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Posted: 23 May 2006, 14:23
by Kher-za
Off-The-Chart wrote:Yeah Trigun was definitely a winner... Mind you not a Elfen or Chrno but definitely up there...
i had chrono in my hand...i was touching it but the dvd didnt work. it looked so good i wanted to cry little animated tears.

Posted: 23 May 2006, 14:26
by Off-The-Chart
And make those big anime girl eyes...
*tries to look away but they are so luring*

One thing that is funny with eyes, is when the guys put the eyes over the hair... I mean hth does that work...

Posted: 23 May 2006, 15:17
by Synkronos
I thought Trigun was really fantastic =) I think a large reason for me enjoying it so much is that I really like both the comedy aspect that it starts out with, and the hardcore bad-mother it ends up being. Some people get chased away by the initial over-the-top silliness and never get to see the second half, which is a pity if you like that kind of thing.

Posted: 23 May 2006, 15:20
by Off-The-Chart
Yeah there were some really funny scenes... And man I loved that gun of his... Mostly the 'merged' one...

Posted: 23 May 2006, 15:30
by Kher-za
Yes Trigun was very good in that aspect, being a comedy for the first few episodes then turning into a really dark and sad series towards the end. I thought that the characters were also very well balanced, nice depth. Vash has to be one of the nicest anime characters that i have seen in a very long time.

Posted: 23 May 2006, 15:36
by Off-The-Chart
Would have been cool if we could discuss it like Eva or Elfen, but for me it was too straight forward...

Posted: 28 May 2006, 16:17
by Off-The-Chart
Ok so been a while since I watched somthing, and so started Sousei no Aquarion yesterday and finished it today...

Not bad... Another mecha series finished on the list...

Got 29 and 30 of Tsubasa this morning and busy finishing with S3 of Galaxy Angels then I will pack a punch on that one...

Although by now I should be used to it, finishing a series with sad/bad endings just doesn't seem to sink in... I keep expecting this or that, and then something completely opposite happens... Oh well, I still keep watching and still not gotten enough of anime...

Posted: 28 May 2006, 17:38
by Rayne
Been a while for me as well. Still have a lot of stuff to watch.

I'm not into Mecha though. I perfer the horror, drama, action, superpower, ecchi kinda stuff.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 07:40
by Off-The-Chart
I am a versatile watcher, but on the drama side, Kimi Ga just got a bit too boring to my liking...

A quick q for Rayne, and maybe Nuke as well: When they refer to "TypeMoon Art", what do they mean? I know Fate is from TypeMoon so I thought that maybe it has something to do with ingame art?

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:06
by Nuke
Ya I think its any ingame art from games like Tsukihime and Fate. Many times pretty H.

BTw OTC the adsl you have, its an uncapped IS account right? Cause if it is I just want to ask you a few Qs about it.

Rayne, dont fear Ill send your anime soon. :)

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:18
by Evade
just got my hands on Hack Sign & Last Exile.....
gota still c wat they like though....

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:40
by CatZ
i have hack sign and watched dot hack sumthing..

hack sign is odd-ish.. not much action but i enjoyed it...

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:43
by Evade
CatZ wrote:i have hack sign and watched dot hack sumthing..

hack sign is odd-ish.. not much action but i enjoyed it...
i just skippd through da 1st ep....
its very bad quality, like da series in 700mb!!! the max the screen can show is like 50% or sum thing just as retarded....
its in english... which i dont like, so if not much action, duno if i'll watch it then.....

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:56
by CatZ
i watched it in japanese.. watched the last ep in english and hated it. at some stages there's really weird stuff going on.. mine is not such bad quality, the whole series takes bit more than 4gb on my hardrive

Posted: 31 May 2006, 10:07
by Off-The-Chart
Yeah Nuke, IS Uncapped...
Yeah it looks like it is ingame type art, not CG though...

Posted: 31 May 2006, 10:09
by ichigo
is'nt Hack based on a game on PS2

Posted: 31 May 2006, 10:21
by Evade
CatZ wrote:i watched it in japanese.. watched the last ep in english and hated it. at some stages there's really weird stuff going on.. mine is not such bad quality, the whole series takes bit more than 4gb on my hardrive
ya, u got way betta quality
mine is 698mb 4 like 20 sunthing eps i think (i no 4 sure der a least 16 eps)
7 yip da english voice actin is pathetic!

Posted: 31 May 2006, 10:46
by CatZ
@ ichcigo - as far as i know yes

@ evade - me and my brother are the same on the watching anime in english thing: you just dont do it.
he bought the ninja scroll series last year at rage and afterwards we dtarted watching it in english... the first ten minutes of the first ep didn't even pass before we stopped it and switched it to japanese with subtitles.. it's just so much better in jap..

Posted: 31 May 2006, 12:10
by Synkronos
@Ichigo & CatZ: Nah, .hack//SIGN came before any of the games. Checkit on Wikipedia - Spoiler warning!

There are a heck of a lot of games based off the series tho =/

Posted: 31 May 2006, 12:22
by CatZ
Synkronos wrote:@Ichigo & CatZ: Nah, .hack//SIGN came before any of the games. Checkit on Wikipedia - Spoiler warning!

There are a heck of a lot of games based off the series tho =/
thanks for that. i didn't know that hack sign was before everything, heard that it was based on the game... it's actually confusing... games based on series and series based on games... and games on games and series on series...

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:39
by Off-The-Chart
Gonna start with Galaxy Angel S2+3+4 and then, "Only the future knows... MWHAHAHAHA!!!"...
Watched Bleach 81 this morning and not bad, though I wish they would get back to the whole Aizen ordeal... Waiting to get 82 but first wanna finish my big H torrent...

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:43
by Nuke
:lol: whats the contents of the torrent? :twisted:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:46
by cYcLIc
Noein. Make sure you check this anime out. It's hot. First episode is on some other! Too bad I only have the first nine episodes.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:46
by Off-The-Chart
that big H should answer that boldly...
actually it's 3 torrents, 2 1.5Gig and then a huge 6Gig... that gonna take a while...

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:52
by Nuke
No I mean what exact series( my eyes cant miss that big H) :twisted: