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Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:02
gg :)

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:03
by viceroy
Well I'll stop now...before this ends up getting locked or someone takes out a hit on someone elses dog or cat or hamster

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:04
by CesarePlay
viceroy wrote:Man you are so easy to get all riled up. :)

Anyway I'll leave you now as I have more interesting things to go do.

ps. i hope you have a better day than you seem to be having.

Bye bye now :D
I am not riled up I am annoyed! I have better things to do than read your stupid answer and I tried your link and it pionts to visual 2005 I said I use the 2003 version. I have a better day when I am with better people than you like my friends.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:06
by Cameron_Losco
Actually, no. I've unlocked it.

viceroy, SBSP & CesarePlay, lets get back to the topic and leave the personal jazz in the past. Seriously...

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:14
by Anthro
Okay guys, this has gone far enough.
*edit* I see Cameron beat me to it*
#1. Stop flaming EACH OTHER
#2. Don't you think that calling someone names is a bit childish ? (And don't say HE STARTED IT..:roll: )
#3. Thanks, and appreciated !!


Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:18
by CesarePlay
Ok let me get back to the topic. Will someone kindly help me with a search code problem? My code I used is at the beginning of my topic. I am a beginner so it is not perfect code. Ran trace and debugging on it. I think it is the connectionstring that is giving me problems. I do I remedy this?

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:21
by viceroy
Change the connection string would be the obvious start point. If you don't know what it should be, do a search on either google or MSDN for ado connectionstring

Posted: 11 May 2007, 12:38
by CesarePlay
I seem to have found some relevant code now. I will try this. I get back after trying this code.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:36
by CesarePlay
I have now sorted out the problem. I copid the code and pasted it in a new form and changed the server name to the most recent one and this time it worked. I just don't understand why when I used the same server name before it did't work. At least it is solved. One last problem. I can deploy projects and get them to work on other peoples computers but I can't get the sql to come with the program. Is there any way for this or must I install the sql server on the other persons computer? I tried looking at books for this and on the net. Maybe I using the wrong phrases to search topics but there isn't anything to say how the sql will install with your program. A link to a website would be nice. Thanks.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:42
by viceroy
You're installing SQL Server for a single user application? That is serious overkill. You could have used MSAccess.

I'm going to assume (and I know its actually an accusation) that you're not using valid licensed versions of MSSQL2000 because putting a copy on each and every persons PC would be prohibatively expensive. I suggest you find a free or cheap alternative before the BSA knocks on your door.

If you are in fact using pirated copies, then I'm afraid this conversation stops now.

If not, then tell me what SQL you're using because it sure aint MSSQL2000

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:44
by rustypup
are you using an ADO/ODBC service. if so you will:
1) Have to create the named service on each machine OR
2) Have to install the registry entry , (either manually or programmatically)

or... specify an absolute path to the database, (in your connection string)

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:49
by CesarePlay
It is a legal version. If I install it on another persons computer I would go out and buy the sql server for them. It is sql server 2000. I have the trial version and activated it. I did have sql server 2005 express edition but will have to get it again from microsoft. I will have to get another because it sql server 2000 trial version expires soon. It only works for 2 months before I have to buy the program. I only installed it last month.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:51
by CesarePlay
rustypup wrote:are you using an ADO/ODBC service. if so you will:
1) Have to create the named service on each machine OR
2) Have to install the registry entry , (either manually or programmatically)

or... specify an absolute path to the database, (in your connection string)
Thanks. I will try that. If you are wondering we were not taught deployment for some reason. I had to teach myself.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:52
by viceroy

How many users will be accessing the system at any one time?

Posted: 11 May 2007, 13:57
by CesarePlay
Only one. I know I should have rather used microsoft access for this because its just one person who is going to use it. Just that my project is finished except the deployment. And I need to get hold of Microsoft office 2003 pro as I don't have it. I have legal versions of frontpage 2002, macromedia flash mx, zoom search engine etc but no version of office 2003.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:01
by viceroy
Overkill is an understatement. Not only are you making the client pay way too much, you're completely wasting resources.

You can use MSDE which is free and is basically the SQL2000 engine with some limitations and no Enterprise manager, but that can be overcome by accessing it using your IDE

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:10
And how much data will go into this DB?

I think MSDE has a limitation of 2GIGs in MDF size.
But then again ive delt with too many appliactions using
access DB's that went corrupt.

MSDE is free. But isnt MSDE for development purposes only ?

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:13
by rustypup
i'm sorry, i thought you were referring to deploying your app... if you need to install a database , that has to happen either through some form of pre-packed installer, (there are a number of free apps out there that can do this for you), where you install some form of database and then your app, depending on whether or not the db installed, or manually prior to installation of your app.

check out:
MySQL or

both well recognised, and very well supported, free alternatives to microsoft's lines...

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:14
by Judas
A very good alternative would be to use an embedded SQL engine, like SQLite.

It's free, and your users won't need to install any additional software. The performace isn't quite as good as that of MS SQL server, but it doesn't sound like you're developing a performace-critical app anyway.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:14
by viceroy
SBSP wrote:And how much data will go into this DB?

I think MSDE has a limitation of 2GIGs in MDF size.
But then again ive delt with too many appliactions using
access DB's that went corrupt.

MSDE is free. But isnt MSDE for development purposes only ?
I think for small scale, single users its fine, but I'm not sure

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:30
by CesarePlay
rustypup wrote:i'm sorry, i thought you were referring to deploying your app... if you need to install a database , that has to happen either through some form of pre-packed installer, (there are a number of free apps out there that can do this for you), where you install some form of database and then your app, depending on whether or not the db installed, or manually prior to installation of your app.

check out:
MySQL or

both well recognised, and very well supported, free alternatives to microsoft's lines...
Yes I was. I will check out the sites you gave and look. Went out for lunch. About pricing I actually didn't charge much. I didn't charge for the sql. I will look at access for database but I am still learning about programming so I try each one.

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:31
by rustypup
Judas wrote:SQLite
also not bad... prefer it over derby, which has issues clearing its lock state every once in a while...

Posted: 11 May 2007, 14:32
by CesarePlay
Judas wrote:A very good alternative would be to use an embedded SQL engine, like SQLite.

It's free, and your users won't need to install any additional software. The performace isn't quite as good as that of MS SQL server, but it doesn't sound like you're developing a performace-critical app anyway.
No I am not. I have a look at SQLite as well. Thanks for the suggestion.