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Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 14:54
by Samaya
FINALLY!!!! A weekend I can mod.

LET THE MODDING RESUME!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 18:36
Sick Samaya, i didn't even know you had a log, and man, what you're doing looks amazing!!!!!!!

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 19:05
by WiK1d
Samaya wrote:Does anyone know of a place in SA that sell Green UV Rubber Fan Silencers? I can order from Frozencpu but the transport cost is more than the silencers.
I wanna import some stuff...would you like to have a chat?

Do you Use MSN?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 19:23
Well, uh, he has an MSN button on his post...

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 19:32
by WiK1d
I saw it! LOL

Now i'm patiently waiting for him to accept me!

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 08:17
by Samaya
-=WiK1d=- wrote:I saw it! LOL

Now i'm patiently waiting for him to accept me!
Sorry nè... I only have internet at work. I can't be bothered with it at home. But I have accepted you on MSN.

O and yes lets talk about the importing stuff

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 09:51
by Samaya
UPDATE TIME!!!! This is a big update, lots of pics.

I managed to do some modding this weekend and well I think I did quite a bit

Sorry for the quality my cell was the only operating camera at the time...

Here is the first:
I fixed these latches to the bottom of the case to keep the "bonnet" from opening when I pick it up.

After this I fitted the hinges:

And just as a little teaser, if you look carefully, you will notice the brushed aluminium of the " bonnet"

How it will work is as follows:

I also tapped all the screws on the outside of the case. Made them all button head allen cap screws. (Cost a pretty penny aswell). I also fixed the inside mounting plate so its vertical and fitted. I also fitted the PSU to this plate.

Next (This was sunday afternoon) I decided the harddrive cage I had was really ugly and wouldn't work to well in the mod. SO I did this:



Now this is the basic layout of the case. The DVD wr will be mounted just above the PSU. I dont need other drives so not bothered with more space for them. But here it is:

So next weekend (if I have time again) I'll cut the hole for the DVD wr and make sure the case is sturdy. Then cut the side panels.

Let me know what you think :)

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 17:51
by WiK1d that is nice!

I think i'm gonna make me a HDD Cage like that aswell!

It looks real nice!

It seems you like big cases?

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 18:18
SICK!!!! AAAHHH!!!! I can't believe how good that looks!!!!!!!

Samaya, how did you bend that plexi so nicely?!?!

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 18:36
by Bobendren
Very very cool man! Very original.

Are you gonna duct the PSU out the side? It would make sure the PSU doesn't increase case temps.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 08:34
by Samaya
@-=WiK1d=-: This case is smaller than a standard two bay case. My previous case was a measurement mistake and BIG was the in thing with cases at that stage.

@DAE_JA_VOO: My little secret... Bending plexi involves patience dear padawan... and a heat gun and a thick, flat piece of metal and a work table that can hold the plexi when its hot. It's quite easy to do. You just have to watch that you dont blister the plexi while heating up the plexi. As soon as it starts bending on its own, you slowly start pushing it in the required direction until you have the bend you want.

@Bobendren: I will only duct the PSU if it is really necessary. The way I figure the air flow will be, I doubt I'll have to duct the PSU.

Oh and thanks for the compliments.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 20:46
by CountZero
WOW!!!! Nice work Samaya!

Great tip for bending perspex. :idea:

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 09:12
by Samaya
I was VERY lazy this weekend so I didn't do anything to this mod. :oops: Oh well there's always the weekend coming....

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 09:27
Samaya You PUNK!

You can't "take weekends off" when you're modding because that way the mod will NEVER get done!!

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 14:50
by Samaya
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:Samaya You PUNK!

You can't "take weekends off" when you're modding because that way the mod will NEVER get done!!
Well it IS half way you know. Plus I had so many new ideas for the mod I couldn't decide where to start... AND I was VERY lazy this weekend :D :D :D

I am also waiting for CERTAIN people to order stuff and get it here...

8O 8O 8O

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 16:16
by Samaya
Tomorrow it will be only a third of the way finished and the day after that it will be almost complete.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 17:48
by WiK1d
Samaya wrote:
I am also waiting for CERTAIN people to order stuff and get it here...

8O 8O 8O
Ehem...cough cough

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 19:13
I told you punks (Samaya and Wik), i don't want anything, just pay the cash into my account and i'll order it for you!

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 19:21
by WiK1d
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:I told you punks (Samaya and Wik), i don't want anything, just pay the cash into my account and i'll order it for you!
Hehe...And i'm gonna trust YOU? :twisted:

Posted: 14 Mar 2006, 10:10
by Samaya
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:I told you punks (Samaya and Wik), i don't want anything, just pay the cash into my account and i'll order it for you!
Wik hurry the ford up!!! I want my stuff :cry: :cry: :cry:

My modding waiting until I get the stuff... :wink: :wink: :wink:

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 12:56
by Samaya
Ok so finally I have had some time to do some modding.

I didn't do any physical work as in cutting and filing and all that BUT I have started on the electronic side of things.

First off is the LCD interface. Here's what I'm about to build this weekend (I'm not using a 16x2 LCD but a 128x64 graphic LCD display. Its obviously bigger and is way more usefull)


And of course using LCD studio for the information I want to display.

Then I also intend to build or at least wire up the LEDs, fans and buttons for my mod.
Maybe I'll fit the LCD into the case mod and place the LEDs aswell. I am also going to fit a front USB port. So watch for the update on Monday.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 12:58
Hey man!! Don't take so long between updates!!

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 13:51
by Samaya
I know man but you try having a full time job and working overtime nearly everyday and weekends, having a wife to attend to and try modding at the same time

Bonnet Mod (Updated 02-05-2006)

Posted: 02 May 2006, 14:12
by Samaya
Ok so...

I finally had the time to do some modding this weekend even though it was only a day.

First off I cut the holes for the power, reset and DVD buttons

Then I cut the hole for the LCD

How the LCD will fit the hole

And how it will look with its plexi cover

This is what it will look like turned on (note that I only connected the backlighting and its not mounted in the box)

Here is what took up most of my day. I decided that the MoBo tray looked a bit dull and uninteresting. SO....


So what do you think?
I ran into some problems when I made the new MoBo tray. I had to fit a couple of extra pieces of alu cause the structure of the box was not very strong. After I added them the "bonnet" would not close properly. So now I have to remove the top cut away about 5mm of alu and remount the thing. Lots of work...

My Dremmel also found the enlightened path to brokeness . So I have to get a new one now.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 14:20
Nice update Samaya. You say "DVD button", what do you mean by that? Like a remote eject switch (i have those too :D )

And bad luck about your dremmel... i avenged mine aswell, and now my second one is on it's way out too... :(