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Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 16:28
by RuadRauFlessa
Ooohhhh This makes my head hurt. :x

Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 17:19
by Thrall
Kher-za wrote:what does 'milf' mean? :wink:
I'll tell you once you're old enough to know :wink:

Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 17:21
by Dr_Jung
Kher-za, my young man, keep your hairy palms and hands off the porn sites! 8O

It is not the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, I assure you! :D

Re: My E-Mail is Making me sick

Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 17:36
by OnlyOneKenobi
RuadRauFlessa wrote:Please doc will you give my head a good wack of psycotherapy cuz I just noticed that I have more notification messages in my mailbox from this wonderfull forum that OnlyOne has posts on this lovely forum.
Hmmm now I'll have to post more to beat your notifications count...

Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 20:04
by skunkymunky
no seriosly, What is E-Mail notification

all i have is prono & spam (no pun intended)

Posted: 03 Jun 2004, 20:04
by DJT
amdretard wrote:just not trying to sound like a moron! sorry for my small brain
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 07:42
by RuadRauFlessa
skunkymunky wrote:no seriosly, What is E-Mail notification

all i have is prono & spam (no pun intended)
It is an E-Mail message sent to you to notify you that someone has posted on a thread where you eather read or posted in the thread.

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 07:49
by Slasher
What LAW says you cant delete spam??

You only need to save work stuff , dont you??

Else Im in so much trouble already... :twisted:

I clear my e-mails every so once in a while...

Another question : why dont you save your E-mails as files and clear your inbox... reallllly easy if u know how....

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 08:05
by RuadRauFlessa
my mailbox archives itself every 30 days but that is too long since what I currently have is 30 days worth. I am not allowed to make it less since we have a company policy. We have an AI spam filtering prog that blocks 99.9% of all spam since we tell it what is spam and what is not. But I have not told it that E3.0 is spam cuz I want to know if someone replied to something I posted.

Posted: 07 Jun 2004, 08:13
by RuadRauFlessa
Slasher wrote:What LAW says you cant delete spam??
Actually the ECT act works in accordance to any act which states anything about a paper trail. You can at the moment do a purchase over the cellphone and it is legit and binding in the court of law. If I delete all my E3.0 notifications and I did a piece of business over the forum and I lose the deal, I have a problem. This is where the law takes over. I am thus in the sheitzer cuz I can then be sued for neglectance and such cuz E3.0 does have records of these notifications (thanks to PHP Nuke). If there was no notification at all I could sue E3.0 for neglectance on their part and they would have to compensate me for my losses. But then I have to be able to prove that my notifications to the subject or whatever was enabled. This is propably not the best of examples but it does compute int to the basis of the whole act.

The act states that in any part of our law where one finds the word paper or paper trail or hardcopy or such one can replace that with electronic communicacion exc.........

The act has more impact into our daily lives that we actually think.

According to the law your boss isn't even allowed to look at the subject of any of the messages in your inbox without your concent or a pre-written and signed policy within the company.