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Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 21:16
by Dust
Crysis only, only other game I have on my machine now is Pro Street. It also crashed on 3dMark06 a few times.

But, since I've uninstalled RivaTuner it hasn't locked up once in Crysis or 3dMark!!! I know it sounds strange but I found a post on a forum somewhere blaming RT for lock-ups. It seems that in random instances and configurations it may make a system unstable.

And yes everyone will probably flame me now and scream that RT works perfectly for them.

I ran my card oc'd to 625/1900 for about 3hours today playing Crysis. Got the temps up to 86deg! No lock-up!!! And cpu and ram was oc'd too.

How strange is that!!??!

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 22:16
by douglash
well, not too strange actually.. makes sense if u had a bug in the RT..

what version u using? 2.06 is out..