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Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 22:26
by StarBound
Early DRM notice say its steamworks. But that was 3 months ago. Anything can happen these days. For all we know they use something different after you installed the game :P

But review is coming to Gametrailers soon so on my toes and hoping its a good game.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 18:47

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 19:11
by StarBound

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 20:05
Hmmm... why do we care about reviews again? :P

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 21:43
by StarBound
Because when it comes to games like Duke Nukem Forever that was waited on for oh so long its good to know its something you wont enjoy playing :P Same with this. I'm still getting it but only because the preview looked so good and the review confirms its not entirely DE1 but its close.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 14:39
The people commenting on the review ripped him a new poop-hole! :)

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 14:59
by StarBound
Yeah but its score chasers. I mean the things they said in the review was informative. Afterall no score will make me buy MW3. Even if they manage a 110% score.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 15:24
StarBound wrote:Because when it comes to games like Duke Nukem Forever that was waited on for oh so long its good to know its something you wont enjoy playing :P Same with this. I'm still getting it but only because the preview looked so good and the review confirms its not entirely DE1 but its close.
Yeah, true. I was gonna say this:
StarBound wrote:I mean the things they said in the review was informative.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 09:08
by StarBound ... ,3012.html

Benchmarking from toms hardware. So even with a decent system the game will run well. For those with crappier systems your still good. The ps3/xbox/pc comparrisson was promising looking at the detail of the game. And those with pimp out game destroying systems will enjoy a nice experience.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 11:43
by StarBound
15min till installation is complete. Weird that the game is optimized for AMD but its good to see that they are getting some support. Got tired of the constant nvidia splash screen.

Oddly enough the steelbox with your pre-order from BTgames is ...just a steelbox with the standard box you get.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 02 Sep 2011, 21:54
by Anakha56
I so agree with this comic:


I have done a full stealth/hack build and am seriously underpowered to take this guy on. Also my primary weapon is a silenced pistol with silencer and laser sights, its brilliant for silent headshots but sucks against this guy... :(

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 02 Sep 2011, 23:11
by StarBound
I have to agree on that one. But I always kept a combat rifle on me and without any combat talents you can kill all the bosses. But you need the weaponry to match it. It would have made sense if they put a turret in the room for you to hack or a robot or allowed you to use the environment. Imagine using stealth and running up to him or being able to use melee. That would have worked.

Another thing is in DE1 you could run away from fights. I don't remember that but it would make sense to have that kind of option in this game.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 20:17
by Anakha56
New patch has gone live and immediatley I wish I had not bought the game... :( ... gle+Reader
Deus Ex: Human Revolution gets in-game adverts

Published on 16th September 2011 by Joe Martin

A new patch for the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution has added small adverts into the game which appear during loading screens, along with a flotilla of bugfixes and tweaks.

Rumours have also begun to spread that adverts will appear on in-game billboards too, though Square Enix has yet to respond to our request for comment.

The adverts which are currently visible are small, appearing as little tabs in the corner of load screens. Currently promoted products include the blu-ray re-release of Star Wars.

Wily modders have already created a means to disable the adverts, however.

A full change-log for the patch is pasted below, but before you read it why don't you check out our Deus Ex: Human Revolution review for more information on the game?
  • Fixes:
    - We have addressed various issues that can occur for players that would result in ‘stuttering’.
    - Stutters that are the result of graphics driver shader processing are now removed or significantly reduced.
    - Stutters that are the result of data streaming have been removed or significantly reduced.
    - Performance has been improved and made more stable on dual-core systems. This could previously also result in stuttering.
    - Fixed issue where some players couldn’t complete the Motherly Ties side quest.
    - Fixed an issue where doors in Omega Ranch sometimes wouldn’t open.
    - The TYM medical card should no longer fall through the table if an NPC’s body comes into contact with the card. Players already stuck in this area will need to revert to a previous save before the card fell through.
    - Occasional hangs for some players during video-playback have been fixed.
    - A crash on startup when running DX11 on a single-core CPU has been fixed.
    - An issue causing Eyefinity setups to not be correctly detected for some players has been fixed.
    - Fixed an issue where the HUD would get permanently disabled for some players.
    - Fixed certain issues that caused the mouse cursor to be able to leave the game-screen on multi-monitor setups.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to not be visible in-game when the user has mouse trails enabled in Windows. We still recommend disabling mouse trails for a smoother in-game mouse cursor.
    - Fixed issue where ammo count for collected guns is incorrect when Adams weapon is augmented.
    - In DX9 mode:
    - Fixed error message for some users when trying to use FXAA Medium or FXAA Low anti aliasing modes.
    - Fixed shadow-mapping ‘lines’ on some graphics hardware when using anisotropic filtering.

    Feature Additions:
    - The Enter and Numpad-Enter keys can now be bound to game actions in the keyboard control menu.
    - Intro logos can now be skipped on all but the first run of the game.
    - Added windowed mode.
    - Selectable in the menu, and can be toggled between windowed, fullscreen, and fullscreen windowed using ALT-ENTER.
    - Added an option to change the text language of the game. This setting only changes the text language, the audio is controlled by the language option in Steam.
Downloading the no ad fix and enjoying not giving a single cent back to Square because they will probably charge a arm and leg for the DLC...

/annoyed with the way PC gamers are being treated...

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 09:30
by RuadRauFlessa
Started playing on Friday evening... epic game... actually holds my attention above anything else I got that I can play and that says a lot.

SB you can still run away from fights you just have to know how... and where to run to...

I also had a full hacking/stealth build by the time I got to the first boss and I had a tranquilizer rifle and a combat rifle... not easy but do-able.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 10:24
by Hman
Started playing the game the 5th, finished it on the 12th.

I did some of the general augments at first, by the time I got to the first boss I tried taking him on with a combat shotgun and combat rifle. Later I flashbanged him and ran to one of the small rooms at the end the big room from where I lobbed grenades at him. This worked beautifully as he couldn't see me, and took care of him in no time.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 19:32
by Anakha56
Want to know why the boss battles sucked and were so out of sync with the rest of the game? Here is the reason why... ... urced.html
Deus Ex: Human Revolution's boss fights were outsourced


Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a great game, there's no denying it. However, one of its universally agreed upon shortcomings are the annoying boss fights which A) do not really belong in a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and B) are badly implemented.

While players can get through the vast majority of the game focusing on a stealth approach, avoiding combat at almost every point, the boss fights require that they take care of business the old fashioned way, which is highly frustrating for players that do not level their character up accordingly.

An interview with little known developer G.I.R.P explains the approach to designing the boss fights.

As it turns out, Eidos Montreal did not develop these portions of the game, but outsourced them to G.I.R.P.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 19:47
by StarBound
I use to carry around a G.E.P gun in DE1 for bosses. Even with no points no one can survive a rocket to the face.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 00:31
by StarBound
Never posted this, language word warning at the end but else watch until the music stops: ... ion/360210

And remember, what happens in the vent stays in the vent.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 13:18
by RuadRauFlessa
Last boss is by far the easiest. One EMP Grenade for each of the droids and you are sorted. For the rest of the cannon fodder you can simply hide behind walls and knock them silly.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 15:12
by StarBound
2 tranqs for each droid also works. BTW you can kill the first boss without ammo. Go check it on youtube. You toss a gas canister, an explosive one then repeat.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 16:37
by RuadRauFlessa
Jip did that as I only had a tranq gun with me at the time and no matter what they say while you are in the fight you don't have time to actually go look for the goodies lying around.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 10:32
by rustypup

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 09:55
by GreyWolf
So I finally baught this game.

Yesterday was the first time ever that my GF complained about me playing a game too much.

Thats is all I am going to say.

Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution - Official Thread

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 10:01
Happy to hear that. :D