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Posted: 26 Sep 2007, 21:49
Thanks doob :D

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 08:42
by Samaya
I just read that whole article. It was a pleasure helping you, if you need help again, let me know :D . To be featured in this INTERNATIONAL mag is an awesome feat. Congratulations once again on an absolutely brilliant mod. 8) :D :D :D

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 08:59
by jcd
I have one question? How easy would it be to clean Epiphany once it gets REALLY dusty? (inside)

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 09:02
Thanks Samaya! :D

jcd wrote:I have one question? How easy would it be to clean Epiphany once it gets REALLY dusty? (inside)
Dunno, i'll find out TODAY. I'm taking it to rage and it's a little dusty inside. Cleaning the dust inside will be easy though (i have a compressor). I'll need to clean all the dust on the radiator too, and i also need to open up the reservoirs and give them a wipe (that part will take a few hours...)

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 09:07
by ryanrich
Congrats DAE, you should be very very proud of yourself! :D

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 09:33
by I34z1k
Lol. Finally :P

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 09:42
by DeanMF
I wanna go to rage too :cry:

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 09:44
by I34z1k
Me too :(

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 10:06
ryanrich wrote:Congrats DAE, you should be very very proud of yourself! :D
Thanks Ryan :D

You know, i actually AM proud of myself. When i first started this mod, i wasn't confident in my modding skill at all (considering i had basically never modded in my life). I was expecting some crappy looking mod in the end. But i really surprised myself, and call me vain or whatever you want, but i think my mod is one of the nicest mods on the planet. I think it looks absolutely incredible.

(i'm allowed to like my work, aren't i? :) )

My mom is proud too, omw. When i showed her the CPC article, she cried! LOL.

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 10:09
by I34z1k
Lol shame!

Dude, nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements. You did what you wanted to, you set YOUR standard. Nice stuff. I still HAVE GOT TO SEE THE DAM THING IN PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

Posted: 27 Sep 2007, 10:46
by simmy

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 16:58
So, i got home this afternoon to a fluid filled Epiphany case. I almost cried.

I think from all the activity at RAGE this weekend i might have caused some damage. And by the looks of things, one of my reservoirs are starting to "expire". I have a few more of them, and almost all of them have got cracks at the barbs. I hope that's not the case with this one because if it is, i can just as well take this entire mod apart and pack it away.

So, at the moment, i'm busy copying a couple hundred gigs of data from epiphany to another PC of mine and then next week i'll have to start taking Epiphany apart to find the leak(s) and rebuild.

This is the most disappointed i've felt in a very very long time...

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 17:10
by Druggs
damn man I feel for you :( , I saw the case at rage it looked awesome :) btw

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 17:12
by psYChowIt
:( :( 8O 8O :( :(
NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I almost started crying when I read this!!! I can't believe this happened! I feel for you Dae. To put it politely... That Sucks!!! I hope you can salvage the mod!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 17:23
by Off-The-Chart
damn that is just sad news... worked so hard just to have it crack on you...

why not then, yes I know it was quite some money spent on it, but maybe just use it for showcasing?

I would be bummed if that happened and ofc you want to actually use it as a pc, but think it might just save you some effort in everytime this may happen to rebuild and fix/find the leak...

hope you find the culprit...

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 17:30
Thanks guys :D

You know OTC, i was considering that. I know i spent a crapload of cash on this mod, but i have a couple of other PCs, and i'll most likely be getting another one from my sponsors for my next project, so i don't really need to USE this one. I'm really considering just rebuilding it and then placing it somewhere just to showcase.

What do the rest of you think?

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 18:17
by psYChowIt
No I think it would be waste. Epiphany needs to be used, otherwise you'll be killing its soul! I say fix it, use it but only for at home, no lanning for Epiphany. What I would do.

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 21:29
by WAJeff
Sorry to hear this dude, I was stunned when I read about it :cry: Hope everything gets sorted out ok bro!!

What all got damaged btw?

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 22:21
by bootsie
fix n use i say- u workd hard n shud therefore enjoy it

Posted: 06 Oct 2007, 09:21
by RobThePyro
**** dae that sucks

Edit: piccies?

Posted: 06 Oct 2007, 09:30
I'll give you guys pics next week when i start working on it.

Nothing was damaged, luckily. The rig still works perfectly, but there's a leak somewhere.

Thanks for your support guys :)

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 22:26
by psYChowIt
"On the colour, I've never really been that keen on clear cases, they just look too messy, but when done well, they are awesome, just look at project epiphany. "

Hehe dude your case is famous in every country (American forum)

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 22:53
Ha! Awesome stuff! Where did you see that? Got some linkage?

I found Epiphany on a few Russian modding sites about a week ago. Pretty funny :D

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 23:33
by AlphA
DAE - Sorry about the leaks. On a better note, I just read your interview in CustomPC......Man, you must be so proud! Well done.....Thanks for putting SA on the map.

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 23:41
AlphA wrote:DAE - Sorry about the leaks. On a better note, I just read your interview in CustomPC......Man, you must be so proud! Well done.....Thanks for putting SA on the map.
Thanks dude :D

And yeah, i'm very proud of myself :D I'm happy that i worked so hard and didn't give up. Look where it got me :D