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Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 16:12
by Soap

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 16:17
by Bobendren
LOL!, that looks like "fun".

So he can just use ordinary crocodile clips hey? :D

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 17:35
by JEdiWaNNaBE
My 2800+ is running at 2.26Ghz (180x12.5) at 1.7V vcore, my ram is at 432Mhz (Kingmax)

I have taken my pc up to 2.5Ghz, but then i needed to put my vCore up to 1.9v and my cpu idled at 62C (A bit hot for me)

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 12:09
by Tolklein
You could always mod your CPU into a mobile variant, which allows FSB and Multiplier adjustments on the fly, but do you really want to risk damaging your CPU?
Mamma always said, no pain no gain.

Besides I got a 2200+ Lying around somewhere. Hmm maybe I should check the date see if its unlocked.

I heard that those mobile chips were actually made with higher quality silicon or something which allowed for better performance, sounds a little suspect to me though.

@JEdiWaNNaBE My vCore goes to a max of 1.8v cant get it any higher, alas.

My chip is currently running at 195Mhz FSB @ 1.43Ghz, it is stable, but as soon as I knock it to 200FSB it refuses to boot, so now it makes me wonder if there is some kind of restriction on the FSB as well.

Why else would it run fine at 195, but not do anything 5Mhz higher?

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 19:53
by JEdiWaNNaBE
If i up my fsb to 185 it won't boot unless i up the voltage by 0.05v, so maybe thats your problem.

Shame that your vCore only goes to 1.8v, Abit mobo's can go to the amazing value of 2.5v (Or something around there), need to liquid N2 cooling for that :twisted:

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 20:03
by Tolklein
Could be, as soon as I get my hands on some conductive paint I'm going to try unlock the multipliers and max vCore settings.

From what I gather there isn't too much risk, as I will be merely connecting the various L gates, so I really see no danger of blowing it...

But I'll have my fingers crossed, just in case.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 22:24
by Soap
I wouldn't be so confident... I've managed to blow some old CPUs already by incorrectly connectin the bridges. Your CPU is after week 42, so your chance of unlocking it is less than winning in the lotto. The mobile mod is somewhat more practical: It allows for higher voltages, overclcoking on the fly and only requires closing one bridge.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 22:36
by Tolklein
You're confusing confidence with optimism, the little I've learnt about OCing via phyisically modding the hardware, has come from only what I have read, I've never seen let alone attempted it before.

But I'm just weighing out the odds, and if the L5 bridges do what everyone says they do, then there should be little risk.

That's what I'm going for, the mobile mod.

When I get 'round to doing it I'll keep you guys posted.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 13:22
by Tolklein
After scouring PE for conductive paint and phoning every number the yellow pages had to offer with no luck, I almost gave up my little endeavour, but before I gave up I decided to try my luck with my humble 9B pencil.

And to my surprise I managed to turn this...


into this


with a splash of water cooling I'm off to see how far I can push it.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 16:06
by Bobendren
Cool, that's awesome!

It's just one more use for a pencil.

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 16:51
by Soap
The wonders of mobile CPUs, great to see the thing in action ;)

Posted: 30 Apr 2005, 21:53
by JEdiWaNNaBE
Now, were did i put that pencil?

I've got to try this :D

Posted: 01 May 2005, 13:16
by Soap
Hmmm, maybe I can do that with my Duron aswell... Duron-M lol

Posted: 01 May 2005, 19:45
by Tolklein
Alas my victory was short lived, I still had to cut the required L6 bridges, and as the site suggested I only cut one in the beggining, unfortunately cutting the bridge had no effect whatsoever, so I cut another with still no effect on the CPU at all, I flicked all the DIP's checking everything I could think of to no avail. Puzzled, I pulled out all the stops and sliced the whole lot of them.

Now alas it refuses to boot, so I can only assume that I got a little carried away and cut too deep or mayhaps I cut something I should not have.

Regardless this was all done foolishly on a sunday before a public holiday so I will have to wait until Tuesday to get a replacement.

Am I correct in assuming that the Socket A Sempron is pretty much the same as a Athlon XP and will work with my current Mobo?

If so lets hope it fairs better than my belated Barton.

Posted: 01 May 2005, 19:51
by Rayne
Damn dude :twisted:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 19:52
by Bobendren
dude, that sucks.

remember to not blame yourself but rather the lousy chip, and you'll feel much better-er

Posted: 01 May 2005, 20:01
by Tolklein
Bobendren wrote:dude, that sucks.

remember to not blame yourself but rather the lousy chip, and you'll feel much better-er
Ha, it's all good, I'm just disapointed I didn't get a chance to see how far I could clock it.

I'll be trying my luck again later when get to buying a new CPU, I just hope these new Semprons are configured the same.

Does anyone know the differences between the Sempron and the XP's?

Posted: 01 May 2005, 20:56
by Soap
The Sempron's are Thoroughbred-B's with 1 less multiplier than an equivalent Thorughbred. They are pretty good and also overclock well.

Posted: 01 May 2005, 20:57
by Soap
Bobendren wrote:dude, that sucks.

remember to not blame yourself but rather the lousy chip, and you'll feel much better-er
That's the typical Bobendren-approach. If you screw it up, blame it on the hardware :lol:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 22:22
by Tolklein
Yeah stupid Chip, can't even handle getting gutted by my 2" razor blade,

After closer examination I seemed to have nicked some of the adjacent circuitry, Hmm I guess that voids the warranty then? Maybe I can blame it on rats.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 01:27
by Bobendren
Soap wrote:That's the typical Bobendren-approach. If you screw it up, blame it on the hardware :lol:
well i haven't blown anything up yet in my overclocking endeavors. but when i do, i'll be sure to blame it on the hardware :D

Posted: 02 May 2005, 01:33
by Iceblade

nice plan :lol: