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Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 10:40
by Slasher
Websense is blocking Prophecy for me from this side, but from a look at the descriptions, Option 1 has Lightscribe, 3 doesn't. Lightscribe is a nice feature, but only if you are willing to dosh more out on discs... I havent had the fun of using it myself yet, but would get one with that feature just for the added benefit.

What is the price difference?

I like Liteon, but the Asoos should be good as well...

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 10:52
by Off-The-Chart
*stops smacking himself on the head just to post this*

yeah I noticed that only after an MSN contact said it :P

and not that much price difference... bout R40 but if I do not need it, would rather not get it as I won't be using the writer that much anyway...

*continues the head smacking* :D

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 11:18
by Vampyre_2099
Lightscribe is the ability to write an "image" onto the top of the cd, IE making it look pretty and profesional. It's not a must-have feature although it is anice feature to have, but as Slasher said, you need to spend more $$$ on cd's as you then need to buy the lightscribe(able?) cd's

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 11:26
by Sickwacky
What happens when you accidently do a JBOD raid array with a sata optical and say whatever hdd? :P

epic failure? :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 12:08
by sea
only thing I can think of then is that a virtual drive emulation program "slipped" into your slipstream
Tried with non slipstreamed disk, only add on the Sata 2 drivers.

Same problem.

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 12:24
by Vampyre_2099
Ok sea, then I have no idea whats going on with your drive/pc

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 14:46
by Kenjutsu
I'm considering buying SATA ODDs when I upgrade my PC. I like the idea of less cable clutter, and that each drive will have its own SATA channel (no sharing like with IDE).

Just a question: when I insert a CD/DVD into my ODD, XP (an especially Windows Explorer) "freeze" for a moment as the newly inserted disk is read. Is this because of a) XP, or b) the IDE interface?

I am hoping it is the latter, then hopefully the SATA interface will solve that.


Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 16:17
by PsyCLown
Iv never had any problems with any PC iv used freezing once I insert a CD/DVD into the optical drive.

Iv only ever used IDE optical drives as well ;)

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 12:16
by Domino_PhoeniX
also one of the problems no one seemed to mention is that if youve had a computer for more that 5 years or so, you would have built up quite a collection of ide drives (well i have anyways) and the fact that they are only giving you one ide channel with the new boards ands four or six sata connectors suggests that you just buy the sata one and keep the ide open for your old drives. unless you have many sata drives and dont see the point wasting one of the ports on an optical drive. i suppose it goes both ways.

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