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Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 17:38
by SoulBlade
Is it possible to add some OST's on the hdd? Provided there's space and no issues with the licensing.

I'd like some Naruto and Eureka 7 music.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:04
by ZeroS
I wouldn't mind that.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 23:30
by Reticulated
I would like that also

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 08:11
by Black-Ice
What about manga?

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 11:48
by Off-The-Chart
I think manga can go... As for OST's, I am not really sure bout licensing on that so until anyone can shed more light on that, why not...

I don't have much but got a few... Plus got the Elfen manga...

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 13:15
by Black-Ice
I only got Naruto and Tenjou tenge manga.
Looking for bleach

Posted: 13 Jan 2007, 02:17
by Evade
Black-Ice wrote:I only got Naruto and Tenjou tenge manga.
Looking for bleach
lol. ur posts!!!!! spammer
secret plot 'n secret plot deep, sum... er.. 'interesting' manga :twisted:

Posted: 13 Jan 2007, 11:34
by cYcLIc
Dam Evade. Your so last year. :P :lol:

Black-Ice's post was in 2006.

Posted: 13 Jan 2007, 16:12
by Off-The-Chart
:P @ Cyclic

well it was either still early 2007 resurrection of this thread, or later 2007...

either way it would have been...

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 14:25
by kraven
Now how does one get in the line, or do u PM the last guy that has it?

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 15:34
by Off-The-Chart
well we haven't started a new round yet, which will be a request round instead of just 'put on and leech'...

as for how, you first need to be confirmed as a member, who if you under 18, had to send valid information to Rayne so that if anything goes wrong while drive in your possession he can come knock on your door personally...

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 12:26
by Evade
rayne makes house calls?? :lol:
put me down for this round *to lazy to go 2 request page* basilisk plz

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 23:43
by ZeroS
Ok guys, I have a proposition. I was thinking of inviting the 'real' anime big guns into the hd ring. Reasons obvious but mainly because they always seem to have a fresh dose of the latest anime.

Currently I have 2 dudes on my list:

larch - 26 years old and has been collecting anime since as long as I can remember
Darc - the webmaster of otakumag. Also has loads of anime. Though I got a feeling he'll say we should pass it on to one of his colleagues.

So please tell me what you guys think. Especially Rayne.
I wouldn't want to tell these guys about it and then find out, to my detriment, that there was something I hadn't contemplated about.

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 00:39
by Off-The-Chart
well I doubt any of us would mind... though like me, Rayne said he has been having bit of 'withdrawal' from anime...

besides me having atm enough anime for a while, the space thing is also a factor since me not likes to backup to discs...

so Rayne, what ya say? think it would be cool to know that when our supplies are low, there is someone we can turn to...

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 01:33
by cYcLIc
By withdrawal do you mean your not into it so much or your taking a voluntary break from it?

Had an involuntary anime withdrawal at the end last year that lasted about 2 months. My gaming withdrawal is still going strong though. Fable should break it...I hope.

Thats what happens when you watch too much anime in a short space.

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 05:31
by Off-The-Chart
Yeah, that sounds bout right...

It might change for me though when I get back to 10gig cap which will then lower my download rate of junk...

Will c end of this month...

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 18:25
by ZeroS
That's exactly one of the reasons why I wanna invite these okes in.

I haven't watched anime for almost 2 months and then I started off on Fate SN which was great. Then I thought about starting Trigun since hearing it is one of the classics. It did seem interesting but it just lacked that appeal and lustre these new animes have. But, nevertheless, I thought I'll sit through it and then my eye caught Shakugan no Shana. I saw a few minutes and Trigun got the Shift + Delete.

I want to watch the good stuff and if it's anyone who knows what's hot and not on the anime scene atm, it would be these dudes. I just found out there'll be a season 2 of Haruhi and a whole new take on Ichigo 100% and darc already has the entire s2 of Black lagoon and the list goes on.

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 18:40
by Off-The-Chart

Me also have the s2 of Black Lagoon...

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 18:48
by Rayne
Off-The-Chart wrote:well I doubt any of us would mind... though like me, Rayne said he has been having bit of 'withdrawal' from anime...

besides me having atm enough anime for a while, the space thing is also a factor since me not likes to backup to discs...

so Rayne, what ya say? think it would be cool to know that when our supplies are low, there is someone we can turn to...
I will not be as involved as before.

Captains are in change.

You oke's know me by now, as such, don't do anything I wouldn't.

And don't let me catch you oke's seeding SA licensed anime.

Remember, rules still apply.

No offence guys, I just bore very quickly.

Would still like to have the drive on occasion though.

I will also help with downloads.

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 18:59
by ZeroS
@OTC - T.T I'm so behind with stuff......

@Rayne - *scratches head frantically.
I thought as much you'ld give a reply like that. Thankfully I've regained some fervour for anime again. For awhile I thought I probably wasn't gonna watch anime again.

Don't worry about the licensed stuff, etc. Not that I check up what's licensed or not but the porno is well hidden on the hd so.... :twisted:

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 19:07
by Off-The-Chart
hahaha ZeroS... I knew I was missing something last time... :twisted:

yeah no Rayne we will have everything in check...

so just to know, when we let someone in the ring, do you want us to have them send you their ID details and stuff in under age, or should we just have them send it to us?

And if we seed something new, and is unsure about it's license we will give you a shout...

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 19:19
by ZeroS
Off-The-Chart wrote:hahaha ZeroS... I knew I was missing something last time... :twisted:

We'll let you in on the next round.:P
Off-The-Chart wrote:yeah no Rayne we will have everything in check...
You qualify as 100% Souf Efrican!
Off-The-Chart wrote:so just to know, when we let someone in the ring, do you want us to have them send you their ID details and stuff in under age, or should we just have them send it to us?
Only if they're hawt females. Unless Rayne swings that way....
Off-The-Chart wrote:And if we seed something new, and is unsure about it's license we will give you a shout...

Oooo yeah! I vouch for this too!

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 19:21
by Off-The-Chart
ZeroS you groupie... :lol:

hey, what if I swing that way? :twisted:

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 19:40
by Rayne
Yeah you guys handle newbies.

/ I still like anime. I just wan't to take a step back.

Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 21:18
by ZeroS
@OTC - My place or yours. Pubic works for you? :lol:

@Rayne - I remember there was this one big gun on one of the big international anime forums and everyone thought the dude lived anime and one he created a thread:
"Do You Guys Think Anime is Getting Boring?"
and everyonbe was 8O myself included. I was too inebriated on anime to think otherwise. Now I understand what the dude was raving about. He still watches but not as hardcore. Same goes for me too.
Right... Now why did I type out this 2c piece of rant again....