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Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 11:25
by Anakha56 ... -Pictures/
Photo Gallery: Retired World of Warcraft Server

Maybe you're addicted to World of Warcraft and spend every free moment immersed in the most popular massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) of all time, wandering through Azeroth doing whatever it is WoW players do. I wouldn't know, but I assume it's a lot of questing and raids.

As popular as WoW has become, I've never set virtual foot in Azeroth. Not once. That's okay because WoW is doing just fine without my participation. At last count, Activision Blizzard pegged the number of subscribers at 10.2 million, or about half a million more than the combined populations of Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, and Washington DC.
Follow the link for further reading and hardware shots...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 16:13
by StarBound
Mists of Pandaria's final raid is "The Seige of Orgrimmar". Players from both horde and alliance will fight to kill Garrosh...

I am so glad I stopped playing. The game was fun but for heaven sake its 2 years away from that patch and already we know what the ending holds. I will be unsubscribing from the web from now on.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 01:36
by StarBound

Don't know how I missed this until recently.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 16:43
by Ron2K
GC blog post on planned looting system improvements for MoP.

The Lurker approves. :P

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 18:03
by StarBound
The Stalker disapproves to a degree. What it does mean that is that off spec might get 2nd priority. So let's throw out this one:

Healer paladin, off spec tank + warrior tank, off spec dps ; dps plate drops, does paladin get it or tank with OS?. tank plate drops, does paladin OS get it or warrior?

Reading more I get where he is coming from. My disapproval is that aspect of "I run a raid for an item for looks" but I suppose that can be fixed with a darkmoon fair look a like item.

And after my almost thoughtfull comment I should say I don't play WoW anymore. Would have been clean for 4 months but I decided to create a free to play account for the long weekend. 2 hours later it got very dusty.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 14:46
by Ron2K
What one of our guild members (with serious artistic talent) gets up to when the servers are down for weekly maintenance:


Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 23:16
by StarBound

Who's the hunter?

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 08 May 2012, 13:03
by DJT
StarBound wrote:/Jealous

Who's the hunter?

No, Who's the tank!

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 08 May 2012, 13:29
by StarBound


Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 18:32
by Thunderzmoon
MUST the 9GB patch be downloaded? :(

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 19:31
by StarBound
Yes if there is a 9GB patch then you must atleast download the system part to play and then the yellow to play without too much interruption and then the green to play properly.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 19:36
by Thunderzmoon
StarBound wrote:Yes if there is a 9GB patch then you must atleast download the system part to play and then the yellow to play without too much interruption and then the green to play properly.
Sigh :(
I wanna play it SO badly but I really don't want to use 9GB of data :| (Not even my own data)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 17:23
by StarBound
Why is it a 9GB patch though? When last did you update the game? Because updating from lich king to cataclysm is the only way that could be possible.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 18:14
by Thunderzmoon
StarBound wrote:Why is it a 9GB patch though? When last did you update the game? Because updating from lich king to cataclysm is the only way that could be possible.
Oh, this is my first time installing the game :(

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 20:20
by StarBound
Wait what?

First time with only vanilla wow? From which game are you installing?

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 10:56
by Ron2K
^^ She's borrowing my installation discs, and I suspect that she hasn't installed all of them. ;)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 09:24
by Ron2K

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 10:20
by StarBound
Pandas, Pandas everywhere!!! On 25 September atleast. ... 25_07_2012

The game will now feature standard edition, Digital deluxe and Collector's Edition. Link below to each:
WoW Item: Mount + pet
Diablo 3: Banners
SC2: Portraits ... s-edition/
WoW Item: Mount + pet
Diablo 3: Banners
SC2: Portraits
Physical: Game disc (duh), Music CD, Making of Bluray/DVD, Artbook, mouse pad

Every fibre of my being wants to buy the CE for the CE content... but I most probably wont be playing the game ever again.
(Yes I am still on my wow break :P went back 3 of 7 free days in December and 1 night with the free wow)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 30 Jul 2012, 18:52
by StarBound
StarBound wrote:Every fibre of my being wants to buy the CE for the CE content... but I most probably wont be playing the game ever again.
But for some reason this landed in my Takealot cart: ... c,12838788

Either the spur of the moment, lack of lust for life or the need to waste money now that my hardware is top of the range.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 19:08
by Thunderzmoon
I still want to join so badly but data, data,data! ._.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 17:58
by StarBound
But your parents for uncapped dsl.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 18:50
by Thunderzmoon
StarBound wrote:But your parents for uncapped dsl.
:cry: I wish...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 16:32
by StarBound
Subbed as of 2 August. Played 2 days.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 14:33
by Ron2K
Fun fact of the day: Jeremy Soule (the man behind the soundtrack of, amongst others, Oblivion and Skyrim) was involved in the Mists of Pandaria soundtrack.

Listen to this at around the 7:40 mark; you'll be able to pick up his influence.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 15:05
by Ron2K
Speaking of which, the cinematic trailer is now out.