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Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 19:50
by shlebib
who is that directed @? if me wots wrong with perving?

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 19:51
by Mortal_Wombat
amdretard wrote:If South park counts then Anime is cool
the same goes for Simpson and futurarama
South Park, Futurama and simpsons aren't anywhere near anime, though i liked the South Park rip off in Furi Kuri.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 19:54
by jee
Mortal-Wombat.. that is the beauty of anime.. there are so many sub-divisions.. I wonder who DID NOT watch Robotech... :D I must admit that i love mecha :) but then, we have a saying in Afrikaans "mooi was nog nooit lelik nie" :P

chez, yes, the stories have many morals and lessons.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 19:55
by shlebib
wots robotech??? never heard of it? oh well i dont care... :P

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:01
by hamin_aus
I dont think anyone under 21 without an interest in anime has heard of Robotech.
It's was the first anime series to be successfully "ported" from Japan to the West.
First time watchers may find it a bit corny by todays standards, but back in the 80's this series had me absolutely hooked.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:01
by Leigh
Well, I hereby give up on this thread.

Why the hell it is that people can't just leave other people alone and let them enjoy their little silly romps is beyond me.

All the fanboy rants and insults in here aren't going to change the fact that some of us just don't like anime and are tired of seeing it all over the place. Get over it and go do something constructive like talk about how much you like it in another thread, while those who don't like it can talk about it in here.

This forum has consistently displayed a total lack of tolerance for dissenting opinions, and I think it's particularly pathetic that even the moderators join in the bashing - everyone needs to chill out and in some cases, grow up.

Oh and Jee - if I was really mean and childish I'd make a few insinuations about you myself, but I won't bother. Just stop trying to insult me at every opportunity because it's really gone beyond pathetic .

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:03
by Leigh
Oh and why was this even moved to the Anime forum? That's like putting a hotdog in a pit of Texans and expecting it to stay intact.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:03
by Mortal_Wombat
jee wrote:Mortal-Wombat.. that is the beauty of anime.. there are so many sub-divisions.. I wonder who DID NOT watch Robotech... :D I must admit that i love mecha :) but then, we have a saying in Afrikaans "mooi was nog nooit lelik nie" :P

chez, yes, the stories have many morals and lessons.
I know. I'm pretty sure there's an anmime for every type of person out there. i probarly like sci fi and action anime more because Cowboy Bebop was the first "proper" anime i watched. i just don't like watching scantily clad anime girls, still whatever floats your boat.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:06
by Mortal_Wombat
Leigh wrote:All the fanboy rants and insults in here aren't going to change the fact that some of us just don't like anime and are tired of seeing it all over the place.
And all your rants about how much you hate it isn't going to change the fact that alot of people like it and it isn't gonna go away, so you might as wel get used to it.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:32
by Leigh
Mortal_Wombat wrote:And all your rants about how much you hate it isn't going to change the fact that alot of people like it and it isn't gonna go away, so you might as wel get used to it.
That's my point and I don't see why it is that despite having said this numerous times already in this thread, some of you just DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT.



You don't see us going into anime threads and ranting about how much we think it sucks, so WHY THE HELL are anime fanboys ranting in this thread? WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE?!

I don't give a damn if people like anime, that's not the point of this thread. Are we ranting about PEOPLE WHO LIKE ANIME?! NO! We're talking about the fact that we don't like anime ourselves. And that isn't harming or insulting anyone, so why are anime fanboys insulting US who don't like it? Why do they have to take it all personally and start ranting about something which wasn't the purpose of this thread in the first place?

Edited by Synkronos - I will thank you not to shout, m'dear

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:33
by Mortal_Wombat

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:35
by jee
Leigh, i think one of your chill pills is in order.. You cannot have a controversial debate that is one sided. Live with it.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:36
by J2theT
Anime is like watching soapies everything is the same and even if you miss for a couple of months and watch it again you will still be ablke to figure out what happended previously...

I have to agree.... Anime is just a waste of time to me.

*but this machine of mine is constantly running low/out of virtual memory and tiks me off..*

I'd rather checkout crtas on the road and c if i can determine theyre performance just by looking at them...(only when me is really bored...)

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:39
by Leigh
Grow the hell up Jee.

For someone your age I think you really need to adopt a more mature approach to conversations instead of taking everything personally and hurling insults. Do you see me insulting anyone in this thread? No, but you are. So I'll take a leaf from your book and respond in kind:

I hope when I am your age I have more important things to do with my life than hang around on web forums arguing with people and pseudo-flirting with the guys while trying to act like some kind of alpha female.

I wrote that post in large letters so that people wouldn't miss the point that I am making over and over again.

And and you can ban me for that comment. I don't give a flying ****.

If I'd wanted this thread to be a contraversial debate, I would've called it "The LET'S DEBATE THE MERITS OF ANIME THREAD". Did I call it that? Nooo. I called it an appropriate name for an appropriate subject - a thread where people who DON'T like anime can raise their hands and say that they're tired of it too. I specifically said right at the beginning of the thread that it was NOT intended to be a debate.

How about taking your own advice and actually reading the thread instead of reading the thread title and going off on a tangent that is actually totally against the entire purpose of the thread in the first place?

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:41
by Basipooh
Leigh is right, the point of this thread was not to debate whether anime sucks or not. This thread is specifically for people who do not like anime.

I really dont understand why people who like anime are even wasting their time posting here. It makes no sense, There are plenty of threads for anime lovers.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:43
by ryanrich
Mortal_Wombat wrote:
amdretard wrote:If South park counts then Anime is cool
the same goes for Simpson and futurarama
South Park, Futurama and simpsons aren't anywhere near anime
Damn right they aren't, they're what I refer to as quality entertainment...

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:45
by jee
*sigh* I don't take everything personally Leigh.. nor was I insulting.. this IS a controversial issue, and therefore people WILL say what they think. Is that not what you wanted? And some of us are really interested to the why people dont like anime.

Oh I had nothing against the big bold letters, its kinda nice on my olde eyes. Its the tone of that post. You know, I wonder why you post here if you think that we are a bunch of idiots.

Oh, I dont really want to grow up ;)

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:50
by shlebib
did u even bother to read wat this thread is about, this thread is titled " the I hate anime thread" not lets debate anime here thread. Leigh doesnt go post in the other anime threads and bash anime so why do u hav to get insulting here?
She continously repeated that this thread is NOT for anime fans!!!

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:51
by Leigh
jee wrote:*sigh* I don't take everything personally Leigh.. nor was I insulting.. this IS a controversial issue, and therefore people WILL say what they think. Is that not what you wanted? And some of us are really interested to the why people dont like anime.

Oh I had nothing against the big bold letters, its kinda nice on my olde eyes. Its the tone of that post. You know, I wonder why you post here if you think that we are a bunch of idiots.

Oh, I dont really want to grow up ;)
Oh yes you do take things personally - I've seen it before from you. If you didn't take this thread personally, you wouldn't have started insulting me a few pages ago - accusing me of being arrogant and bloviating - and it's not the first time you've made these insinuations about me either.

And once again, this isn't a debate.
Is that not what you wanted?
DID YOU EVEN READ THE ENTIRE FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD? This is NOT a thread to debate a subject.
And some of us are really interested to the why people dont like anime.
I don't like anime for the same reason I don't like ice-cream. I JUST DON'T. Why can't people simply dislike something out of sheer personal preference?

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:52
by Basipooh
ya jee, if leigh wanted this to be a debate about anime. she would of called it
someting like "The anime debate thread." Sometimes u just need to admit wen u wrong. Dont take offence by this, im saying this from a completely objective point of view.
:P :P

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:55
by DEeRaY
cant we all just agree to disagree!?

some people like pizza and others dont! we dont need to rip each others libs off and beat each other with them cause of it...


Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:58
by capanno
Thats not the point.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:59
by Basipooh

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 20:59
by Mortal_Wombat
Oh okay i'm sorry. it's cool if some people hate anime, i don't realy care. therse lots of thing i hate. so ja cheers i'll go watch some bleach now.

Posted: 03 Nov 2005, 21:00
by DEeRaY
pizza is always the point