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Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 21:59
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r
n00b seems to piss alot of ppl off

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 01:00
by n00b
well yeah psycho crittur - i piss a lot of people off since there are a whole bunch of opinionated idiots in this forum - its supposed to be a pc related forum but i can see im wasting my time here - since the only guys who really do have a clue seem to be thrall and bondi and a few other guys like snowmonkey and even onlyonekenobi - the ladies are okay too - the rest of the guys in this place seem more interested in actually making this into a meeting place to xtend their thirteen year old fantasies and wanna discuss a whole load of crap

you guys start the flames then get offended when you are beaten at your own game - cant stand the heat then get the **** out of the kitchen man - anyways keep your forum to yourself - it really seems to be a waste of time here - no wonder it remains a place where you get max 20 active members since you guys just wanna remain a tight knit community of friends who dont want to believe that strangers will know more than you guys do - i cannot say that ill ever recommentd this forum to technical guys since there is no attraction for them here

its a shame since being the forum for a national pc mag that cammie has allowed this place to degenerate into what it is which has almost buggerall to do with computers or related issues and is more of a place for ignorant idiotic wankers to come here and talk about things that they barely know about - anyways guys ive had my say - have fun

Posted: 13 Apr 2004, 15:40
by Agamemnon
Official Doom 3 card: nVidia GeForceFX 5900

8) nuff said.

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 17:49
by n00b
official halflife2 card = ATI 9800 series

:wink: more said

number of people who will play halflife more than doom = unknown

number of people in this forum who talk nonsense = large

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 21:15
by Nuke
i realy hope i dont just talk nonsense. i do that very good BTW :lol: but as long as we keep nonsense and real stuff apart i dont think there's a prob.

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 23:21
by Agamemnon
Agamemnon wrote:Official Doom 3 card: nVidia GeForceFX 5900

8) nuff said.
NVidia is supposedly leading by a pretty big gap on D3 due to various differences in the technology used. Stencil shaders, and the way D3 renders items in general is pretty much MADE for the FX series by nvidia.

Also, ID took out the "vendor specific" codepaths, further hurting ATi's performance. A 9800pro should run the game fine anyway, just not like a 5900Ultra will.

This game will be capped at 60fps anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

But Actually, NVidia's lead is worth mentioning. Cap or No Cap.
Reason being, the better it performs, the higher the gfx settings you can push and RETAIN THAT 60! In the alpha, there's been reports of FX cards running 1280x1024 with 4xAA and 8x AF and STILL staying around 50 fps. ATI's Equivilant struggled to keep near 20 with AA/AF.

Sure, the game is capped, but what kinda quality will you get to achieve said framerate?

Thanks to the good people at The following cards were tested (and are ranked in order of speed and overall quality of how they will run Doom III):

1. NVIDIA GeForceFX 5900 Ultra *WINNER*
2. NVIDIA GeForceFX 5800 Ultra
3. ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB
4. ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
5. NVIDIA GeForceFX 5600 Ultra New
6. NVIDIA GeForceFX 5600 Ultra Old
7. ATI Radeon 9600 Pro
8. NVIDIA GeForceFX 5200 Ultra
9. ATI Radeon 9200

But as n00b so eloquently pointed out "number of people who will play halflife more than doom = unknown" So on topic aboot whether Nvidia > ATI, answer= depends on your preferences.

And that's tha final wurd dawgs 8) !

Have a good evening. *yawn*

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 23:52
by n00b
nvidia is only strong in doom 3 because john carmack has created a vendor specific path for it which will ensure that nvidia cards will be able to be strong in it - when you remove that path and use ARB then ATI and nvidia perform around the same

how many coders are going to bow down to the wishes of nvidia and code the game to be card specific - the simple answer to that is "no others" thus you cannot use one game in which to judge the cards - even more so when its about the only game in which the card excels but falls behind in most others

dont get me wrong - nvidia have pulled their thumbs out of their mouths and are back in action with the 6800 but its still too early to give them the victory since the R420 still has to be released - remember what happened when everyone thought that ATI would never manage to surpass the venerable Ti4600 - well not only did they surpass it with the 9700pro but they created new standards by which graphics cards would be judged and since then nvidia have been playing "catch up"

also let anadtech now extend that list of theirs to include the FX5950 and the 9800XT and then see what happens

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 20:23
by Soap
hehehehe :wink:


Check out the new Geforce...coming out soon

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 09:33
by TheWall

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 21:11
by Iceblade
number of people in this forum who talk nonsense = large
Sorry :oops:

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 21:27
by Azgard
I just read a review over at about the Geforce 6800 Ultra.

It seems to be an excellent card. Beat the best ATI and previous best NVidia card in all the game benchmarks at resolutions above 1024x768.

From what I read they say the performance difference between the 6800 and the 5950 is as big as the difference between the ATI 8500 and the 9700 Pro... Amazing

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 22:06
by Slasher
N00b - when u say ur leaving please leave... dont forget to close the door behind you...

Were not so closed as you think... Its just when an opinianated S.O.B like you comes along, most of us try and keep you away...

Your not always the only right one, remember that...

I also dont think I want any of your "Friends" here, if they are anything like you...

On the new Nvidia card : "Viva , n00b - Ati falling behind again?? Its a see saw, OPEN ur eyes, n00000b"

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 00:21
by n00b
N00b - when u say ur leaving please leave... dont forget to close the door behind you...
oh ill close the door i will - right in your petty little face you stupid little cake

Were not so closed as you think
you are right you all are more closed than you think
Its just when an opinianated S.O.B like you comes along, most of us try and keep you away...
at least ive got a brain unlike you you silly **** - i may be opinionated - but not any less than you are - ps you may know how to spell that word but you dont know the meaning of it - as observed each frigging time you whine that "you only wanna voice your opinion" - which in most cases is utter bollocks
also dont think I want any of your "Friends" here, if they are anything like you...
oh...... i assure you most of them are like me - they know a ****** more about everything than you do and i can also assure you they wont be interested to come here - i guess this forum doesnt need anyone who really knows anything then does it
Viva , n00b - Ati falling behind again??
you still dont get it do you - wait till the 26th of this month - you may learn something you moron

and the most important thing is if you ever call me a S.O.B ever again you silly T_W_A_T i will come F_UC_K_I_NG looking for you and i dont care who the **** you are i will chop off you little willy and make you eat it

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 09:41
by Scarlet_Spider
please ban noob cameron.

Please !!

He is destructive, brash and ill mannered ad doesn't belong here.

I have tried being nice to you noob. The fact many members on this forum have problems with you independently is testament to the fact you are a common factor in all your problems, and it is in fact you that needs to be removed.

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 10:29
by Slasher
Thanks Scarlet_Spider... I was hoping someone else may get irritated enough to open their mouths...

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 13:37
by LordRage
every time I come to this site there is a flame war....

who gives a CR@P if ATI is better than Nvidia or not... we will see when the benchies come out, until then why dont u guys just be nice!!

nOOb: I know u know alot, I have seen some of ur posts, and have been impressed by your knowledge, just dont carry on this flame war, its pointless, this is why I go to Planetmars, because views are respected and not trashed.

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 15:03
by Soap
Thanks Scarlet_Spider... I was hoping someone else may get irritated enough to open their mouths...
Ya, Sykronos, please lock the topic, these flamewars are not worth it. :evil:

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 19:12
by Nuke
i also dont care who's better as long as i can play games.

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 09:52
by TheWall
yea, thought that url will get all the ati fans quiet!

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 11:55
by Soap
What do you people actually care? You are blowing out you're money for PCs all the way and only to have the latest cunning edge Graphics card @ 350 fps in Quake 3?? Not only is it a unbelieveable thing that people really buy Graphic cards new every 4 months, because their "9700 Pro" is outdated and they can't brag anymore. It's just a waste. The human eye can only 'see' 30-40 fps, so those nice 350 fps in Quake 3 with your FX5950 Ultra won't make a difference at all. I have a GeForce4 Ti4200 already for 2 years now, and I don't have A game which lags or has any graphical problems. It's just a damn waste of money getting the best cards on the market, I'd rather spend my money on something else, a good Keyboard for example, but not a Grapic Card which will loose it's value in 4 months drastically.
That's it from my side :roll:

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 15:10
by CALE24
I agree with that, though if you're really flush(I aint), a new card is great to have. I generally keep a card for 1 year before an upgrade, depending on technological progress. The next-gen cards from both Nvidea and Ati, likely costing little more than current top cards soon enough, will represent faaar better value than all those who have just bought a 5900/9800 series, such as myself(9800pro). Doh.
As for quake 3 at 350fps, that isn't why people buy new cards- current cards are required for current games, such as Far Cry, assuming you wish to see and experience the best a modern piece of software has to offer. That being said, a mate of mine manages to run Far Cry on my old 'GeForce 2 gts pro', though with Tomb Raider 1 style water. So.Not.Cool. :arrow: :o

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 15:29
by Soap
current cards are required for current games, such as Far Cry
My GFX card is 2 years old and can run Far Cry by far better graphics than tomb raider one water :P

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 17:10
by MrBean
Slasher wrote:N00b - when u say ur leaving please leave... dont forget to close the door behind you...

Were not so closed as you think... Its just when an opinianated S.O.B like you comes along, most of us try and keep you away...

Your not always the only right one, remember that...

I also dont think I want any of your "Friends" here, if they are anything like you...
Mmm guys, maybe just my input on this......maybe if we put all of our heads and brains together, maybe then we will know about AMD and gfx hardware what noob me on this 1, please, I know him personally.......

So, if he speaks stfu and listen what he says....I am not saying this to antagonise anyone, not start a war, nor flaming.......we can all learn a great deal from him, and maybe he gets upset because you are 16, and he is 37, and you call him a SOB.....

We are all a little touchy here, lets leave this type of flaming threads, like AMD/Intel or nVidia/ATI cause they tend to end up in flaming wars. And, if you wanna piss with the big dogs, don't yelp like a puppy when you get wet.....bit crude, but you catch my meaning.

I am an Intel guy, but understand that it is not the only best chip out there....AMD is also a "best" chip in it's own it is with nVidia and Ati......I never owned an Ati before my current 9800XT, and to be honest, it kicks the socks of the 5900Ultra I used for benching a while back.....

So, imho, Ati is the card for benchmarking, although, I admit, for some games there is a better card in the nVidia......but again, not in all games.

So, decide what games you are most likely going to be playing, if Doom3, get a nVidia.....HL2 would be ok to play on both cards......if you bench, get a Ati.....

But let's all stop this senseless bitching, it is not conducive to good relations, and if all of you guys feel like slasher here, as I am a friend of noob, will Cameron please terminate my membership, and I will head back to Planetmars, and never visit here again.

Have a nice day,

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 17:30
by Soap
And, if you wanna piss with the big dogs, don't yelp like a puppy when you get wet.....bit crude, but you catch my meaning.
Perfectly put, and let's just stop the flaming... :wink:

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 18:15
by CALE24
Agreed. 'Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of this thread.'