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Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:22
by Tribble
Yep - and they live near us. It is one thing to have fetishes and strange stuff - just keep it to yourself. Don't make it public. I dread the day my kids say "Mum, what is beastiality?". Don't want to answer that but will have to.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:56
by Squirly
Tribble wrote:And I have to send my kids out into this sick world. Wish I had had the sense not to have any. How do we protect them from sickos like all those above.
You don't. Your kids will leave the house at one point and they'll run into weirder ***** out in the real world. Rather have them run into this while still in the house, at least you can put it into context.
Tribble wrote: Teachers, doctors, priests (at least I am not Catholic), actually - everyone out there. Even family members are dangerous to them.
I don't want to sound like I'm trivializing these problems, but sometimes I wonder how much our opinion of the severity and frequency of these kind crimes is influenced by the media which, let's face it, always looks for the worst in people. If it bleeds it leads, and all that.

My point is, these kind of people have been around forever. It's just that nowadays with daily newspapers and the internet, it immediately becomes the whole worlds problem if someone on the other side of the planet behaves like an idiot.
Tribble wrote: There is a group of renowned scientists that believe that what we do has nothing actually to do with nurture - our environment. All the decisions we make and the things we do are hardwired into our DNA. There is no choice. If this is the case, none of this will change. As it excuses all the evil in the world, it also excuses those of us who take revenge for these vile actions. We too had no choice - it was predetermined that we would do that.
I believe in free choice. Sure, my likes and dis-likes might be influenced by my genes (I honestly don't know, but I'm not disagreeing) but in the end we still have a choice. there's always a choice. I don't know who these scientist are, but I'm not sure how much "control" our genes have over us, other than making us more or less likely to do something or act in a certain way.
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.
No it's not dude, we just hear more about every little strange thing that happens.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:44
by novell
although what you say about the media is correct, they thirst for stories and when they get them they milk em dry, i rate its naiive to think that the world is exactly the same as it was 20 years ago, its not. things change, no, People change, kids in school today... the things they know, the preasures they encounter are things that i never had to experience in my era, and its getting more messed up with every year that passes. i just hope that i can instill some standards into my children some day that will lead them in the right direction, like you said, there is always choice, i too dont believe that we have no say in what we are urged to do, we always have the final decision. but the way we are brought up will determine how we make those decisions.
people have changed.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:46
by Anthro
No it's not dude, we just hear more about every little strange thing that happens.
She's a lady...
Just thought I'd let you know

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:50
by pok
Anthropoid wrote:Squirly
No it's not dude, we just hear more about every little strange thing that happens.
She's a lady...
Just thought I'd let you know
dudedess - :lol:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:52
by Squirly

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:53
by Moses
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.

Just to put everything into perspective: ... ent_Greece

I really do have a problem with phrases like 'what is the world coming to?' etc.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:55
by Anthro
Some funky pic in that link dude 8O 8O
The bearded man is depicted in a traditional pederastic courtship gesture, one hand reaching to fondle the young man, the other grasping his chin so as to look him in the eye. The youth is putting up symbolic resistance only.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:07
by Squirly
Moses wrote:
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.

Just to put everything into perspective: ... ent_Greece

I really do have a problem with phrases like 'what is the world coming to?' etc.
It's the same as Hilary Clinton and Jack Thomspon. If you belive them, then the US should be populated by lots of juvenile delinquents killing grandparents. Oddly enough, violent crime amongst that demographic has actually been on the decrease for the last 10-20 years. Ever since Doom got released actually.

Take that with as many pinches of salt as you wish, but FBI stats will prove me right.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:43
by Tribble
Wow I sure missed a lot. To try and cover it all......<forgive the spelling - at a client and no spellchecker installed>

In the past we did not hear about things that went on because most people just didn't talk about it. The belief that if you ignored it - it will go away. Many kids and women being abused took it to be the norm - it happened to everyone or they deserved it. I do believe that it is worse now. We can't use the Romans and Ancient Greeks as an example as men had sex with men for pleasure - and with women to procreate.

Women were objects and had no rights. Only as rights became an issue did women start to speak up. Men then realised that things that happened to them - were not the norm and started to speak up too. That is why we hear about it more. On the down side - people with skew tendencies heard about more depraved things, believed that they were normal to feel that way too, and started acting out their desires. So we had people benefit from the openess, and more suffered too. Therefore - we live in a sick world.

As for those stupid scientists - they are wrong. Every religion teaches that we have free choice - even those that don't believe in religion, have the choice not to.

So again, I have had to explain homosexuality, bisexuality and a host of other things to my oldest kids. Now that they can read, they ask those kind of questions. I would rather they hear the facts from me than from their friends. I believe in telling it like it is - but only as much as they can handle. For now, my 7yr old daughter now knows you can't get pregnant my kissing. You get other things - but not a baby. :lol:

And ftr, I don't mind the term dude as this is a sexless environment :lol:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:51
by Hex_Rated
Moses wrote:
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.

Just to put everything into perspective: ... ent_Greece

I really do have a problem with phrases like 'what is the world coming to?' etc.
Michael Jackson would have loved ancient Greece.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:53
by Tribble
Hex_Rated wrote:
Moses wrote:
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.

Just to put everything into perspective: ... ent_Greece

I really do have a problem with phrases like 'what is the world coming to?' etc.
Michael Jackson would have loved ancient Greece.
:D True and so would a few of my friends <nothing bad meant there> :D

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 13:35
by Afflict
Squirly wrote:
Tribble wrote: This world is getting more messed up by the minute.
No it's not dude, we just hear more about every little strange thing that happens.
Squirly has a point we are so well "connected" these days we hear about the information sooner, it spreads like wild fire. Email, Forums, sms etc.

@ Pok : Shouldn't that be dudet ?

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 14:26
by Squirly
Have you read any posts after that one? ;)

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 14:30
by pok
Afflict wrote: @ Pok : Shouldn't that be dudet ?
dudet - another form of dudess but easier to say when in a plural form. or another form of girlfriend

dudette - A girl dude. A female.

all from urban dictionary

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 14:45
by Tribble
And this is the biggest issue of the day. Love this forum!! :D

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 21:15
by Afflict
LoL, oki doki. You did your homework :)

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 22:59
by Tribble
Afflict wrote:LoL, oki doki. You did your homework :)
Naah just a head filled with useless information. :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 22:58
by hamin_aus wrote:Say cheesy: Twin sisters charged for taking racy photos

Twin sisters were charged Tuesday after they allegedly took photos of each other partially nude and in underwear and lingerie and had the film developed at Walgreens.

Pam J. Crane, 29, of 3010 N. 25th St., and Penny J. Crane, 29, of 1822 N. Eighth St., were each charged in Sheboygan County Circuit Court with misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

According to the criminal complaint:

The assistant manager at Walgreens, 1029 N. 14th St., called police after the store developed the film. One photo showed Penny Crane topless and wearing a thong and pantyhose, sitting on a bed in front of Pam Crane’s 5-year-old son. Another photo shows Pam Crane with her shirt over her head and her breast exposed and Penny Crane behind her, a picture the 5-year-old took.

Other photos showed the women wearing underwear and negligees.

“Why they would take those pictures, I have no idea,” said Sheboygan County District Attorney Joe DeCecco, who called the case creepy.

Penny Crane told police her sister bought a disposable camera, which they intended to use to take pictures of each other in lingerie. Penny Crane said the 5-year-old was running through her house during the photo shoot and she wasn’t aware that he was behind her in one photo that showed her topless.

Pam Crane admits she took a photo to send to her boyfriend, but denied that she and her sister were topless.

“I took one sexy picture to send my boyfriend, he’s in Vegas,” Crane said. “None of us were topless.”

A signature bond was set for each woman, and they were scheduled for a plea hearing on May 17. If convicted, each woman faces up to 90 days in jail and $1,000 fine.

Authorities said the sisters wouldn’t be charged if they didn’t have the pictures.

Yeah, the poor kid is gonne be seriously messed up after this...

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 00:37
by Prime
why is it that all these people look stoned... :roll:

and vacant...

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 06:03
by Tribble
And someone would want to see these two naked? Wow, desperate!

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 06:05
by hamin_aus
Tribble wrote:And someone would want to see these two naked?
Well, I won't pay money, but if they threw me a freebie I probably wouldn't say no.... but then , I rubberneck at accidents, so I think I just like to look at gruesome sights.

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 06:07
by Tribble
jamin_za wrote:
Tribble wrote:And someone would want to see these two naked?
Well, I won't pay money, but if they threw me a freebie I probably wouldn't say no.... but then , I rubberneck at accidents, so I think I just like to look at gruesome sights.
At least you are honest and know yourself well. :D

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 23:43
by hamin_aus
Yahoo!News wrote:teachers accused of sex with boys

The arrest of two women teachers on charges of having sex with their male students has brought cries of lingering racism in one of South Carolina's most conservative counties and evoked some of the South's oldest and deepest-seated racial taboos.

Both women are white. The boys — six in all — are black.

Some of the blacks who make up more than a quarter of Laurens County's 70,000 residents are upset over the handling of the two cases, particularly the release of the teachers on bail.

They say the cases reflect the way crimes by whites against blacks in the segregated South were treated less seriously than other offenses, and blacks who leveled accusations against whites were less likely to be believed.

"If this had been black teachers, they would not be out of jail right now," said Corinnie Young, a 49-year-old bookstore employee who is black.

Some blacks shudder to think what would have happened if the teachers were black men and the students were white girls.

"I can assure you if it were an African American male who committed such an offense against a white female, history shows us that the charges, the punishment and the sentencing would be totally different," said state NAACP president Lonnie Randolph. "The system ain't blind when the perpetrator is an African American male or female or when the victim is a white female."

Jerry Peace, the county prosecutor and a white man, said that the teachers are wearing electronic tracking devices and that their release on bail — $125,000 for one, $110,000 for the other — was based not on race, but on the danger to the community and the likelihood that the defendants might flee.

In any case, it would be unusual for someone accused of such a crime to be held without bail. Deborah Ahrens, a visiting professor of criminal law at the University of South Carolina, said of the bail amounts for the two teachers: "For the clients that I've represented in the past that were up for similar offenses, that sounds about right."

Signs of racial tension, old and new, are not hard to find in Laurens County. The school where one of the teachers worked used to be blacks-only. In the town of Laurens, where one of the teachers taught, an old movie theater has been converted into a Ku Klux Klan museum and paraphernalia store called The Redneck Shop. There, visitors can buy Confederate flags and bumper stickers, such as one that depicts three Klansmen and reads "The Original Boys in the Hood."

Textile mills were once the chief source of jobs in the working-class area about 60 miles northwest of the state capital of Columbia, but the industry went into decline in the 1990s. The main employers now include a maker of plastic coolers and Presbyterian College in Clinton. As of 2003, nearly 15 percent of county residents lived below the poverty line.

And as in many communities, most neighborhoods in the county are either black or white. People of different races find themselves side by side in one of two places: work or school.

Wendie Schweikert, a 37-year-old married woman who had been teaching elementary school in Laurens for more than a decade, was arrested last year after the mother of an 11-year-old boy accused her of having sex with the boy at school at least twice. Authorities said they found evidence bearing his DNA in her classroom. She is also accused of having sex with him in her car near a miniature golf course and arcade in Greenville, about 40 miles away.

Allenna Ward, a 24-year-old minister's daughter in her second year of teaching, was fired Feb. 28 after she was charged with having sex with at least five boys. Some of the alleged victims, 14 and 15 years old, were students at the middle school in Clinton where Ward taught. Police say Ward, who is married, had sex with the boys at the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant.

Attempts to contact the women in person and by telephone were unsuccessful, and their lawyers did not return repeated calls.

Black and white residents alike said they are shocked by the accusations. Many echoed the sentiments of Peggy Hawkins, a 50-year-old white resident. "Boys are boys and she done wrong," Hawkins said of one of the teachers.

The Rev. David Kennedy, a local black activist, is among those who see racism at work. He said the white teachers accused of preying on black students figured "they can do what they want to do with them and they know the consequences won't be great."

He suggested that blacks in town are too afraid to speak out: "There's a long history of intimidation and it's a sin. It's unholy in Laurens County to speak out."

Parents whose children go to E.B Morse Elementary School, where Schweikert taught, say they have trouble reconciling the accusations with the woman they knew.

"She was very involved," said Shea Mills, whose son attended the school. "I remember she would make kids pick paper up in the halls."

Bell Street Middle School Principal Maureen Tiller said Ward did well during an evaluation of her skills, and "personality-wise she seemed to be fine."

Nicole Sullivan, whose daughter went to Schweikert's school, said that when the case broke, students brought home notes saying the teacher had resigned. The notes did not explain why.

"I don't want to say it was a racial thing, but if it were a white victim and a black teacher, I think things would have been handled differently," said Sullivan, who is black.

Wendie Schweikert

Allenna Ward
Those Negroes are crazy to hit that :!:

Although, number 2 looks she might clean up well, I'll put her on my standby list.

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 08:05
by Screeper
Just a quick side note on the Ancient Greek train of thought.

The difference between their 'older male with younger male' relationships and our current western outlook on it was that it was an accepted part of the Greek culture whereas in today's society we no longer accept it.

So although the physical practise has followed us through the centuries the way we percieve it has changed.