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Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 01:25
by Prime
I don't think any amount of cutting or plastic surgery can improve that front piece, no offense but it looks seriously ugly... its better with that cut out but theres still that bit underneath, try some bodyfiller putty and sanding? :?

keep up the work though :D

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 09:43
by ecthelion
da_ripper wrote:I don't think any amount of cutting or plastic surgery can improve that front piece, no offense but it looks seriously ugly... its better with that cut out but theres still that bit underneath, try some bodyfiller putty and sanding? :?

keep up the work though :D
i disagree with you there! the front piece looks realy good, lots can be done with it as well it will be unique :wink: isnt that what modding is all about, unique-ness?

seems like u putting a nice big fan there...i would do the same thing :twisted: since ther is space in front of the fan you could put a light or something there to make it look flashy...just an idea :wink:

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 10:11
by Anthro
Dude I just had a brainie...
Why not put some eyes in there ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:25
by Dust
Yes Lithe, on the button!! I may change the name accordingly. I'm thinking of going Red and Black. Red case, black facia, red face then black mesh. Thanks bro :twisted: .

da ripper, yes that's a plan I might look into, or maybe cut it out all together. It may restrict airflow a bit. Thaks. 8)

ecthelion, I am putting a nice fat 120mm Thermaltake red Led fan in there. It was the whole plan to fit a 120mm there, standard the case only had space for an 80mm. Thanks man :D

Anthropoid, good plan there. I'll consider it. Thanks :)

I think I have a plan for a different colour/ texture scheme, I'll see if I can find the right material.

Thank all you guys for your input.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 20:19
by DoOb
Oh ya you did cut that out. I am so blind. My bad. remember to get Aluminum mesh.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 22:49
by WAJeff
Dust wrote:I am putting a nice fat 120mm Thermaltake red Led fan in there. It was the whole plan to fit a 120mm there, standard the case only had space for an 80mm. Thanks man
No no :cry: :twisted: PLEASE, no TT stuff. I had a TT fan system and it gave up after a couple hours work... ask anyone on here, its a definate no no (Especially DAE!!!!!!!!! :wink: ) Rather go with a Antec TriCool LED, those fans rock!!

Looking forward to seeing how this mod comes along, keep it up dude!