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Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:12
by Rayne
Nah it took me 3 hours. You are close to seeing Lucy going berserk then.

The manga ended ten times better than the anime taken the whole of Elfen Lied imho. So many things happened. I cried. As said I would like for the translations to be posted soon so I can hear your oke's thoughts.

/ Kohta did not actually forgive her in the anime hey.

Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:26
by Ahzure
Rayne wrote:/ Kohta did not actually forgive her in the anime hey.
Sorry that slipped my mind but what I meant to say was that Kohta and Lucy embraced and kissed. I just hope that happens in the manga as well

Anyway from what you’ve just said there seem to be lot of things to look forward too in the upcoming chapters

Posted: 13 May 2008, 22:32
by Rayne
Yep, there are.

I did not get into it in the beginning, but during the later half and especially seeing it end, was well worth the effort. The manga ties up all the loose ends. I am satisfied. It makes sense.

Yet even so, one season of the anime was enough. I do not exactly wish for a second season.

Posted: 15 May 2008, 13:04
by Rayne
One of two special chapters forming part of volume 8 but not included in the monthly magazine prints has been released - |

The two chapters serve as side-stories with the first telling of Nozomi's past and also discloses how she came to live in the inn. The second shows one of the happier times the inn's residents shared in this otherwise sad tale when Nana's asked to buy refreshments but ends up buying sake instead of softdrinks. I think we can all imagine the rest...

These are the only special editions in the whole of Elfen Lied's manga.

I won't be able to post covers here like I did in the Claymore thread but I'll post the release updates.

Posted: 15 May 2008, 15:47
by PhReaK_K
aaah , I loved this ..
GREAT story line, and sexy as well , what more can a guy ask for

Posted: 15 May 2008, 16:37
by StarBound
Only watching the anime on animax. Wish I could get the fan subbed one. So far it has been an up and down hill for me. Some very disturbing parts. Wonder if all the characters only have a bad history. So tonight I might finally see what the connection is between Kotha and Lucy. She didnt kill his sister did she?

Posted: 15 May 2008, 17:05
by Rayne
We can't answer that right now. Some should have questions when it ends next week Wednesday so wait 'till then, let it finish first.

I'll make a FAQ related to the anime and point out the diffirences between the dub and the actual spoken dialoque. Two scenes in episode 13 upsets me greatly.

Bear with it for now.

Posted: 15 May 2008, 21:31
by Ahzure
I’ve just downloaded chapters 81 – 84 and boy do things heat up
Sorry but I’m really surprised by the fact that the dog Wanta is still around.

Posted: 21 May 2008, 22:42
by Ahzure
Tonight’s episode is the last one, no word yet on when ADV will release the OVA.

Posted: 22 May 2008, 09:20
by Rayne
I doubt they'll ever release it, it's been 3 years already.

Besides stand-alone makes it a bit tricky, just what do you charge for a single 25 minute movie? People don't like paying DVD prices for it. Has this even been done before? The only way I see it happening is if ADV rebundles and re-release it's Diclonius Report boxset.

I also don't recall them ever announcing it's been dubbed.

/ #89's online.

Posted: 22 May 2008, 12:26
by StarBound
The last episode was the best of the series but think its that its one of the series that actually end on a happier note. However she leaves and though you see the shadow you dont really know if she made it back to them.

As an overview the anime is very off putting with the violance, nudity and sexual nature of suffering all the characters went through up to the point where they become a family. Sure the ending leaves some questions as what happens to the director and Lucy but it came to a very good conclusion.

Posted: 22 May 2008, 13:58
by Rayne
I agree, from what we saw in the series it ended well. Japanese do not like forcing their views on viewers. A lot of anime are open-ended. However, if you ask me, the manga ended much better. The anime moved from the plot at the beginning of the Mariko arc. This is the biggest reason sole anime watchers are left with lots of unexplained questions. The second being the missing OVA you guys did not get to see. It serves as a filler episode that fits between episode 10 and 11 of the series and it explains how Nana came to accept Lucy. More importantly it took us back to Lucy's past telling of her capture which added to her cruel intent. Kohta was not the only friend she made. This is showcased very nicely in the OVA and even better in the manga.

The strongest message Elfen Lied hammers home is the effects our cruel and kind actions leave on others. None of these girls would killed anybody have they known love and grew up in comfort and security of a caring family. Actions causes reactions and these do not come without consequence. After watching it you cannot easily judge a character who techincally is a mass murderer now can you? Whether you grew to like her or not is besides the point. This character is what she was made to be. Her situation would have been totally diffirent if someone would have stepped up and gave her as much as a hug in her times of despair but that didn't happen and, when it eventually did, she tried to hold onto it, too tightly, as a result.

In an interview it was disclosed that Elfen's first four episodes were of high shock value to prepare it's viewers for what is believed to be even worse, emotionally, later.

Keep in mind you guys are seeing this late, Elfen's 4 years old already, it was disturbing for it's time but at current it's graphical violence and cruelty has been surpassed by shows like Hellsing Ultimate and Shigurui.

I'm a bit surprised somebody actually said he liked it after watching the dub, which is one of the worst and used as prime example in many debates about dubbed anime. That's perfectly fine with me, though I will tell you guys this, dialoque differ greatly.

Kohta for example did not tell Lucy he "love" Nyu and the girl from his past, he merely said he "like" them. On same note Lucy did no say "here we go" after killing Shirakawa, she told Kohta "this is it". She killed her to make him remember, hence cut at waist, as with Kanae. Not because she couldn't wait to do it. I can point out lots of inconsistencies in just about every episode but I'll not go that far, I'll just add the Nana's dub was a disaster. In original you truly grew to love this girl. She truly acted brave, cute and stupid and after seeing her hardships you just had to love her. Nana is 6 years old btw, Silpelits age rapidly, she does not know the big words we see from the English dub.

Anyways got to work, enough for now. You guys can read the wiki for answers but let me warn you wiki has a nasty habit of disclosing the whole plot in just about every topic so if your planning to read the manga be careful, stay away from the Kohta / Lucy / Nyu character bio's.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 09:18
by neosephiroth

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 21:59
by Ahzure
I wish I could shake the hand/s of the person/s that created Elfen Lied AMVs using songs by Within Temptation. Nice work and thanks for introducing me to a great artist/group I’ve never heard of.
After seeing those AMVs I’ve been trying to find any of their albums at Musica or Look& Listen but no luck so far. The only place I know of is offering Within Temptation albums charge R740 to import a single album
Anyway back to the matter at hand – I see that chapter 85 is about 50 Megs in size, damn that’s quite large for just one chapter. I guess I’ll wait till later this month to download that one.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 19:41
by PsyCLown
Do you have a link to that AMV? :D

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 02 Oct 2008, 16:17
by Ahzure
I’ve just discovered that all the chapters have been released, that’s excellent news as far as I’m concerned. I’m curious to see how the manga ends

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 05 Oct 2008, 09:57
by Rayne
Tell us what you think when your done with it.

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 12 Oct 2008, 12:38
by Siemens
I've been inspired by this thread to read the manga and I'm now busy with it. It is brilliant it is odd to see the slight differances between the manga and the anime.
But the only problem I have with reading it is I need to read it at night when everyone is sleeping because of all the awkward nudity and violence scenes (which makes the elfen lied even better). With that said, it is still a great read.

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 11:38
by Rayne
Condemned Memoir - Best Horror Video of the Year in Viewers Choice Awards 2008 :

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
I'll start off by saying that this video is by far the most unique AMV I've edited. This concept came to me earlier on in the year while I was listening to the song and just kept developing. I actually envisioned the video to Elfen Lied before I had even seen the show. I knew the basis of the plot and certain scenes, but the song, lyrics and concept all fit perfectly in my mind. So the bulk of the video was envisioned and planned without me actually knowing if many shots I imagined were actually in the show. But luckily, Elfen Lied turned out to be greater than I had imagined and after watching it, I knew I had to take on this video. This is the first vid that I have edited that has felt more like editing a live action music video. I had to edit a normal AMV with effects, transitions, etc. But after that I had to set up camera angles and rooms in 3D and animate and position the characters. So that leads me to the idea behind the video.

If you've seen Elfen Lied then I'm sure you know of Lucy's situation in the show. She is a girl destined to evolve mankind by killing it off. Throughout the show Lucy leads a double life. These two lives being the innocence she has as a child or when she is Nyu, and the darker primal side of her that is driven to kill. Even though her primal side is violent, she still possesses regret for her feelings and memories or her past. So with that said, I wanted to present this element of the show in a custom way. Instead of just showing images of her innocence and animosity clashing, I wanted to separate both personalities inside Lucy in their own subconscious spaces. So basically, Lucy's innocence has her own room where she is confined to view the happiness and innocence that she experienced in her past. While her grown up, violent persona is trapped in her own room where she must watch her horrible mistakes and murders in her past. But as the vid progresses the two rooms slowly merge and ultimately Lucy's older violent self ends up tainting and ruining her innocent, childhood self that she once was. I hope that wasn't too confusing because it's not that complex if you've seen or know about the show.

Obviously, the biggest challenge of this video was creating the 3D rooms that each character persona is trapped in. I wanted the older Lucy's room to be very derelict and rundown, while the younger one had a more soothing and dreamlike room. It was quite a feat building these rooms, rotoing the characters, editing the wall projections and adding atmosphere FX. As I said earlier, this video felt more like I was making a live action short film than an AMV. Keyframing the camera angles and shots took alot of tweaking to get just right, and then mixing that with the actual AMV presented more of a challenge. In the end, a good majority of this video is custom FX and greatly altered footage from the show, and it's the custom animation, like the writing, blood tears, eye render and cutouts became my favorite parts of the video.

I'm very pleased with the overall look and mood of the video. It was a venture into areas of After Effects that I haven't tried before and it was incredibly educational and enjoyable to develop. My least favorite aspect of this type of editing is the ridiculous amount of rendering time that 3D takes, but it comes with the territory. I hope that fans of the show see the connection that I had with the characters and enjoy the video. This was by no means a small effort, alot of time and sleepless nights went into this vid because of how excited I would get to see each scene near completion. Overall I consider this vid a large step into a different level of editing for me and I couldn't be more happy with the result. Please enjoy the vid!
Good video. Never quite liked hardcore Elfen AMV's, most if not all did not show Lucy as I pictured her but this is done right. Probably the best so far. Can hardly see it on YouTube though, get it here.

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 23:12
by Faltzer
I think the manga finnished some time ago, I've yet to get the remaining chapters and then read them.

The VCA awards this year were quite impressive, have you seen SPOIL? It won best special effects this year. The After Effects in that AMV were AMAZING! :shock:


Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 09:17
by Rayne
Yes I saw all of them. I often forget to check on these things so I miss quite a bit but I do keep an eye on the competitions every now and then.

Magic Pad's the best I've seen in a very long time though followed by GitSP.

Personally I prefer sentimental / drama vids and firmly believe an overuse of special FX does not make a good vid. In fact some of my favorites have little to no FX at all. Like Sunlight and These Small Hours for example.

Re: Elfen Lied

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 21:43
by PsyCLown
Ok, going a bit off topic...
But, I agree that SPOIL had some good effects and all, but thats where the AMV ends. It was mainly the effects which were pretty decent and the song wasnt bad...

Magic Pad was pretty good, awesome, the scenes used really helped make the song even better and helped to set the feel for the AMV.

Most special effects IMO should be done in a way that they seem as if they are part of the actual video and that its ment to be like that...
An AMV IMO should have the audio and video fit together as if they were made for each other...
But then again some AMVs which dont do that are bloody awesome!!

Faltzer, this Friday download the rest of the Elfen Lied manga for us ;)
Im too lazy too! :P hehe