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Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 16:07
by KillerByte
This is my house!!!!

I r liking to talker the Englisher.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 16:11
by Tribble
Oooh I tremble at your enunciation :wink:

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 16:39
by lancelot
A hard day at work playing computer games, shame man!

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 16:41
by UrBaN
lancelot, Rough life hey!

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 16:46
by KillerByte
lancelot wrote:A hard day at work playing computer games, shame man!
I wish. Thats Drakonis' job.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 18:37
by Ryan_Cooper
we cant all get what we want now can we.....shame :(

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 19:44
by Stuart
drakonis plays games all day? is that why he's so emo?

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 20:13
by lancelot
Since Paul (aka Widower) was away yesterday afternoon collecting his new BMW 1200GS (aka his IRL epic mount) the rest of us played COD 5 2v2 CTF. Once the teams were worked out to be balance the fighting ensued and flag captures were often done with tremendous screaming and shouting for support. Amazingly Brett and I managed to win by the skin of our teeth (although we are still awaiting a decision from the judges over a dispute... or ten.)
Thought I was not seeing things!

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 07:58
by KillerByte
that occurred in the afternoon

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 02 Mar 2009, 16:15
by KillerByte
So the weekend held a few suprises. I got some sleep and the forums got some downtime :)

The server move went sort of smoothly and the entire team would be excited if we had enough time to even think about the opportunities that this new server provides us.

I have started early this month and while MR. Ed was out the office on Friday I grafted big time. The test rig got a serious work out and the benchmarks and reviews in May will hopefully show the level of effort I intend to put into May. I have got a serious list of reviews to go in so for those tech junkies keep your eyes peeled for the May issue.

On a side note, if you have a Canon DSLR and want to sell let me know, I am keen to get back into the game and playing with camera at work just makes me heart sore for my own. Oh, and if you have a SpeedFlash I would be keen to buy that too.

The office peaked today and saw the entire team (Dawid included) reach stress levels that have not been seen for the last 3 weeks. Needless to say GEAR kept us on our toes this month.
May cover disc is coming along and all those that want some content on there, you best get cracking and hit the Cover Disc Request thread. A little ( . ) bit of info, if you like game play videos and trailers I have done some searching and found some really exciting videos.

Personally I can't wait for End War and HAWX for PC, I think these are two of the hottest titles that we will see this year. There is of course StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3, which we will see later this year (hopefully) so it seems that Ubisoft is being wise in releasing its hot title at the beginning of the year. I have little doubt that End War will be the RTS game at LANs in a few months since its less about base building and more about deploying the right units and positioning them at the right place at the right time.

What you guys got to say?

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 15:32
by KillerByte
The current drama over Facebook’s privacy policies is concerning. This one website has almost become the cornerstone of the online community’s social scene and it would appear that people have forgotten the basic rule of online interaction… if its damning then do not reveal it. I made the silly mistake of accepting friend invites from family. Coming from a more conservative upbringing means that most of my actions are of a conservative nature. However I do engage in some activities that my family would frown upon, nothing illegal mind you. To make sure that I do not have to receive calls from my parents regarding my social/private activities I make sure that they do not appear on my profile page. I hide the skeletons in the closet where they belong.

In other words: if you would not like your parents to read the things you are up to then don’t post them. Change your privacy settings so that your info is only visible to your friends and if any info is too private for even your friends to see then what the hell is it doing on Facebook. Facebook is like a car. It is a tool that is very useful but abuse it and it could see you land in very hot water.

I do agree that the changing of policies is not on. Users should not have to live in a perpetual state of paranoia over if and when Facebook will change its privacy policies. Keep privacy settings at the same level at what the user initially sets them at and if new privacy options are added then set them to the highest security level.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 16:48
by Prime
KillerByte wrote:The current drama over Facebook’s privacy policies is concerning. This one website has almost become the cornerstone of the online community’s social scene and it would appear that people have forgotten the basic rule of online interaction… if its damning then do not reveal it. I made the silly mistake of accepting friend invites from family. Coming from a more conservative upbringing means that most of my actions are of a conservative nature. However I do engage in some activities that my family would frown upon, nothing illegal mind you. To make sure that I do not have to receive calls from my parents regarding my social/private activities I make sure that they do not appear on my profile page. I hide the skeletons in the closet where they belong.

In other words: if you would not like your parents to read the things you are up to then don't post them. Change your privacy settings so that your info is only visible to your friends and if any info is too private for even your friends to see then what the hell is it doing on Facebook. Facebook is like a car. It is a tool that is very useful but abuse it and it could see you land in very hot water.

I do agree that the changing of policies is not on. Users should not have to live in a perpetual state of paranoia over if and when Facebook will change its privacy policies. Keep privacy settings at the same level at what the user initially sets them at and if new privacy options are added then set them to the highest security level.
Ya, I'm inclined to agree, The best way to keep something a secret is not to share it. My family is fairly conservative too, and now that I have aunts and uncles on my FB, I also have to watch what I post or say. That's when you create a personal blog or second facebook account that if you really have to share with your friends, Only they have access to it.
Wizard's First rule: People are Stupid.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 16:52
by SykomantiS
Meh. I have nothing on FB that I'm afraid of sharing. My family will more likely be up to something I might frown upon. So it's all good :mrgreen:

I do agree though. The only secret is one you share with no one. Anything else is or will be public knowledge.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 17:17
by KillerByte
Ah, my hope in society has been restored. There are like-minded rational intelligent people left in the world.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 18:01
by Tribble
My mother always suspected I was weird - now my cousins, uncle, inlaws etc do too. :? I have created groups and blocked others - but it seems it only works sometimes. People still see the stupid games that I play. I have told my family to block the apps but they still seem to show up.

I never expected my family to FB so much - so I know exactly how you feel. At least none of them come here or to Ronny's place.

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 18:06
by wizardofid
Wizard's First rule: People are Stupid.
What is the second rule?

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 18:13
wizardofid wrote:
Wizard's First rule: People are Stupid.
What is the second rule? ... .27s_Rules

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 13 May 2010, 18:24
by wizardofid
D3PART3D wrote:
wizardofid wrote:
Wizard's First rule: People are Stupid.
What is the second rule? ... .27s_Rules
Neat requires further investigation thanks !!!

Re: Granma's Boy's Corner

Posted: 14 May 2010, 08:01
by Jonboy
Ah, kindred souls. I too am more liberal than my parents, luckily they're not on FB. I'm also not friends with my brother, sister, nieces etc on FB, I prefer to keep my social life and my home-life separate thank you very much.