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Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 22:12
by Ron2K
Well of Eternity must be one of the most visually awesome instances that I've encountered. Too bad the Sundering wipes it out...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 09:23
by StarBound
I am so dying to pick up a 60 day gametime card and go play the raid finder and 3 instances. But I don't think its a good idea. I don't need to go back to the game of endless grinding. Skyrim is vast enough and actually has an end quest.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 17 Dec 2011, 19:58
by StarBound
So I got 7 days free play time.

Finished the 3 new heroics.
Finished the Dragon Soul raid with LFR and got to say LFR is my kind of raiding system. Very little obligation, not much of a challenge and get some small reward for doing it. Hope they keep it for future raids.

But as I have finished everything except firelands I will be giving WoW some rnr again untill next year with Mists. But again only to have the CE content for Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 09:59
by Ron2K
In my experience:

LFR == Looking For Retards

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 10:02
by StarBound
I didn't have a bad experience with the LFR. The "leader" just posted kill orders and everyone else followed and did their stuff.

Personally I think this should have been implimented a long long time ago. It reminds me of the Scholo/UBRS/Strat raids on a more frantic pace. LFR though is a casual mode/training ground. Once your past it your past it. And if the need arrises for your raid group to change rolls then everyone can just join and it will take 1 hour to finish.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 10:08
by Ron2K
Try it with a bunch of trolls that, 5 seconds after I pulled the group of trash, decided to also pull the other 5 groups of trash plus the boss... I'm extremely surprised that I didn't leave that group earlier than I did. :P

This was on Yor'sahj -- the people were behaving themselves until then.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 06:21
by RuadRauFlessa
iWonWon2000 that is an issue you will get even within a guild. You always get the "smart" guy that starts chain pulling or just pressing tab and hitting off another instant cast that wipes the raid. Personally my experience with it is a lot better than the constant spamming in chat channels for groups and then only to find a group with a ninja that takes the only cloth int item that drops although he is a hunter/rogue/prot pally/warrior

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 07:27
by Ron2K
Still, as one of the tanks (and usually the only one of the two who knows what's going on!), it's rather frustrating.

In related news: we'll be able to form cross-realm RealID groups to hit LFR up with in patch 4.3.2 (which is on the PTR right now). If there's any forum members that would like to run Dragon Soul with me, drop me a PM so I can add you to my RealID list -- but only if you're Horde; you still can't (and probably won't ever be able to) form a cross-faction group.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 07:37
by RuadRauFlessa
Ok give me a month to level and gear a tauren tank....

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:08
by StarBound
Retards will always be an issue until the end of time. WoW just became too big and you blow thru the early levels like a tornado on steroids with an adrenaline rush. How to raid no longer has any meaning and dungeons are scaled more to accomodate leveling players. Maybe Bliz should make those dungeons harder again. But then they will loose players to Old Republic. So try this:

Make old dungeons raidable via raid finder and make the mobs harder. Currently the dungeons are balanced, really really well balanced for 1-3 level difference in mobs which it should have been ages ago. Make raid finder up root that balance again. Trash with levels 2-4 lvls below a boss. Get people into their rolls. Let them know what they should be doing.

Then there is that other factor about when everyones gear gets to above needed to enter players get cocky and mass pull beyond their gear sustainability or fight dynamics.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:22
by GreyWolf
Pugs have really gotten to me in the last week. All of a sudden it has become acceptable to need on OS items without asking / checking if the ms player needs it first. Lost 3 items in this manner.

Also: guys with really bad gear. Joined a random twilight heroic group with a mage wearing pvp gear and an HEIRLOOM cloak, doing 6k dps.

Concerning LFR, I have not had too bad an experience. Considering the groups are 5 times bigger than 5 man dungeons, the problems seem to be quite minimal. Certainly it seems less of a ball-ache than BH runs.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:33
by Ron2K
StarBound wrote:Then there is that other factor about when everyones gear gets to above needed to enter players get cocky and mass pull beyond their gear sustainability or fight dynamics.
I've found that the reduced difficulty of LFR makes players cocky. A good example is Ultraxion's Hour of Twilight ability -- although it only hits for 195K instead of 300K damage on LFR, the DPS doesn't bother getting the hell out of Dodge and instead expects the healers to bring them back up. LFR doesn't require anyone to stay to soak up the damage (although I do as I'll be expected to do so in the progression raids, so I'm using LFR to fine-tune my damage reduction cooldown rotation), so the DPS really has no excuse to give the healers extra work.

For any other paladin tanks reading this: what I found works for soaking up the Hour of Twilight damage is using Divine Protection (which should definitely be glyphed for this fight), and also one of Guardian of Ancient Kings or Argent Defender. Each Hour of Twilight cast will alternate between GoAK and AD as the other will still be on cooldown from the previous cast. Additionally, due to our Last Defender of Azeroth buff, Holy Shield should always be up.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:41
by RuadRauFlessa
iRonRon2000 tell me again on which realm are you? My current guild is not exactly what I would consider as "workable".... The people are nowhere near finishing the previous patch's content and as of yet none of our people that used to raid on a regular basis has actually logged on except for Kronos and myself. I will be more than willing to start up a char on your realm and see how you ppls operate and how it goes and after that if I am satisfied I will think about moving my main characters over.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:48
by StarBound
Think he is one of the Pap en Vleis players from Twilights Hammer.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 12:11
by RuadRauFlessa
Hmmm... Twilights Hammer... Well I'll check it out first as I am not going to do a whole race change on 3/4 chars just for the kicks of it.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 12:53
by Ron2K
StarBound wrote:Think he is one of the Pap en Vleis players from Twilights Hammer.
Yeah, I'm over there. Character profile can be found by those willing to search for it (but please not right now, I still have my damn fishing pole equipped!).

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 14:12
by KatrynKat
wait... you fish?
never took you as a guy that likes fishing.... :)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 14:39
by Ron2K
^^ Indeed. I'm responsible for providing this to my raid team, and I'd prefer the time consuming task of fishing the raw ingredients up than buying them at vastly inflated prices on the AH. (I need my gold for epic gems, dammit!)

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 14:55
by KatrynKat
err... that's nothing compared to standing on the rocks and actually catching a fish....

that there sir... what you do... is geek fishing... :D

// and i will now let you WoWians be...

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 15:00
by GreyWolf
As someone who has experienced both, I can honestly say that they are indistinguishable.

Cast, wait for strike. Repeat.

Online and off, the level of tedium is the same.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 16:38
by StarBound
The difference is after catching fish in wow you get the taste of beef as you eat your takeaways instead of the fish you still need to descale, debone and cook :P

Also the fish in WoW goes for gold while the ones in real life goes for rands. Now if only the gold in wow was linked to the gold exchange rate we'd all be made millionaires.

Kat you can get a "free" WoW account. It takes you up to lvl20 and gives you a taste of what time you can waste on the game. Think I will be getting a special panda edition if only for Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 goodies.

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 16:42
by KatrynKat
but it's fun cleaning fish... :D

i have played WoW before on RRF's account...
but last year i didn't have the time or money to play on...
as soon as i am settled again into the work in Bloem then i will really consider getting an account and all that jazz...
(which will make a few people happy... :) )

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:10
by RuadRauFlessa
Hmmm... I see a Kung Fu Panda coming our way... one with a pink bow...

Oh and at least when you are geek fishing you can at least have a drink without making your name complete pooh

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:32
by StarBound
RuadRauFlessa wrote:Oh and at least when you are geek fishing you can at least have a drink without making your name complete pooh
Have you seen guild chat while under the influince in and outside of the game at the same time? :roll:

Re: World of Warcraft Thread!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:39
by KatrynKat
RuadRauFlessa wrote:Hmmm... I see a Kung Fu Panda coming our way... one with a pink bow...
i prefer a purple bow with pink flowers on it... :D
and no.
StarBound wrote:Have you seen guild chat while under the influince in and outside of the game at the same time? :roll:
nope but i have seen what the masters of a paladin and a mage look like while playing under the influence... :D