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Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 05 Dec 2010, 20:43
by Dr_Jung
So I have been told!

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 03:51
by Tribble
Women lie.

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 07:11
by Sakura454
Tiza wrote:OK well one final question, say you made a relatively huge mistake which might have slightly injured the person and their ego, and you repeatedly say your sorry and they say it's fine but you can see it isn't. What can one do about this if you and the other person haven't talked or seen each other for about 6 weeks?
Well if you tried to say sorry and you did something wrong and she is not willing to forgive you, you have 2 options

1) Try and stick it out for a while longer and try to work it out......if you really love her. Be sensitive towards her feelings

2) Move on but try to make a clean break to linger on just hurts the people involved. Try to stay friends if possible........I know most of the time its not possible.

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 12:03
by Stuart
Tribble wrote:Women lie.
But men don't.


Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 12:04
by Tribble
You know they do :twisted:

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 12:34
by wizardofid
Dr_Jung wrote:Hmmm, this is an interesting question, I will ponder upon it, at this stage I only know when I am into a girl, she gives a scream of delight.
Sigh, and why would that be? and at your age... :o

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 17:18
by Tiza
Ok so I have come to a conclusion. The hot girls are crazy, the good ones are taken and well you just have to choose one out of the rest...

Now one final question are girls or young women more into bad-asses cause honestly all the nice guys i know finish last the "jerks" always seem to get the girls?

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 17:34
by Tribble
It does seem as though many of the girls do go for the bad boys. But they don't marry them. I know that doesn't help you now - and besides, who wants bad boys throw aways? I have no good answer for that. All I can say is that if you keep looking - you will find someone. And hopefully the right someone. But you actually have to go out there and try.

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 08 Dec 2010, 23:30
by Ark
Here's what I've found.

If a woman leaves her friends behind to hang around you, she's into. End of story.
If the above occurs and she touches you a lot (standing real close, hand on shoulder etc) she's REALLY into you.

Some girls would "accidentally" brush their boobs on your arm or whatever. That's pretty much an invitation. My recommendation would be to steer clear of those. Usually skanks. If you go with it, it will more than likely end up you know where. If that's where you wanna go, use a friggin rubber

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 08 Dec 2010, 23:49
by Ark
Tiza wrote:Ok so I have come to a conclusion. The hot girls are crazy, the good ones are taken and well you just have to choose one out of the rest...

Now one final question are girls or young women more into bad-asses cause honestly all the nice guys i know finish last the "jerks" always seem to get the girls?
Dude, I can write a goddamn book about that.

Its called "natural selection". Every woman on the planet will tell you she wants a "nice guy". That's what they all say they want, but always lands up with an *******. Just bare with me, I kinda suck at explaining things. In nature, the females in the animal world always choose the badass among the males. This is usually the dominant male which doesn't take any ***** from the other males. In humans this is no different. Women look for certain things in men. They see a guy in a crowd who's over confident and cocky and those two things blinds them of all the things he portrays that makes him a willy. I dunno what it is, but women cling to confidence in a guy the same way flies cling to a steamy crock of poop. And its in general the assholes that displays this confidence.

I don't really understand the way women's minds work myself, but there are a few things I do know. Where a man's mind works around logic, a woman's mind works around feelings. If they feel it, they do it. Okay, I'm straying a bit off topic here. For a "nice guy", a club is the wrong place to go look for women. Try the local library or something, you'll find less assholes there, eliminating most of the competition.

if you want to go bird watching at a club, I got some advice for you. You know that whole "knight in shining armor" thing your mom programmed into your head when you were a kid? Drop it. It will do you no good. Being a gentleman will get you no tail. And most importantly. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ask a woman for romantic advice. They will lead you astray. They will tell you what they THINK they want instead of what they ACTUALLY RESPOND to.

My 2 cents

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:01
by KatrynKat
if a guy is over confident and cocky it means that he is trouble and think too highly of himself...
the bad-a$$ guys may get the girls, but the nice, geeky, trouble free guys gets the wife....
being a gentleman will get you far in life and with the right girls....

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:06
by Anakha56

Every time I see this header I keep wanting to post this reply:
How would you know if a girl is into you ???
A: When she follows you home...


Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:13
by KatrynKat
well, that is one of the signs that the girl is into you.....

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:37
by Ark
when she follows you home
If a woman you met at a club follows you home, you don't know where she been

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:43
by Anakha56
@ Ark I know, its just something that keeps popping me into my head whenever I read this header. Dont ask me why...

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 01:12
by SykomantiS
LOL! :lol: Anakha, for the first time, I've just confused one of your responses for a Jamin response :P


@Ark, one of my friends has the exact same reasoning as you, the difference between the two of you is, he can explain it better, so I've heard that explanation, and sadly it's true. Were I able, I would explain it better myself, as I can follow the reasoning, but I can't impart the knowledge. Also, as some people around here who've gotten to know me will tell you, I hate this system and the way it works. And when I say hate, it's only cause I don't know of a stronger way to express my dislike of it :evil:

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 02:44
by hamin_aus
SykomantiS wrote:LOL! :lol: Anakha, for the first time, I've just confused one of your responses for a Jamin response :P

:lol: I have been purposefully staying out of this thread...

But okay, here's my 2c

If you suspect a girl is into you then she probably is. Your body is designed to recognise physical and chemical signals a girl who is attracted to you will put out.
But girls are weird and even if they do like you, they will let extenuating circumstances like your social status, wealth, and their friends opinions influence their decision about whether or not they should be with you.

That's usually why your girldar will pick up a signal, but when you proposition the girl, you get turned down. Or why she will act like she likes you in one instance, but then be distant the next.

I think OP is a bit of a chicken.

You stand to gain more than you lose by asking a girl out. Yes, rejection sucks, but if you go your whole life waiting for that sure thing because you are afraid of rejection or are unsure about the signals you are getting from a girl, you will either end up dying a virgin, or with a girl you might not really be that attracted to.

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 04:19
Ark wrote:
when she follows you home
If a woman you met at a club follows you home, you don't know where she been
But you know where she is going...

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 08:04
by Tribble
Lol I have been thinking about this a lot. I have an idea on how it works. Bear me out.

Women don't care whether the guy is nice or a bad a$$. A girls wants to feel special - important. These guys know how to make a woman feel like the only person in the room. Yes we all know it is a crock but it doesn't matter in the moment. When a guy with that much confidence, shows interest in a girl, makes her feel special and desired, wham! She thinks she is in love. You might be thinking that these guys ignore the ladies. Look again - watch carefully. It is in the eye contact, the little smiles, the gentle touches. It is in the way he guides her to a chair - he doesn't just pull the chair out so she can sit down, he places his hand on her back and literally guides her nearer to him. Or he looks her directly in her eyes and taps the seat next to him and says - "I saved this space for you". It is the "for you" bit that gets the girl. She knows it would have been any girl that could have sat there - but he wanted it to be her.

Words, eye contact and touching is what gets a girls heart racing. Yes - it is flirting. I think we are preprogrammed from birth to respond to certain stimuli - and we know when we are being worked. But alas - we cannot stop the chemical reactions that are caused. Like a moth to a flame - we know it will be bad for us - but we do it anyway, because that flame wants us.

The good news is that even good guys (nice boys) can make use of these methods. Don't over do it - but make eye contact, listen (or hang on) to every word she says. Use her words in the conversation - that way she knows you have listened and heard her. Just don't copy her though. Maker her feel special but not don't smother her. It must be relaxed and comfortable. And be confident - the way you talk, order, must be purposeful. Don't avoid eye contact but don't stare either. A few seconds is all that is needed. Compliment her. Don't mention any of your shortcomings or insecurities - those can come later when you two are an item. She doesn't need to know what scares you - or you think you failed at something. She needs to feel that the real world has stopped so that the two of you can be together.

Ah - I see I am boring you - but you get the picture. It must all be about her. She must feel special - and wanted.

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 08:33
by DeathStrike
KatrynKat wrote:if a guy is over confident and cocky it means that he is trouble and think too highly of himself...
the bad-a$$ guys may get the girls, but the nice, geeky, trouble free guys gets the wife....
being a gentleman will get you far in life and with the right girls....
+1 totally my story. :mrgreen:

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 13:36
by Tiza
Strange how women are attracted to over-confident guys who think they are the alpha and omega. I recently read that women are more attracted to men in red colours as it symbolizes power and authority. It's strange that most men find it very unattractive when a women thinks she is super hot. It's the worst when your talking to a girl and she thinks she is doing you a favour by just talking to you, strange...

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 13:42
by KatrynKat
if i'm not mistaken that story about the red shirt comes out of the December issue of the Cosmo.....

each girl has a colour that they are attractive to and it depends on how it looks on that specific guys..... not all guys can wear red...

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 13:47
by Tiza
What no, i read that i mens health ;)

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 13:54
by Tribble
I can attest to the fact that some guys should not wear red

Re: How would you know if a girl is into you ???

Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 11:52
by rustypup
Tribble wrote:I can attest to the fact that some Sturat should not wear red
also, no man should wear pink... ever... unless they're feeling fabulous...