubt under my relentless assault of undeniable, inescapable truth. Lol

Religious debate only seems to get hairy when the other has no intention of having a challenger. What gets on my nerves is when someone (some times a board moderator) interprets intense debate as a flame war. I have had people politely accusing me (oh so knowingly) of forcing them to try and see my view as the right one when they are doing just that.
So Narkath, I've been spoiling for a good debate on something worhtwhile. Just not Intel or AMD PLEASE! What do you want to discuss? and win? :twisted:
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Law »

jee wrote:Law, is that the one with the dancers that are so poor that they cannot afford much to wear? :wink:
Jee i didn't know you went to the ballet 2 :twisted: thats pretty toyt of you

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Post by jee »

Law, as a young married girl many moons ago we had a pact.... you choose one "ballet" and I the next..... Worked for me, and I learned alot. *gigglez*
"Integrity" and "integer" both contain a Latin root meaning "whole; complete." The root sense, then, is that people may be said to be acting with integrity when their beliefs, words, and actions have a sense of unity or wholeness.
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Post by Narkath »

Well, as I said, debate is a thing that I prefer to be more spontaneous. Some of my coolest responses have come on when I least expect them. Also, we couldn't very well debate about something that we agree upon, now could we. PC hardware is not something I would be able to have a conversation on, as I feel I am a tad lacking in this area. In other words, I would loose. And I'm not entirely convinced that AMD is the better chip; just the best value for cash.

You may see me in action--making a fool of myself maybe?--, here on this board, in the future.
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Post by Iceblade »

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