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Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 18:20
by Mikdog
Mod your hair.

Posted: 08 Jul 2007, 00:10
by neon_chameleon
Dae did mod his hair once, tinted it dark red. ;)

Posted: 08 Jul 2007, 00:12
by WiK1d
DAE's hair is actually modded ;)

Posted: 08 Jul 2007, 23:03
Thanks for your comments guys :D

Anakha56 wrote:/OT is CPC available here? I know the SA one was cancelled but I was wondering if its possible to get the UK one here. Will have to visit CNA...
Yep, you can buy it at CNA :)

Road_Kill wrote:Who is the chick in the pic, oh it's you. ahaha. You need a haircut man. Here's an idea, why don't you mod your hair? That would be awesome. I can see it now , pipes and water cooling for those hot days. Sorry, I'm in a stupid mood.
Looks like we have a funny man huh? That IS a chick in the pic you crayon :P Look, this is what HHB said after she posted that image:

hiphopbunny wrote:proud to say i participated :P
Road_Kill wrote:But seriously, dude, you should think about going into special affects or something for movies, desgin some crazy alien stuff for movies and stuff, cause looking at that, you got some skills the man.
Thanks man :D

neon_chameleon wrote:Dae did mod his hair once, tinted it dark red. ;)
Odd.... i can't remember that :| :? ;)

WiK1d wrote:DAE's hair is actually modded ;)
Yep :D

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 12:35
by PFS
In Tribute of your amazing case. Here is a sig to match. use it, don't use it. thought that counts.




Edited. Soz. being a na'ne!

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 12:40
by maxxis
Its way over the limits of what is allowed on the forums :lol:

Congrats Ett.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 12:50
by KillerByte
omg!!! PFS please decrease your sig size.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:02
Thanks PFS, but as said above, it's WAY too heavy :(

Also, i can't take my sponsors out of my sig at least until my site is finished ;)

KillerByte wrote:omg!!! PFS please decrease your sig size.
OMW A OVERSIZED SIG!!! THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!! @^&!@^&@!%#@!#@!!!!!

Relax dude... it's a frikken sig. :roll:

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:07
by PFS
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:
Also, i can't take my sponsors out of my sig at least until my site is finished ;)
sig overload fixed. and i said my sorrys in the edit.

Ummm... you sponsors are in the sig... anyway, had some free time and thought it was a desent idea. Add it as a feather in your cap. free goodies (never met someone that doesn't like that) :)

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:07
by Druggs
ROFL :lol: :roll: you guys crack me up :roll:

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:07
by DoOb
DAM KB get a grip.

PFS not a bad sig.

How heavy is Epiphany

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:09
by PFS
ROFL Laughing Rolling Eyes you guys crack me up Rolling Eyes
How heavy is Epiphany
not as heavy as my sig i guess... he he

thanx DoOb

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:12
Epiphany ways around 20KG more or less ;)

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:13
by DoOb
PFS you dont mind if i give a DAE sig a try, :wink:

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:15
by Druggs
lol DEA my case empty weighs 24.5kg lol :cry:

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 13:29
by PFS
DoOb - the more the merry'r. Would mind at all.

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 02:22
by Jack_Fan
Congratulations, my friend!

Done... finally! :D :P
Good stuff, top notch!

I removed the quoted pics, and like Wik said - welcome to the PCF forums!
- jamin

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 02:52
by WiK1d
Hey, welcome to the forums man, but please, don't quote pictures ;)

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 04:10
by hamin_aus
Nice work DJV!

Wow, almost 150 pages (and I don't know how many work hours) later. Nice!
Maybe you can edit your first post and put those completed pics in there.

And how about one with the machine up and running. Go on, hook your 22" LCD onto it :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 17:29
by Samaya
Ag koos hare!!! I forgot to post here...

Dude your mod is looking awesome!!! And congrats on the Custom PC review. That is just brilliant. Nice work man, I cant wait to see what else you come up with after your current mods :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 17:34
by I34z1k
jamin_za wrote:Nice work DJV!

Wow, almost 150 pages (and I don't know how many work hours) later. Nice!
Maybe you can edit your first post and put those completed pics in there.

And how about one with the machine up and running. Go on, hook your 22" LCD onto it :D
I think you means lcds... That bastid :cry:

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 17:51
by jcd
Dae, If you get your hands on a CPC mag, please take a few snapshots and post it on here. (Of the case review in the mag)

Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 19:06
by Druggs
ye , that be cool man 8)

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 18:21
Thanks for your comments guys :D
Jack_Fan wrote:Congratulations, my friend!

Done... finally! :D :P
Good stuff, top notch!
Jack you bloody asian!!! Never thought i'd catch you here! :D Thanks buddy :D

jamin_za wrote:Nice work DJV!

Wow, almost 150 pages (and I don't know how many work hours) later. Nice!
Maybe you can edit your first post and put those completed pics in there.

And how about one with the machine up and running. Go on, hook your 22" LCD onto it :D
Thanks Jammie :D

I'll be sure to add final pics to the first post, great idea that :)

jcd wrote:Dae, If you get your hands on a CPC mag, please take a few snapshots and post it on here. (Of the case review in the mag)
Will do :)

Anyway, small update :)

Last week i was interviewed quite intensely by CustomPC, and this afternoon i was interviewed by a chinese modding mag called CaseMOD, as well as the guy from Epiphany will be in the August CustomPC. It will be a 4-6 page feature, about 2000 words ;)

It will also be in the August CaseMOD and there will be an article on as well :) It'll also be featured on CustomPC's website.

I spoke to Cameron as well, Epiphany will be in the PCFormat as soon as i send them photos (just been so busy :( )

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 18:24
by Druggs
Nice :D