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Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 12:44
by Kovu
oh no don't get me wrong_
i am for the project not against...
just hope that it all goes well

even so i wonder are these ppl prepared for the worst?

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 13:08
by JFK
It is just a case of something not experienced by humankind… experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

And if it is one giant scientific failure and they do not succeed, it will not be - ‘’If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried”

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:05
by Kovu
yes true most true,:lol:

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:07
by Kovu
But think what is worst case scenario with any disaster... multiply that a 100 fold.
we could be looking at catastrophe of such levels waiting to heppen

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:11
I wonder what the moral implications of this are? Should they be allowed to do something like this and risk blowing up the planet without our consent? :lol:

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:17
by WiK1d
Think about it, the earth could be shaped like half a melon. And we could actually be part of that half, whoooooohooooo!

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:18
by rustypup
put it this way... should it go wrong, (highly unlikely), the repercussions will probably see us vanish in a puff of dust before we even realise it went wrong...

what should worry you is if a sufficiently stable black hole were to form, the planet would be eaten out from the inside... .which means, for a short period of time, you will be living next door to a pommie... given the time dilation that is theorised to exist within a black hole, this could turn into and eternity.. which is about as close to hell as you could get...

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:19
by Kovu
good point D3PART3D_

i mean,yes the most of us not knowledge even near to the minds working this project,but come on ppl there's a part in all of us sayin "this could go really bad" or something along that lne...and what can you do bout it?

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:22
by Futs
D3PART3D wrote:I wonder what the moral implications of this are? Should they be allowed to do something like this and risk blowing up the planet without our consent? :lol:
I can guarantee you that there has been many an experiment where your consent was not taken into consideration.
People will always persue that which is out of our boundries, there are only few who'd think this too risky/dangerous to experiment with, yet there will always be someone who would carry on as the risk weighs a lot less for them than the potential it could possibly hold.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:29
by JFK
Remember tests were due to have started this month already.:roll:

The beginning of operations is about six-months behind schedule due to a series of misfortunate accidents and mistakes. In one incident, small-sized magnets, which are located around the tunnel, were damaged when placed under pressure as part of a process to test the LHC. These magnets had to be repaired or replaced.
In addition, one of the large 20-ton magnets was damaged when it was lifted off its mountings, which forced an evacuation when the tunnel was filled with helium gas and dust. The problem was brought about by mistakes in the building of the magnets and anchors.

Or, maybe nothing will happen and all the scientists will stand there with red faces (all +7000 scientists).

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:36
by TheMartyr
LAWL!!! :lol: :lol:
if nothing happens!!

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:37
rustypup wrote:put it this way... should it go wrong, (highly unlikely), the repercussions will probably see us vanish in a puff of dust before we even realise it went wrong...

what should worry you is if a sufficiently stable black hole were to form, the planet would be eaten out from the inside... .which means, for a short period of time, you will be living next door to a pommie... given the time dilation that is theorised to exist within a black hole, this could turn into and eternity.. which is about as close to hell as you could get...
ah, but even if time were to be stretched, it would have no effect on our experience of it because our ability to experience would have to exist on that same timeline... Get my point? If it inflicted an eternity of pain, it would still take an eternity for our processing capacity to catch up, and if time were to loop, every time would be the first and only. ;) but I hope you're right and its unlikely.

@kovu: I suppose we don't have the power to stop them, but power can be aquired...

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:39
by TheMartyr
how would we stop this
they cant do this experiment - it could kill us all
i see hell opening!!
i see big monsters and death...

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:45
Futs wrote:
D3PART3D wrote:I wonder what the moral implications of this are? Should they be allowed to do something like this and risk blowing up the planet without our consent? :lol:
I can guarantee you that there has been many an experiment where your consent was not taken into consideration.
People will always persue that which is out of our boundries, there are only few who'd think this too risky/dangerous to experiment with, yet there will always be someone who would carry on as the risk weighs a lot less for them than the potential it could possibly hold.
I did not ask if such experiments are carried out, they obviously are, I asked if they were moral.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:46
by Ark
D3PART3D wrote:and if time were to loop, every time would be the first and only.
I can just imagine rusty saying every 5 minutes "Holy crap! A pommy!" :lol:

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:47
by KillerByte
well its just a particle accelerator just bigger. I think the largest currnet one is 8km, this is over 3 times as big. I doubt something will go wrong, but if it does then we will have some fun in the after life.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:49
by JFK
Relax and don’t get paranoid…


Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:52
by AliasMidori
D3PART3D wrote:
Futs wrote:
D3PART3D wrote:I wonder what the moral implications of this are? Should they be allowed to do something like this and risk blowing up the planet without our consent? :lol:
I can guarantee you that there has been many an experiment where your consent was not taken into consideration.
People will always persue that which is out of our boundries, there are only few who'd think this too risky/dangerous to experiment with, yet there will always be someone who would carry on as the risk weighs a lot less for them than the potential it could possibly hold.
I did not ask if such experiments are carried out, they obviously are, I asked if they were moral.
Er... actually you did ask if such experiments should be allowed.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:56
by rustypup
D3PART3D wrote:If it inflicted an eternity of pain, it would still take an eternity for our processing capacity to catch up
the pommie whine obeys no known laws of physics.

the listening monks purportedly heard the noise which occurred just after the big bang... some pommie calling in to complain...

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 14:58
AliasMidori wrote:
Er... actually you did ask if such experiments should be allowed.
should they be allowed and if they are allowed are two different questions, kiddo ;)

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 15:02
by freeboy
Futs wrote:This sounds alot like Dan Brown's Angels and Demons.
Goodness! After I read Angels and Demons I thought the LHC has been up and running for years! It just goes to show what I know about the real world.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 15:14
by JFK
Let’s get serious for a minute.

What about the radiation this ‘particle accelerator’ creates.

Researcher’s think that the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. They (the scientists) think that these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole... @#&*$ Sure...

Hope they are right anyway.

Re: Playing God

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 15:44
by TheModDoctor
This might be a bit off topic...
JFK wrote: The New York Times and International Herald Tribune announced the intentions of a global group of physicists to re-create the environment of the early universe so they can better understand the Big Bang. After a hundred years of theory, discussion, and lab tests, the time has come to test results at a higher level.
What's this junk about this "big bang" ? This MYTH never happened and was just made to divert people from the truth. You want some proof? Go find your Bible and start reading at Genesis 1:1 !!!

But still, the idea about a particle accelerator is interesting, but in my opinion I don't really think that a single machine would be able to blow up the whole world.

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 15:46
by freeboy
You my friend sound like a zealot! I'm gonna stay far away from you.

Re: Playing God

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 15:49
by JFK
TheModDoctor wrote:This might be a bit off topic...
JFK wrote: The New York Times and International Herald Tribune announced the intentions of a global group of physicists to re-create the environment of the early universe so they can better understand the Big Bang. After a hundred years of theory, discussion, and lab tests, the time has come to test results at a higher level.
What's this junk about this "big bang" ? This MYTH never happened and was just made to divert people from the truth. You want some proof? Go find your Bible and start reading at Genesis 1:1 !!!

But still, the idea about a particle accelerator is interesting, but in my opinion I don't really think that a single machine would be able to blow up the whole world.
No, not blow up the whole world... but maybe put a dent into it. :lol: